Pacific Union Recorder


July 6, 1905

Words of Encouragement to Workers


He who is called of God to be a co-laborer with the Master should put all his energies to the accomplishment of so sacred a work. Every other consideration should become secondary to this great object. He should feel the solemn obligations resting upon him, one whom God has honored by choosing to unite him with the angels in the work of ministering to souls and enlightening them with divine truth. The history of our Saviour's conflict in the wilderness of temptation, His life of self-sacrificing love, His soul-agony in Gethsemane, the cruelty of the judgment hall, and the agony upon the cross,—all combine to teach a lesson of self-sacrifice, of patience under affliction, of solemn consecration to God, and of fitting preparation for His holy work. PUR July 6, 1905, par. 1

Laborer for God, when weary and heavy laden, flee to Christ who has promised you rest. He is the burden-bearer; He is your strength. Never allow yourself to believe that you are in yourself sufficient for the exigency of the times; never regard yourself as a graduated Christian. Your work is to discipline the mind, to store up knowledge, to perfect character while life lasts. Only thus can you be able to wage successfully the great warfare of life. PUR July 6, 1905, par. 2

Keep the spirit humble as that of a little child. In the simplicity of love, be like those little ones whose angels do always behold the face of our heavenly Father. But unite with these virtues the courage of a tried warrior. We want faithful Calebs who will raise their voices fearlessly in defense of the right, who are the first to press into the front of the battle, and plant the banner of truth in the heart of the enemy's camp. PUR July 6, 1905, par. 3

Jesus calls for young men who will volunteer to carry the truth to the world. Men of spiritual stamina are wanted, men who are able to find work close at hand, because they are looking for it. The church needs new men to give energy to the ranks, men for the times, able to cope with its errors, men who will inspire with fresh zeal the flagging efforts of the few laborers, men whose hearts are warm with Christian love, and whose hands are eager to go about their Master's work. PUR July 6, 1905, par. 4

The unsearchable riches of Christ are to be presented to the world in contrast with the poverty of sin, and the delusive pleasures of the world. Only a heart burning with the love of God, only a mind active by constant study of eternal interests, can properly set forth the beauties of the truth of God. PUR July 6, 1905, par. 5

Those who unreservedly give themselves to this work, who faithfully reflect the beams of the Sun of Righteousness, fulfilling their mission with fidelity and love, will be recompensed on earth by the sweet consciousness of duty performed, and in the bright hereafter, when the saints shall come into their inheritance, the devoted worker for Christ will be welcomed into the joy of his Lord, hearing from the Master's lips, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant.” PUR July 6, 1905, par. 6

Mrs. E. G. White