Manuscript Releases, vol. 3 [Nos. 162-209]


MR No. 169—Materials for the Book “I'd Like to Ask Sister White

A Goat for a Horse—Dear Little Willie: Have you received the letters I have written to you? 3MR 120.1

I will tell you what I saw last Wednesday. The fire companies were out with red caps and red uniforms, the officers had plumes in their caps. Then I saw in an alley, looking out at the firemen, a poor deformed lame man. He was sitting in a little carriage and what do you think was drawing him! It was not a dog or horse, but a goat, harnessed up just like a little horse. I thought if Willie had seen this, it would have pleased him, so much. Think of a goat drawing a wagon with a man in it! 3MR 120.2

Willie, I am now visiting where there are two little boys, not as large as you are, and two little girl babies. The little boys and girls are cousins. They are very pretty little children. You would love to play with them if you were here. 3MR 120.3

We hope Willie is well and happy. You must try hard to be good. Don't please Satan by giving way to wrong temper, but remember he that ruleth his spirit is greater than he that taketh a city. 3MR 120.4

You must tell grandpa and grandma that we do not forget them, but often think of them and speak of them to our friends. You must try, Willie, to make grandpa and grandma happy. Don't grieve them by being noisy and rude, but be quiet and mild, gentle, then they will love you. Mind Jenny and try to please her. Be a sweet little boy.—Letter 6, 1859. (To “Dear Little Willie,” September 15, 1859.) 3MR 120.5

Two Smart Cats—We are at Brother Folsom's. You remember, Willie, it is where they make candy. We are trying to get rested up for the meeting next Sabbath. 3MR 121.1

Willie, I must tell you about Margaret's cats. She has two cats just alike. They are just the color of a rat, Maltese color. Sister Folsom takes a piece of meat and holds it up to her shoulder and the kitties will give a spring and climb to the top of her shoulder for the meat and then get down and eat it. These kitties are good, faithful kitties. They catch great big rats. They don't eat them, but bite off their heads and leave them. 3MR 121.2

Willie, we had a ride in the horse car again. You remember them! 3MR 121.3

Do just as Jenny would have you, my own dear boy. Here is a peppermint, Willie.—Letter 9, 1859. (To “Dear Little Willie,” September 26, 1859.) 3MR 121.4

The Bird in the Little Box—We want to see you very much, but it is eight weeks yet before we shall return home—a long time to be away from my children. In the last box we sent to Battle Creek were some little trinkets for you and a little box of candy. You must eat it only when Jenny thinks it is best. Eat a very little at a time. 3MR 121.5

I suppose you visit grandpa and grandma every day, and have a good time talking to them. 3MR 121.6

I must tell you something I saw in the cars. A wealthy gentleman took a little box from his pocket and wound it up like a watch. At the top of the box was a glass door, and open flew this little door and a little, tiny bit of a bird, with fine downy feathers popped up, and then forth from the box came a most beautiful song such as canaries sing. And the little feathers would move on the little bird, and it would twirl its pretty little head this way and that, flap its little wings, move its tail and fly about and act just as pretty as though the noise came from its tiny little throat. 3MR 121.7

After the song was sung, down popped the little bird into the box and down went the cover and the man put the box into his pocket again. This little bird was artificial, made to look just like a little bird. We asked the man what is the cost. He said $200. A great price! 3MR 122.1

Willie, good-by. Be a good little boy, and I will write again soon.—Letter 10, 1859. (To “Dear Little Willie,” 1859.) 3MR 122.2

A Trip With Father and Mother—We arrived at this place last evening about eight o'clock. The cars took us to Albion, and we hired a conveyance to this place. We tarried here last night, rested very well, but it does not seem at all like home. 3MR 122.3

It was so noisy in the city, carriages rattling over the pavement, we did not rest much. But Willie says I must tell you that he had a tomato and pear the second day he left home and as many as he could eat of the great Lawton blackberry, which was in market. 3MR 122.4

He also saw a little pony, no larger than the little circus ponies. A wagon was attached to him, and a little girl about four years old sat in a nice little seat, holding the lines, while another little girl about six jumped from the little wagon, carried a package into a store and then came back, stepped into the carriage and drove away. It was the tiniest little horse and carriage I ever saw. 3MR 122.5

