Medical Ministry

Imitate God's Perfect Ways

Build for eternity. Christ's lessons are before us. We are to do carefully, neatly, and with exactitude whatever is to be done. We are to study economy in every line of work. Builders, gather up the fragments. Let nothing be lost. In all that there is to be done, in planting and building, imitate God's perfect ways. MM 204.2

Nurses and physicians, think of Jesus. How careful He was of the remnants of food left after feeding the five thousand! By His thoughtful care He would teach us order and economy. The great work of redemption weighed constantly upon His soul. As He was teaching and healing, all the energies of body and soul were taxed to the utmost, yet He noticed the most simple things in human life and in nature. His most instructive lessons were those in which He illustrated the kingdom of God by the simple things of nature. He did not overlook the needs of the humblest of His servants. His ear heard every needy cry. He was awake to the touch of the afflicted woman in the crowd. His divine nature, combined with the human, was so finely wrought that the least touch of faith brought a response. When He raised from the dead the daughter of Jairus, He turned to the parents and reminded them that she must have something to eat. MM 204.3

The little things become great in accordance with the attention given them. The one talent is not to be wrapped in a napkin and hidden in the earth. Do what you can for the Master. “He that is faithful in that which is least” will be “faithful also in much.” The Master will use every talent that we consecrate to Him. Your worth is determined by the faithfulness with which you do the little things. Everyone needs in the details of daily life to learn to build for time and for eternity. Then at last there will be written against his name in the books of heaven the most precious commendation, “Ye are complete in Him.”—Manuscript 63, 1899. MM 204.4