Pacific Union Recorder


March 16, 1905

Be Not Weary in Well Doing


Our churches are often appealed to for gifts and offerings to aid missionary enterprises in the home field, and to sustain foreign missionary work. Let us not become impatient because we are often asked to give a portion of the means entrusted to us, for the upbuilding of the cause of God. Just now the work in Washington demands our immediate consideration. Recent developments in Washington show that the removal of the General Conference offices to that city was a right move, and a move made none too soon. PUR March 16, 1905, par. 1

As soon as the sum asked for the work in Washington is made up, other important cities must receive consideration. PUR March 16, 1905, par. 2

Our churches have shown much liberality, but they have not done all that they are able to do. Some have carried very heavy burdens, but there are others who are not willing to deny self. I appeal to every family of believers in our land to consecrate themselves to the work of soul-saving, pledging’ themselves to advance the Lord's work by every means within their power. Let the older ones repress the desire to gratify self, and let the children be taught to save their pennies for the Lord. Let parents take up the cross of self-sacrifice, which lies so plainly in the pathway to holiness. Let the young men and young women who are tempted to expend means to gratify self, say, “No! I will not rob the cause of God by spending money for that which is useless.” PUR March 16, 1905, par. 3

Let the students in our schools and the children in our Sabbath-schools be diligently trained in liberality. Short, interesting articles should be prepared for their study,—articles that will arouse in them a desire to give to the cause of God. The habit of liberality should grow with their growth and strengthen with their strength. They should early be taught to lay by their pennies, so that they will have something to give when God's servants make a call for help. Let them be taught that they can be the helping hand of the Lord by adding their gifts to the means placed in the treasury. The work to be done in our world should be kept before them, and they should be encouraged and helped to prepare themselves for active service. Let them be dedicated to God's service while the dew of youth is yet upon them. PUR March 16, 1905, par. 4

Let not our church-members complain because they are so often called upon to give. What is it that makes frequent calls a necessity? Is it not the rapid increase of missionary enterprises? Shall we, by refusing to give, retard the growth of these enterprises? Shall we forget that we are laborers together with God? From every church, prayers should ascend to God for an increase of devotion and liberality. PUR March 16, 1905, par. 5

Those whose hearts are knit together with the heart of Christ will be glad to do what they can to help the cause of God. They will say, “I will do my best. Whatever others may do, my duty is clear.” They will rejoice in the continual expansion and advancement that means larger and more frequently-given offerings. PUR March 16, 1905, par. 6

Ellen G. White