Henry and Edson, do not neglect to water the flowers, the dahlias especially. Be kind and loving to each other and faithful to Jenny. 3MR 123.1

Willie says I must tell the boys that he saw a very nice little fountain with water spouting up nicely and with a cork dancing up and down in the water. Abraham says this cork finally fastens in a tube and stops the water. 3MR 123.2

Willie is running back and forth from the tent to the house. Brethren Hull, Whitney, Cottrell, and James are in the tent examining Bible subjects.—Letter 6a, 1861. (To “Dear Friends at Home,” July 26, 1861.) 3MR 123.3

A Bible for Willie—We have seen the work of God in Battle Creek after a marvelous manner. Brother Hunt's children have sought the Lord and have been baptized. Dr. Lay's children have also given their hearts to God, and all have been baptized but Minnie. Nellie Mead has been baptized, also George Wilson's little girl. The youngest Hearns girl has gone forward in baptism, Marcus Ashley was baptized, Oliver Pratt, and Mary More, whom you do not know. 3MR 123.4

Dear Willie, watch and pray lest ye enter into temptation. Have set seasons for prayer. Guard yourself. He that controlleth his own spirit is greater than he that taketh a city. Jesus will help you, Willie; He will bless you. It is important for you to think before you speak and act. Do nothing that you will regret afterwards. 3MR 123.5

Your father sends you a very nice Bible. I hope it will please you, my dear boy. We want to love the Lord more and more earnestly. We wish you to pray for His Holy Spirit to guide you. You have not strength to keep yourself; you must trust in God, and pray to Him alone all by yourself. Think what you desire most, and then ask your kind heavenly Father for the very things you need, and He will grant you the desire of your heart. He is more willing to give the Holy Spirit to them that ask Him than earthly parents to give good gifts to their children. Be true, be frank, be honest, be patient. This was the character of your divine Lord. 3MR 123.6

We love you, children, because you have ever been ready to wait cheerfully on us and have done everything you could to please us. But we are now anxious that you should manifest fruits of earnest, sincere love and devotion to your dear Redeemer, who gave His life to save you. When you have tokens of such deep and unselfish love will there not be awakened in your heart gratitude and love for Jesus? Will you not delight to study His life? 3MR 124.1

We want you to love secret prayer. Just as long as you watch and pray you will retain the victory, but when you love play better than you love to read the precious Word of God and better than you love the hour of prayer, you manifest that your love for holy things is small. If we overcome our wrong and sinful habits we must work. Make strong efforts, for Satan will do all in his power to overcome every one who is seeking to love and serve Jesus. 3MR 124.2

As you enter the school of Christ you have lessons to learn. You are scholars. Learn to endure hardness, and be not easily offended. Be not easily provoked or annoyed with little trials. When you have little difficulties to bear which seem hard, think of Jesus the dear Saviour, how He suffered and endured to save sinful mortals. Much love, my dear boy Willie.—Letter 11, 1867. (To “Dear Willie,” October 22, 1867.) 3MR 124.3

Help From Above—We found this dear family [the Howlands] as well as usual. Beckie has a noble, handsome boy. He looks very much as you did in your babyhood. The old house has been repaired and looks new again. It is painted white, and the roof is raised high enough to make a large garret. They have enlarged their bedrooms, making two into one. 3MR 125.1

We leave here today for Norridgewock. Well, dear Willie, I shall expect a letter from you at Norridgewock. We expect you are beginning to feel somewhat like an orphan. We hope you are cheerful and happy. We would be glad to be at our own quiet home and rest, but it seems there is but little opportunity for rest allowed us. God has sustained us thus far, and we trust Him still. He will give strength according to our day. 3MR 125.2

Be watchful, be prayerful. Satan never sleeps. Be careful lest he gain advantage over you in your words or acts. Let the theme of your conversation be upon Bible subjects. Read your Bible much. Love the dear Saviour with all your heart and be daily learning in the school of Christ. Be guarded, not to speak hastily. You can know for yourself that your ways please God. Try to help Johnny. We want Johnny to be a humble, sincere Christian, walking in the footsteps of his dear father, traveling the path which leads to holiness. 3MR 125.3

