The Review and Herald

October 6, 1885

Notes of Travel

The English Mission


The first two weeks after we landed in Liverpool we spent in visiting among the churches and unorganized companies of Sabbath-keepers in England. In Grimsby we found a pleasant temporary home among old friends at the Mission, or office of the Present Truth. The building which they occupy is convenient, well lighted, and pleasantly located. All the work on the paper except the press work is done in this building, and most of the workers live here. There is also a good-sized room in the house which is used for meetings, but which will soon be too small. We believe that the time will soon come when it will be necessary to purchase a press upon which to print the paper, also tracts and leaflets, so that the light may shine forth in more distinct rays to every part of the kingdom. RH October 6, 1885, par. 1

Friday evening I spoke in Temperance Hall on the subject of temperance. The idea that it is necessary to commence the work of instruction in self-denial and temperance in childhood, seemed new to the people. The most respectful attention was given as I tried to impress upon parents their accountability to God, and the importance of their laying the foundation of firm principles in their children, thus building a barrier around them against future temptations. RH October 6, 1885, par. 2

Sabbath forenoon, when the little company of Sabbath-keepers assembled for worship, the room was full, and some were seated in the hall. I have ever felt great solemnity in addressing large audiences, and have tried to place myself wholly under the guidance of the Saviour. But I felt even more solemn, if possible, in standing before this small company, who, in the face of obstacles, of reproach and losses, had stepped aside from the multitude who were making void the law of God, and had turned their feet into the way of his commandments. In the afternoon a Sabbath-school and social meeting were held. I spoke about thirty minutes in the meeting, and others followed. As I listened to the testimonies borne, I could but think how similar is the experience of the followers of Christ in England and in America. There is but “one Lord, one faith, one baptism.” RH October 6, 1885, par. 3

Sunday forenoon we had another meeting of the brethren and sisters, and in the evening I spoke in the Town Hall. This, the largest audience room in the place, was crowded, and many were obliged to stand. Those who were best acquainted with the hall estimated that there were twelve hundred present. I have seldom seen a more intelligent, noble looking company. The “Union Temperance Prize Choir” volunteered to come and sing. This choir, which was composed of about fifty voices, did justice to the English love of music by singing seven pieces, three at the opening, two at the close, and two after the benediction. All knew that I was from America, and I did not try to appear English by imitating English customs and practices. Not being ashamed of my country, I still conformed to my simple American manners. The subject of the evening was the love of God; and as I reflected that not until the last great day would I again meet all there assembled, I tried to present the precious things of God in such a way as to draw their minds from earth to heaven. But I could only warn and entreat, and hold up Jesus as the center of attraction, and a heaven of bliss as the eternal reward to the overcomer. RH October 6, 1885, par. 4

Monday we visited Ulceby, where a little company of Sabbath-keepers has been raised up through the labors of Bro. John. These manifested the deepest interest as their attention was called to the importance of searching the Scriptures to ascertain what is truth. The acceptance of truth ever involves a cross, but the only safe course is to follow the light God permits to shine, lest by neglect it shall become darkness. One lady who had been convinced of the truth, but who was still in the valley of decision, there decided to obey all the commandments of God. RH October 6, 1885, par. 5

Wednesday, accompanied by Bro. Lane, we went to Riseley, a small town about forty miles from London. Here Brn. Lane and Durland had been holding a tent-meeting for four weeks. The tent seated about three hundred, and in the evening it was full and a large number stood outside. My heart was especially drawn out for this people, and I would gladly have remained longer with them. Of the audience it could be said, there were honorable women not a few. Several of these had commenced to keep the Sabbath. Many of the men were convinced of the truth, but the question with them was not whether they could keep the Sabbath and have the conveniences and luxuries of life, but whether they could obtain bread, simple bread, for their children. Some conscientious souls have begun to keep the Sabbath. The faith of such will be severely tested. But will not He who careth for the ravens much more care for those who love and fear him? God's eye is upon his conscientious, faithful children in England, and he will make a way for them to keep all his commandments. RH October 6, 1885, par. 6

Thursday we took the cars for London. Here we had the pleasure of meeting Eld. W. M. Jones, publisher of the Sabbath Memorial, and pastor of an S. D. Baptist chapel in London, where he has stood for many years in defense of the Bible Sabbath. We appreciated his kindness in accompanying us to the British Museum, and in explaining to us many things of interest. It would have been pleasant and profitable to spend considerable time among these interesting relics, but we were obliged to leave to meet appointments at Southampton. RH October 6, 1885, par. 7

