Medical Ministry

The Physician's Influence

Physicians who cultivate a sense of the presence of God will impress their patients with the influence of truth. As they show that they truly believe the words, “I know that my Redeemer liveth, to make intercession for me, and that because He lives, I shall live also,” the influence of this is felt. Physicians little know the power they will have in the sickroom if they recognize the presence of God. Their words will be of such a character that impressions for good will be made upon minds.... MM 33.4

Open every window heavenward, welcoming the bright, heavenly rays of the Sun of Righteousness. “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.” Living and working under the constant impression, “Lo, God is here,” brings a hallowed influence, which the Spirit is ever impressing on heart and mind.—Manuscript 33, 1901. MM 33.5