I hope all you that are praying children will endeavor to live your prayers. Pray in faith, believing that Jesus hears you. Jesus loves to have children pray to Him. Believe in and trust Him. When you are tempted to speak impatiently, lift up your heart in prayer—silent prayer, if it is not convenient for you to go by yourself. Jesus knows every trial that you bear, every self-denial that you may make, and He can appreciate just how much it costs you every time to give up your will and way to the desire of others. And Jesus is ready to help when you call upon Him for help. 3MR 125.4

Dear children—Betsey, George, Willie, and Marian—live for God. Overcome daily. Betsey, dear child, learn to endure hardness, to bear life's burdens cheerfully, and to look ever on the bright side. “Hope in God: for I shall yet praise him, who is the health of my countenance, and my God.” (Psalm 43:5.) Little Marillia and Joseph, love to you. Be obedient, be loving, and may the Lord bless these little lambs is my prayer. Good bye, dear son.—Letter 12, 1867. (To “Dear Son Willie,” October 31, 1867.) 3MR 126.1

Faithful in All Things—We are now at your Uncle Chase's. [Note: Mrs. Chase was Elder James White's sister.] Came here yesterday. We had no idea it was going to be so cold when we started, but heavy black clouds came up and we had quite a little flurry of partial snow and hail, all soft, about as large as a pea. Then it became so very cold we suffered in traveling fifteen miles. Last night was a very bitterly cold night. 3MR 126.2

Willie, dear, how are you this cold weather? I want you to be comfortable for clothing. Be sure and dress warmly. Bathe as often as once a week without fail, if you have to go to our house [Willie was staying with Adventist neighbors, the Maynards.] and build a fire and there bathe. 3MR 126.3

I know you will miss us and it will be a sacrifice for you to be deprived of our society so long, but I can think of no place, dear Willie, where I could feel as free and well about you as the place where you are. I know Brother and Sister Maynard will be a good father and mother to you in our absence and I feel very grateful for their kindness and care, which has ever been exercised to us and you. May the Lord bless that dear family and you. We pray for you once and often more a day. 3MR 126.4

I wish you would write me just how you feel. I received your other letter and was so glad for a letter written by your own hand. Write again. We can read it if it is not so nice. Be faithful, dear boy, in prayer, and I hope that Johnny, George, Sarah and Marion will give their young hearts to the Lord fully, be adopted into the fold of Christ, and be ever ready to listen to the voice of the true Shepherd. Be faithful in all things. Be careful not to offend in word or in act. Jesus loves you, my son and the children I have named. Let them be a good example. Do good where you are, and to those with whom you associate. Keep learning in the school of Christ. 3MR 127.1

Try to live humble, prayerful lives and expect the blessing of the Lord to be with you. Believe that He hears you when you pray to Him. Tell Jesus all your troubles. He will delight to bear your burdens and griefs for you. We have a tender, loving Saviour. Love Him and trust Him with your whole heart, my precious, dutiful boy.—Letter 13, 1867. (To “Dear Son Willie,” November 7, 1867.) 3MR 127.2

Our Grandparents—We received your letter stating you had written us to Topsham, Maine. The letter has not come to hand yet, but doubtless we shall receive it soon. We are pleased to read your letters, and we wish you to be free to ask advice and counsel of your parents. But you have your heavenly Father to go to, who is too wise to err. He loves to have you bring all your burdens and all your troubles to Him. 3MR 127.3

Never be in so great a hurry, either for your own amusement or in your studies, as to forget to be attentive to your aged Grandfather and Grandmother White. Their heads are white with the frost of age. While God spares them to us let us love them and be very courteous to them. You can make them happy by your thoughtful attentions. Your youthful feet can run for them, and you should always have something pleasant to tell them. Gather up no disagreeable things to relate to them, which will leave the faintest shadow upon their minds. And how happy you can make them by the knowledge that you are grandchildren of whom they are not ashamed. 3MR 128.1

