Medical Ministry

Plants in Foreign Fields

When those in charge of the medical missionary work realize that plants must be made in many places, God's work will be carried forward even in the hardest fields. When men see that it is necessary to establish the medical missionary work in America, can they not see that the same work is needed in new fields, where there is nothing to give character to the work? MM 329.5

To send missionaries into a foreign field to do missionary work, unprovided with facilities and means, is like requiring bricks to be made without straw. MM 330.1

Let God's servants act like wise men, remembering that the work in every part of the world is to assist the work in every other part. “Be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is.” ... MM 330.2

Workers in new places where there may not be one believer in present truth should be furnished with means for helping the needy. They meet with many who are sick and in need of help. As they relieve their temporal necessities, the way opens for them to speak of the Saviour and His precious truth. These workers must be given facilities for preparing the way of the Lord and making straight in the desert a highway for our God. Let our publishing houses help by gifts of books and papers, and let our sanitariums furnish facilities for the care of the sick.... MM 330.3

Those who go into new fields to use the breaking-up plow in preparing the soil for the sowing of the seed of truth are to be encouraged, prayed for, sustained. It is the Lord's desire that every worker sent into new fields shall be furnished with means and facilities for the successful accomplishment of His work. They are to receive help and encouragement from those in the home field, that they may have courage to overcome the difficulties that they meet in their work.—Letter 92, 1902. MM 330.4