The Signs of the Times


October 24, 1900

A Present Help in Every Time of Need


Christ's workers should be well qualified, well trained men and women, enjoying the vigorous use of all their powers. They should be men and women who have denied self, who in a crisis will know, as did Daniel, what course to pursue in order to honor and glorify God. ST October 24, 1900, par. 1

Infidelity in many specious forms will have to be met. Satan works under disguise, and it will require a well-trained mind, sharpened by divine enlightenment, to meet his wily devices. Men can not now retain with safety defects of character. If they do not make determined efforts to overcome hereditary and cultivated tendencies to wrong, these tendencies will become lusts which war against the soul. ST October 24, 1900, par. 2

My heart is stirred within me as I see so many cities and villages in the darkness of superstition and ignorance, with no one to teach them the special truths so important for this time. I can scarcely restrain myself from crying aloud, Where are the missionaries to carry light to these ignorant ones? Where are the men and women who will work with self-denial and self-sacrifice to save souls? ST October 24, 1900, par. 3

Alas, are there not many like the doomed fig-tree which bore no fruit,—mere cumberers of the ground? They seem to think that to profess Christ constitutes the sum of Christianity. Many live in the hope of some day growing better, but they do not advance a step. They dishonor the religion of the Bible by lowering the standard to meet their own attainments. They do not prepare to meet the assaults of Satan. They do not realize that God calls upon them to engage in a constant warfare against the selfishness and pride of their own hearts. They do not crucify self. O, for more of the Spirit of the Master! How much His people need it! ST October 24, 1900, par. 4

Every day and every hour we need the sanctification of the Spirit, else we shall be taken unawares. Christ, the Commander of heaven, durst not bring against the devil a railing accusation, altho He had every excuse for doing so. We need to learn how to manifest Christlike humility. “Take My yoke upon you, and learn of Me,” the Saviour says. “I am not boastful. I hide My glory. I am meek and lowly in heart.” When God's people have sanctified hearts and sanctified tongues, they will do a work that will not need to be repented of. The influence they exert will be a savor of life unto life. The Lord is opening the way for the spread of the Gospel, but we are not ready. Daily we need to be softened and refined by the Holy Spirit's power. Even our thoughts are to be brought into subjection to Christ. Unconsecrated self is to be crucified. Like Mary, we are to sit at the feet of Christ and learn of Him. ST October 24, 1900, par. 5

As we work for Christ, we need not appeal to the wisdom of human beings. Christ says, “Come unto Me, ... and I will give you rest.” Have faith in God. What is faith?—“The substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” Without faith it is impossible to please God. Make faith in Christ a glorious reality. A mighty faith in the Redeemer exerts an influence which nothing can withstand. God Himself comes to the help of His tried and tempted but faithful followers. ST October 24, 1900, par. 6

God is our only sure defense. The new and living way is opened before every one who cheerfully submits to the yoke of Christ. The strength of the Lord is made perfect in the weakness of His followers, whether they be as renowned as Paul or as obscure as the least of the disciples. Those who suppose that they are perfect need to take Christ's yoke upon them, and learn of Him His meekness and lowliness. Thus they will find out how weak and inefficient they really are. Those who think themselves to be pure in spirit and strong in faith need to learn daily the meaning of the words, “Without Me ye can do nothing.” ST October 24, 1900, par. 7

As laborers together in God we are to be thankful that we are not all cast in the same mould. Every leaf in the Lord's creation has an identity of its own. God does not ask His followers to be precisely alike. Temptations come to each one in a different way, and God reveals His power by upholding and delivering each one. Deliverance in time of trial is prepared for all who are tempted no matter how diverse their temptations may be. Strength to advance upward and forward is provided for each one. ST October 24, 1900, par. 8

Every soul must fight his own battles. He must himself put on the armor. He must pray for himself. He must commune with God for himself. He must keep his own soul under watchful guidance, knowing that if he does his part, God will not fail of doing His part. ST October 24, 1900, par. 9

As the tempted one draws nigh to God, God draws nigh to him, and lifts up for him a standard against the enemy. As human beings seek the Lord in earnest prayer, they will learn what no human being can teach them. They will see what transgression of the law means, and what a costly price has been paid for the redemption of the race. They will hate the sins that wound the heart of Christ. They will see in Jesus a compassionate, tender High Priest, and will bow in contrition before Him. ST October 24, 1900, par. 10

God's people are weak because they have not made Him their trust. They have not made Him their dependence, but have laid their burdens on finite minds and human hearts. The help they have received has been like the helpers they have sought. God has been lost sight of. Look to Him who can say, “I will; be thou clean,” and straightway the leprosy of sin departs. Go for help to Him who commands the winds and the waves, and they obey His voice; who speaks, and the dead come forth from corruption to life and health. Glory and majesty surround Him in all His ways. ST October 24, 1900, par. 11

Who ever spake as did Jesus? His prayers were an expression of the divine will. Who ever loved men and women like Him who gave His life for them? He is the Holy One of God, and He is entitled to our praise and adoration. His glory and majesty fill the heavens, and yet He is filled with love and sympathy for His weakest child. ST October 24, 1900, par. 12

How infinitely inferior we are to the perfect Pattern that we are called upon to copy! Yet in His strength we can reach the ideal set before us. We can do “all things” in His power. We are to give to the people of God today the message given to Moses for the children of Israel, “Go forward.” Christ spoke these words. He guided the children of Israel through the wilderness. His right arm brought them victory in their warfare against their enemies; and He is just as willing to help us in our warfare as He was to help them. ST October 24, 1900, par. 13

Mrs. E. G. White