The Signs of the Times

April 27, 1891

What is Sown Will Be Reaped


The value of salvation, purchased at infinite cost, makes its neglect more terrible, and insures certain destruction to the soul who is indifferent to its provisions and benefits. The mercies of God, so inexpressibly great, will, if neglected and scorned, make the sinner's doom more sure. When man despises the love of God, he chooses the association of those who are at enmity with God and not subject to his law, and he could not be happy with God even in the kingdom of heaven. The Bible declares that “he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.” Those who are at enmity with God sow to the flesh, and they cannot enter heaven; for they would be out of harmony with God, and with the spirit and joy of his kingdom. ST April 27, 1891, par. 1

The Bible declares that the sins of the fathers are visited upon the children to the third and fourth generation of them that hate God. Many wonder over this statement, but it can be understood. The father who sows iniquity educates his children to sow iniquity, for through the sight of the eyes and the hearing of the ears the children will receive seed that will bear a harvest of evil, unless they yield the heart to divine influences outside of their own family. Those who set themselves to work evil may carry on their work with bold defiance of God, but the influence of their unbelief and impenitence will reach beyond their own generation. The kind of training that evil men give their children will perpetuate ungodly principles and habits; the children will be averse to religion, they will not recognize the claims of God upon them, and when they attain maturity, they will stand forth with godless characters, defiant of Christ and the claims of God's law. ST April 27, 1891, par. 2

The Lord cannot give those who are insubordinate a place in his kingdom of peace. Satan and the angels that united with him were expelled from heaven because of insubordination, and men who choose evil rather than righteousness, unite with the great rebel, and they can no more enter the kingdom of God with their characters wholly unlike God's, than can Satan himself become an inhabitant of heaven. ST April 27, 1891, par. 3

“And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.” “Thus saith the Lord, Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, neither let the mighty man glory in his might, let not the rich man glory in his riches; but let him that glorieth glory in this, that he understandeth and knoweth me, that I am the Lord which exercise loving-kindness, judgment, and righteousness, in the earth; for in these things I delight, saith the Lord.” ST April 27, 1891, par. 4

Parents whose affections are given to God, who love to meditate upon his character, who are sowing seeds of truth and righteousness, are making sure of a rich harvest; for that which they sow, they will reap. Every good deed accomplished for Christ's sake, with reliance upon his merits through personal faith in his power, places them upon vantage-ground in the family and in the neighborhood, and gives them fresh strength for the practice of virtue. They grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. Their love and reverence for God are manifested in a life of obedience to his commandments. They sow love and reverence for God in the hearts of their children, and the practice of virtue and righteousness produces a harvest—to be reaped from the virtuous lives of the children. ST April 27, 1891, par. 5

As parents educate their children according to God's order, teaching them both by precept and example to love and reverence God, to obey every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God, they educate themselves, and strengthen their own souls in the love of Christ. He who teaches the lessons of Christ sows precious seed that not only reproduces itself in the hearts of those taught, but takes new root, and springs up afresh in the heart of the teacher. In presenting the truth so that it may be comprehended by undisciplined youthful minds, the parent or teacher finds that it has new power and vividness to his own soul. In seeking to impress its importance upon the conscience of the young, we realize its value to a greater extent than before, and better appreciate the divine character of our Redeemer. By dwelling upon the character of Christ, the teacher, beholding him, will become changed; he will catch his Spirit, and diffuse the light of the Sun of Righteousness, flashing the bright beams of Christ's righteousness into the minds of his pupils, and his own soul will be refreshed, and he will realize that whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. ST April 27, 1891, par. 6

As you lift up Christ to others, you will behold his charms in a new light, and as you teach, your faith and works will agree. Those whom you instruct will receive ideas, which will be communicated to others, and they in turn will give the lessons you have given them, and use the illustrations you have impressed upon their minds, in teaching their children or pupils. Thus the good seed will be continually scattered, and will reproduce itself in an abundant and blessed harvest. ST April 27, 1891, par. 7