Let your conduct be such as will do credit to your father and mother and to your grandparents. We feel a reverence for the aged and we want to show them respect whenever you meet them. I am pained as I travel from place to place to see how little respect and reverence is manifest by youth of this age toward men and women of gray hairs. Ever treat the aged with marked respect, be they strangers or acquaintances and relatives. If your grandfather and grandmother advise or reprove you, show them respect by heeding their counsel as readily as you would ours. God will bless you children if you will do right.—Letter 15, 1867. (To “Dear Children Edson and Willie,” November 9, 1867.) 3MR 128.2

Sister White Sends a Christmas Present—I have for some reason felt anxious for you. I expected to find a letter from you here at Enosburg but was disappointed. I sent you a Christmas present. Let me hear from you. 3MR 128.3

Do not neglect to watch and pray. I have risen early to write to you. I am very anxious that you should succeed in the Christian warfare. The eyes of angels are upon you constantly. Seek to do good. Help those who need help. Pray much, this is your strength. 3MR 129.1

In much love from your anxious, praying mother.—Letter 21, 1867. (To “Dear Children,” December 29, 1867.) 3MR 129.2

Don't Be a Show-off—We had rather a weary journey because of our leaving Battle Creek so late. We did not arrive at Brother Howe's until near midnight. Charlie horse did nobly, but we found bad roads. There had been many heavy rains, which have not reached Battle Creek. We are getting a little bit rested. It seems so nice to be in our own good airy rooms again. 3MR 129.3

Edson, my dear boy, I know you are not happy. When I talk with you, you seem at a distance from me as though my words were useless. This makes me feel bad, Edson. I can't reach you until this barrier is broken down and you open your whole heart freely to me. 3MR 129.4

Now, Edson, for the mere item of clothes we expended sixty dollars while at Battle Creek, and counted not the work I did. This takes in shirts and all. I was disheartened and so was your father to see you so ready to put on a coat which cost twenty-six dollars, merely to walk down to the office. You need not do this. You have coats aplenty you can put on. Edson, will you take care of your clothes? No boy in Battle Creek goes dressed with better clothes than yourself. I am sorry that you do not manifest more care in regard to your clothing. 3MR 129.5

Edson, what fruit do you bear? The tree is known by its fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither an evil tree good fruit. “Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.” 3MR 130.1

When we get your clothes and then you put on the best you have, as you do, merely to come to the office or to walk down street, you appear foolish and vain, and remarks are made about it. They think we lack good judgment in doing so much for you, but, Edson, ever remember that the outward adorning will not raise you in the estimation of any, but the inward adorning which God says is of great price is a meek and quiet spirit. Such a spirit is of value in heaven and is current among the angels of God. Strive for this. Put away show and vanity. Be a sincere Christian. Write me.—Letter 15, 1868. (To “Dear Son Edson,” June 17, 1868.) 3MR 130.2

Ellen White On a Nature Hunt—I have left father sleeping in bed to get a chance to write a line to you this morning before daylight. 3MR 130.3

Our camp meeting is closed. We had a profitable meeting. 3MR 130.4

In the afternoon we had a large concourse of people. I again was blessed with freedom for which I thank God. After I ceased speaking, many came to us to know when we would speak again. We told them, “Monday afternoon.” They had come, they said, six miles to hear me speak and arrived just as I was closing. 3MR 130.5

In regard to our campground in Ohio, I wish you could have seen it. It was a beautiful ground of grand old beeches, maples and oaks, horse chestnuts and many other trees, so high and lofty, towering towards the heavens. You could scarcely see the tops of the trees. I picked up the most wonderful large acorns I ever saw. They are a perfect sight in size. I gathered some as a curiosity. I also gathered a few buckeyes, horse chestnuts. 3MR 130.6

Well, when do you propose to come home to Battle Creek? Love to all.—Letter 14, 1870. (To “My Dear Son Willie,” September 27, 1870.) 3MR 131.1

Danger By Night—We are nineteen hours behind time. We had to stand still some twelve hours. Freight train wrecked ten miles ahead on the track. We passed the washouts night before last. I was aroused suddenly as though a hand was laid upon me, and words had been spoken, “You are in a dangerous place. Pray, pray.” I looked out the window and saw a fearful-looking sight. Fires were built along beside the track, and men with lanterns were standing by the track and men upon the platform, making the fearful places light as day. The train merely moved over these dangerous places. I did pray, and I felt trust in God and an assurance that He would care for us and bring us safely to our journey's end. 3MR 131.2

