Pacific Union Recorder


December 8, 1904

A Sin-Pardoning Saviour


Nothing else in this world is so dear to God as His church. Nothing else is watched over by Him with such jealous care. Nothing else so grieves His heart of love as the injuries inflicted in His church by those who are opposed to His government. PUR December 8, 1904, par. 1

Human might and human wisdom did not establish the church of God, and neither can they destroy it. The members of the church will have to meet the seducing arts of the enemy. They will be assailed by the representatives of Satan. Let them not get into controversy with those who are adepts at warfare of this kind. If they will answer their assailants in the words of the Scripture, Satan's arguments will prove to be nothingness. The Word of God in the hearts of His people is a power unto life and salvation. Fighting under the divine Commander, they will obtain the victory. The Life-giver will strengthen them to overcome. PUR December 8, 1904, par. 2

There is comfort and encouragement for us in the scene described in the third chapter of Zechariah. We read: “And he showed me Joshua the high priest standing before the angel of the Lord, and Satan standing at his right hand to resist him. And the Lord said unto Satan, The Lord rebuke thee, O Satan; even the Lord that hath chosen Jerusalem rebuke thee; is not this a brand plucked out of the fire? PUR December 8, 1904, par. 3

“Now Joshua was clothed with filthy garments, and stood before the angel. And he answered and spake unto those that stood before him, saying, Take away the filthy garments from him. And unto him he said, Behold, I have caused thine iniquity to pass from thee, and I will clothe thee with change of raiment. And I said, Let them set a fair miter upon his head. So they set a fair miter upon his head, and clothed him with garments. And the angel of the Lord stood by. PUR December 8, 1904, par. 4

“And the angel of the Lord protested unto Joshua, saying, Thus saith the Lord of Hosts: If thou wilt walk in My ways, and if Thou wilt keep My charge, then thou shalt also judge My house, and shalt also keep My courts, and I will give thee places to walk among these that stand by.” PUR December 8, 1904, par. 5

Joshua, standing before the angel of the Lord with defiled garments, represents those whose religious life has been faulty, who have been overcome by Satan's temptations, and are unworthy of God's favor. Today human beings stand before God with defiled garments. All their righteousness is “as filthy rags.” Satan uses against them his masterly accusing power, pointing to their imperfections as evidence of their weakness. He points scornfully at the mistakes of those who claim to be doing God's service. They have been deceived by him, and he asks permission to destroy them. PUR December 8, 1904, par. 6

But they trust in Christ, and He will not forsake them. He came to this world to take away their sins, and to impute to them His righteousness. He declares that through faith in His name they may receive forgiveness and may perfect Christian characters. They have confessed their sins, and have asked for pardon, and the Saviour declares that because they trust in Him, He will give them power to become the sons of God. PUR December 8, 1904, par. 7

Their characters are defective, but because they have not trusted in their own merits or excused their sins, because they have humbled themselves and confessed their sins, seeking forgiveness, the Lord receives them, and rebukes Satan. He refuses to listen to the enemy's accusations. He has abundantly pardoned the penitent ones, and will carry forward in them His work of redeeming love if they will continue to believe in Him and to trust Him. He will perfect their redemption, defeating the enemy, and glorifying His name in their salvation. PUR December 8, 1904, par. 8

And let not those who have been forgiven forget that they have a part to act. Those who by divine grace have gained the mastery over their faults, are to help others to overcome, pointing them to the Source of strength. To every converted soul is given the privilege of helping those around him who do not rejoice in the light in which he is standing. They also may know the joy that has come to him. They may take their place in the world as God's light-bearers. PUR December 8, 1904, par. 9

How helpful we may be to one another by receiving from Christ the divine blessing, and then sharing it with those in need. The true Christian will leave nothing undone that he can do to raise to newness of life those who are dead in trespasses and sins. He will work as Christ worked. PUR December 8, 1904, par. 10

Especially are those whom God has set over His church to watch for souls as they that must give an account. They may accomplish great good if they will walk humbly with God, hiding self in Christ. Those who have a living connection with Christ become partakers of the divine nature. Those who give to others the light they have received are representatives of the heavenly Worker. PUR December 8, 1904, par. 11

Ellen G. White