The Review and Herald

February 6, 1879

An Appeal for Northern Europe


In my last vision I was shown the importance of the work in Northern Europe. The people are awakening to the truth. The Lord has given Elder Matteson a testimony to reach hearts. But the work is just entered upon. With judicious, self-sacrificing labor, many souls will be brought to the knowledge of the truth. There should be several unselfish, God-fearing workers in this missionary field, who will labor for souls as they that must give account in the day of Judgment. RH February 6, 1879, par. 1

I have been shown that not all is being done by our Swedish, Norwegian, and Danish brethren that they might and should do for their own countrymen. As soon as they embrace the truth, they ought to feel the fire of missionary zeal kindled in their hearts for their brethren in the darkness of error. Many are looking for help from their American brethren while they do not do their duty and feel the burden God requires them to feel for those of their own nation. They may do very much more than they are now doing if they will. These brethren must overcome selfishness and arouse to a sense of their responsibilities to God and their fellow countrymen, or they will lose the precious reward they might secure by putting their talents of means into the treasury of God, and by wisely-directed personal effort, thus being instrumental in the salvation of many souls. RH February 6, 1879, par. 2

Young men should be educated to become missionaries to their own nation, to teach the truth to those in darkness. Publications should be printed in Europe. But at the present time there is altogether too much ease and too little zeal among the Danes, Swedes, and Norwegians who believe the truth in this country to sustain such a continual drain upon their funds. And for this reason I urge upon them the necessity of coming up into working order, feeling even a greater interest for their own people than their American brethren have shown. God requires that these brethren should come up to the help of the Lord without delay. RH February 6, 1879, par. 3

The Lord is the great benefactor of the universe, a being of infinite love. His tender mercy is over all his works. He sees the great want of those in different countries who have not the truth. Thousands are not satisfied with their present state, and desire to learn a better way. They are hungering and thirsting for light, and longing for greater surety and deeper spirituality. Minds are deeply stirred, and yet how few there are to bear the message to them! RH February 6, 1879, par. 4

Brethren, we need a deeper work of the Spirit of God in our own hearts. Jesus was rich in Heaven; but for our sakes he became poor, that we through his poverty might be made rich. The life of Christ, his self-denial and self-sacrifice, rebukes the indolence and inactivity of those who might and should engage in this great work of doing what they can to save their fellow-men. God requires that we should be like Christ, bear his image and imitate his example. RH February 6, 1879, par. 5

I was shown that many in Northern Europe had embraced the truth through reading. Their souls were hungering for light and knowledge when some tracts or papers came into their hands, and they were represented to me as reading. The wants of their souls were met; the Spirit of God softened and impressed their hearts; tears were in their eyes, and sobs came from burdened hearts. They knelt with the leaflets in their hands, and with earnest prayer besought the Lord to lead them and help them to receive the light as it was from him. Some surrendered themselves to God. Uncertainty was gone; and as they accepted the truth upon the Sabbath of the fourth commandment, they felt that they were indeed standing upon the Rock of Ages. Many persons scattered all through Northern Europe were presented to me as being ready to accept the light of truth. RH February 6, 1879, par. 6

I also saw Bro. Matteson at work among this very people. A cry comes to us from him across the waters for help. Shall we let him call in vain? We want to invest one hundred dollars in this mission. We do not want to hide our talents in the earth where they will do no one any good, but we wish to put them out to the exchangers where they can be used for the salvation of the souls for whom Christ has died. RH February 6, 1879, par. 7

We do not feel in the least discouraged to have these calls come in from foreign countries. They will not be made in vain. There are noble, self sacrificing men and women in our ranks who only wait to know their duty, and they are ready to engage in the work personally, or to help with their money. In doing this they are not only blessing others, but they are blessing themselves. Said Christ, “Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasures in Heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal.” It is for ourselves we are laying up treasure. I would not, for my right hand, do as some of our brethren have done. They make but little distribution of their means to sustain the cause of God, and excuse their consciences by resolving that when they shall have no further use for it they will will it to the cause of God. Will such poor, faithless souls have credit for laying up treasure in Heaven? No, no. Satan, through his agents, begins to work to secure the means in his cause, and he generally succeeds. This should be a standing rebuke to those unfaithful stewards, who are acting over the same plan hundreds have acted before them. RH February 6, 1879, par. 8

Men are too faithless to use their talents themselves and put it out to the exchangers, and so they would throw all the burden of their stewardship upon someone after they are gone. How much better for them to use the means which God has loaned them to be used for the advancement of his cause and to glorify his name on the earth. RH February 6, 1879, par. 9

The time is near when we shall be called to give an account of the manner in which we have spent our means. When the great white throne comes down from Heaven, and He sitteth thereon from whose face the heavens and earth flee away, then the dead, small and great, will stand before God, and the books will be opened, and all will be judged according to the things written in the books. We are trying to send our means beforehand into glory, and we call upon the selfish and penurious to arouse and do their duty before it shall be too late. RH February 6, 1879, par. 10

Put the means God has lent you out to the exchangers yourselves. The Lord will require of us personally a faithful record of how we have used our talents of means. Can we show a wise and faithful stewardship? How will you who hide your talents in the earth answer in that day? How will you answer who spend money upon your idols, tea and coffee? How will you, my sisters, answer, who spend much of the Lord's money in needless, expensive dress, when plain, modest apparel would be more in accordance with your faith? RH February 6, 1879, par. 11

You who would imitate your self-denying Redeemer, should deny the appetite, take the money formerly expended for tea and coffee and many other hurtful indulgences, and put it into the treasury of God. You should have a missionary box, and put the money into it which you have been in the habit of spending for these wicked indulgences which ought long ago to have been laid aside. RH February 6, 1879, par. 12

Is it not high time that we begin to make some little sacrifice for Christ, when he has sacrificed his life for us? Let the tea and coffee money, and money that is spent so freely for dress and ornaments, be sent in to the treasury, and God will bless you for whatever sacrifice you make for his cause. Shall these important calls for means to carry forward this missionary work come to us across the broad waters in vain? No, no; let every voice answer, No! RH February 6, 1879, par. 13

E. G. W.

We recommend that Eld. Matteson commence to publish a paper without delay, and we direct that one hundred dollars be sent to him immediately. RH February 6, 1879, par. 14

We now call for one thousand dollars to be raised, to assist Bro. Matteson in publishing the paper, in issuing another edition of his European hymn book, and to meet other expenses of the mission during the present year. Our American brethren, who are able, are urgently invited to follow our example in this good work; but the Scandinavian brethren, who have taken but little stock in our Publishing Houses, College, and Sanitarium are our main dependence in promptly raising this sum. RH February 6, 1879, par. 15

We pledge to pay monthly for this purpose, J. and E. G. White $5.00, and of this sum we now pay for present relief $15.00. RH February 6, 1879, par. 16

Brethren, send in your pledges and money as soon as possible. And with your alms, let your prayers come up before God for perishing souls in Northern Europe. RH February 6, 1879, par. 17

James White, Ellen G. White.