Southampton is where Eld. Loughborough lived most of the time while he was in England. It is an old town, and, with it suburban villages, has a population of over one hundred thousand. Here we saw the old Roman wall and gates with towers above, which were once used as courts of justice. Although built over nine hundred years ago, the wall in many places has not been impaired by age. While here I spoke to the church Friday evening and twice on the Sabbath. Appointments were out for Sunday evening in a large hall, but Sunday morning found me sick with a severe cold. I could sit up but little. During the day we rode out, and I came near fainting. The brethren saw that it would be impossible for me to speak that night unless the Lord should work in a special manner. I tried to pray over the matter, and decided to do my part. I rose from the bed, rode to the hall, and stood upon my feet, and the Lord gave me strength as he had many times before under similar circumstances. The pain in my head ceased the soreness in my throat was removed, and I spoke for more than an hour with perfect freedom. The Lord's name shall have all the glory. Monday I was able to return with our company to London, where we remained two days, on our way to Switzerland. RH October 6, 1885, par. 8

Although England covers a small territory, it has a vast population, and is a large missionary field. Hundreds could find room to work here if they had the missionary spirit. But where, oh where, are the men who love the truth and precious souls enough to give themselves with unselfish devotion to the work? Men are wanted who are willing to leave their farms, their business, and their families, if need be, to become missionaries. There have been men who, stirred by the love of Christ and the love of souls, have left the comforts of home and the society of friends, even that of wife and children, to go into foreign lands, among savages and heathen idolaters, in hope of sowing the seeds of truth. Many have lost their lives in the attempt, but others have been raised up to carry the work forward. Thus the work has progressed step by step, and the seeds of truth sown in sorrow have borne a bountiful harvest. The knowledge of the Bible has been extended, and the gospel banner has been established in heathen lands. The Protestant martyrs endured every hardship that they might get the word of life before men who were bound up in ignorance and superstition. RH October 6, 1885, par. 9

Salvation was brought to us at great self-denial and infinite cost by the Son of God. Some have followed his example, and have not let farms, or pleasant homes, or even loved ones, stand in their way. They have left all for Christ. But I am grieved and astonished that there are so few that have the real missionary spirit at this time. The end so near, the warning of a soon-coming Judgment yet to be given to all nations, tongues, and people, yet where are the men who are willing to make any and every sacrifice to get the truth before the world? Some who do go forth as missionaries are so grieved to leave the things they love that they keep in a state of sorrow and depression, and one half of their usefulness is destroyed. They are not called to go among heathen or savages, to suffer for food or clothing, nor are they deprived of even the conveniences of life; and yet they look upon themselves as martyrs. They are not bold soldiers of the cross of Christ. They do not give him willing service. RH October 6, 1885, par. 10

There is abundant opportunity, even in England, to get the truth before the people. It has been thought that tent-meetings could not be held here; but the experience of Brn. Lane and Durland this season has proved that in many places this is the very best means of reaching the people. Open-air meetings are quite common. If conducted on right principles, they are good. Jesus placed himself in the great thoroughfares of travel, where his voice was heard by thousands. The precious words that fell from his lips found a lodgment in many hearts, and caused them to search and see if these things were so. It is most difficult in England to reach the higher classes. The barriers are built up high and firm between the wealthy and the workers. Wealth is greatness and power; poverty means little less than slavery. The truth will often find its way to the noblemen by first reaching the middle and poorer classes. This was the case in Paul's day. The truth found its way into Caesar's household through one who was held in bonds, and men and women of high rank became disciples of Christ. Some who are servants and ladies’ maids are quietly working to get the truth before those for whom they labor. Thus through servants or relatives the truth will reach the highest as well as the lowest. RH October 6, 1885, par. 11

The work in England is yet in its infancy; but we have faith to believe that if the workers make God their wisdom, and trust in him, we will soon see a much greater work done than has been accomplished in the past. Means are needed to extend the work. The gold and silver belong to God; the cattle upon a thousand hills are his also. He has intrusted means with his stewards so that they may use it in advancing his cause. If those who profess the truth would live nearer to God, their senses would not be so confused with the things of this world that they would not discern the wants of the cause for this time. We must pray in faith that God will move upon men who have means, to use it to extend his work on earth. We must also pray earnestly that the Lord will raise up more men who have ability, and who will feel the burden of his work, and carry it forward. God will accept of hundreds of laborers if they will give themselves and their means to the work. He will hold men accountable who have received great light and yet are not aroused to see the importance of engaging in personal efforts for the salvation of their fellow-men. Energy and a spirit of self-sacrifice and denial are needed in entering the missionary field. I know whereof I speak. Resolute and unyielding men will accomplish much. We have had an experience in the work from its commencement. It began in weakness, but we can testify that wonders can be accomplished by resolute perseverance, patient toil, and firm trust in the Lord God of Israel. There is scarcely a limit to what may be achieved, if the efforts are governed by enlightened judgment, and backed up by earnest exertion. The apostle exhorts us to have respect unto the recompense of the reward. Life, eternal life, will be the reward of the faithful, true worker. May the Lord bless the labors of the faithful few who are trying to spread the truth in England, and may he grant to speedily raise up more laborers and greater facilities for advancing the work. RH October 6, 1885, par. 12