Pacific Union Recorder


July 28, 1904

Work for Laymen


The following is from a Testimony written at Nashville, Tenn., June 30, 1904: PUR July 28, 1904, par. 1


“Those who have long known the truth need to seek the Lord most earnestly, that their hearts may be filled with a determination to work for their neighbors. My brethren and sisters, visit those who live near you, and, by sympathy and kindness, seek to reach their hearts. Be sure to work in a way that will remove prejudice, instead of creating it. And remember that those who know the truth for this time, and yet confine their efforts to their own churches, refusing to work for their unconverted neighbors, will be called to account for unfulfilled duties. PUR July 28, 1904, par. 2

“Lend your neighbors some of our smaller books. If their interest is awakened, take them some of the larger books. Show them ‘Christ's Object Lessons,’ tell them its history, and ask them if they do not want a copy. If they already have it, ask them if they do not want to read other books of a similar nature. If possible, secure an opportunity to teach them the truth. Beside all waters the workers are to sow the seeds of truth, not knowing which shall prosper, this or that, but ever walking in humility and trust beside the One who has declared, ‘Lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end.’” PUR July 28, 1904, par. 3