Medical Ministry

Establishment of New Sanitariums

This morning I am writing before anyone else is astir. I am receiving letters from persons inquiring whether I have any light in regard to the establishment of new sanitariums. MM 151.3

For what purpose are our sanitariums established? How shall we relate ourselves to them? MM 151.4

Years ago light was given me in regard to the establishment of sanitariums. It is not after the Lord's mind to have sanitariums multiply too rapidly. It is not His plan for an institution to be in too close proximity to another one doing the same kind of work; for an institution, wherever it may be, must have good facilities and experienced helpers. With it should be connected capable, God-fearing managers—men who are sound in the faith, who will exert an influence for good, and who are able to carry the heavy responsibilities entrusted to them without running behind and involving the institutions in debt. MM 151.5

He who begins to build a tower must first sit down and count the cost, to find out whether after beginning to build he will be able to finish. All who propose to establish a sanitarium should understand that it is a great undertaking. If they have not sufficient skill and adaptability successfully to build up a new sanitarium, let them connect with sanitariums already established, making the interests of these institutions their own.... MM 151.6

Sanitariums for Personal Profit

Persons who feel at liberty to act from selfish impulse, and to establish an independent sanitarium for personal profit, have not considered the influence that such a course of action has on the world.... MM 152.1

In times past Seventh-day Adventists have started out in this line with the selfish desire to acquire something that would benefit themselves. They have not been at all particular to take into consideration the effect their actions would have on the work of a similar institution, established in the order of God. If by misrepresentation of the institutions already in operation, such men can divert means to themselves for personal profit, they will be constantly tempted to do injustice to these institutions.... MM 152.2

God will not bless those who work without taking counsel with their brethren. Any Seventh-day Adventist who supposes that in himself he is a complete whole, and that he can at all times safely follow his own mind and judgment, is not to be trusted; for he is not walking in the light as Christ is in the light. There will be many who have not a correct sense of what they are doing. Men need clear ideas, deep spirituality. In His service God desires every man to move sensibly, weighing the motives prompting his movements. MM 152.3

Among us will be irresponsible men who have no proper conception of the important work the Lord designs to have done in our institutions—the work of caring for the sick and of disseminating the precious, essential principles of health reform. Those who have failed of conforming their life practices to this important reform need to be thoroughly converted. MM 152.4

Spiritual Loss Through Selfish Aims

If men become so confused and unprincipled as to engage in sanitarium work for selfish personal profit, they will not be prospered in their spiritual life, and will be unable properly to influence others spiritually. Let those who have a great desire to distinguish themselves in some way, take up a work that does not involve the cause of God so much as does the establishment of a new sanitarium.—Manuscript 26, 1902. MM 152.5