Medical Ministry

In the Daily Round of Duties

The manager of a sanitarium bears important responsibilities. Let his associates who are engaged in continuous, hard labor in the various handicrafts, keep their souls searched as with a lighted candle. Unity of action in diversity of labor must be maintained. The workers are to live out the prayer of Christ, who declares, “I sanctify Myself, that they also might be sanctified through the truth.” MM 203.3

Let them read the word of the Lord, in order that they may have the wisdom that is unto salvation. The richest treasures are to be found by searching for them in the word. Some minds will be so impressed to seek these hidden treasures as to sell all that they have in order to buy the field and come into possession of the priceless jewels of truth. Ofttimes the most lowly are in possession of the hidden treasure which they may impart to others. MM 203.4

The truths of the word of God, applied to the heart and carried out with humility in the daily life practice, will make Christians strong in the strength of Jehovah and happy in His peace. Christian kindness and earnest consecration are constantly to be manifest in the life. We are not always engaged in special duties connected with sacred service; but the common, daily round of duties may be done in His spirit, and such labor will commend itself to every man, even to the unconverted who know not the doctrine. We may let our light so shine in good works that the truth which we cherish shall be, to unbelievers, spirit and life.—Letter 140, 1906. MM 204.1