We have only a half loaf of graham and one loaf of white, and half of one of the rusk bread. It is all moist and good. Someone helped himself to our oranges. We think our apples go well. We are well satisfied with our meals. Those around us are loaded with chicken, pickles, corned beef, jellies, and tea and coffee. None seem to feel as well as we do, who eat only twice a day of simple food. Not anything warm yet to eat or drink. We feel the blessing of the Lord attends us. Praise His dear name! We will love and serve Him. Be of good courage. Be cheerful. And don't one of you forget that in God must be your trust. Here we are at Sidney. God bless you.—Letter 11a, 1875. (To “Dear Children,” May 3, 1875.) 3MR 131.3

Model Disciple—Our camp meeting closed today. Yesterday, Sunday, the interest was the greatest we have yet seen. Elder Corliss spoke in the forenoon, and your grandmother at three o'clock. The tent was packed, and a crowd was standing outside. Elder Prescott spoke in the evening. The tent was full, and it was reported that hundreds went away because they could not get under the tent, and the wind was blowing so strong that it was not prudent for them to remain. 3MR 132.1

After I had spoken on Sunday there was a baptism. I am told that twenty-six souls went forward in this ordinance. 3MR 132.2

I want very much to see my dearly beloved grandchildren. I feel a special interest in the children. I have been pleased with the reports received from you. Children, you can all receive of the precious Saviour's instruction. Jesus made a little child His model disciple. He “called a little child, and set him in the midst of them, and said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.” 3MR 132.3

During His ministry on earth the children were not overlooked or forgotten. When He sees them cheerful, obedient, sweet-tempered, doing little acts of kindness, what tender regard and fatherly love He feels for them. 3MR 132.4

Let the peace of God abide in your hearts by faith. Let His love abide in you. God bless you all.—Letter 80, 1895. (To “Dear Children” [Granddaughters], November 11, 1895.) 3MR 132.5

Promises for Me—I can write you only a short letter. I have written very little since your father left. I have been so brain-weary that at times I staggered as I walked. For a while I slept only a little each night. I am now improving, though somewhat slowly. I cannot do much yet. 3MR 133.1

Please write me a few lines, and tell me how you are getting on with your studies. Christ is your helper. He loves you, and He will bless you if you will make Him your trust. He gave His life for you. You belong to Him, body, soul, and spirit. 3MR 133.2

Be of good courage in the Lord. Learn to take everything to Him in prayer. Believe that He helps you. Express your gratitude by words of thanksgiving. Do not look on the dark side, but believe God's promises, and walk by faith. Every day you are to be an overcomer. 3MR 133.3

My dear child, keep your mind stayed upon your Saviour, whose property you are. Tell Him all about your trials, and arm yourself with His promises. Commit His words to memory. 3MR 133.4

Cherish faith and trust in Christ as your teacher, and be willing to be taught. 3MR 133.5

It is now bedtime, and I must close this letter.—Letter 67, 1904. (To “My Beloved Granddaughter Mabel,” February 6, 1905.) 3MR 133.6

Meeting the President—It is nearly dark, but I will try to write you a few lines. Is it so that you have secured the house you so much desire? If we trust fully in the Lord, He will bring to pass that which is in accordance with His will. We should have many more rich blessings if we would walk constantly in a spirit of tenderness and love. If we keep our hands uplifted to heaven, the Lord will surely strengthen our faith. 3MR 133.7

I have been quite feeble of late. I have done much writing. A week ago last Sabbath I spoke in the colored church. There was an excellent congregation. I had freedom in speaking. 3MR 134.1

Last Sunday an all-day grove meeting was held on the school grounds. The weather was beautiful, and about two hundred and forty people came. I had been sick, and it was feared that I could not speak. But in the afternoon, with fear and trembling, I took my stand before the people. The Lord gave me a tongue and utterance, and I spoke for an hour. Oh, I was so glad that I could speak to the people on this occasion. Quite a number of those not of our faith were present, and their interested faces showed their pleasure and satisfaction. 3MR 134.2

A few days ago Sister Hall, Sara, and I went for a long drive in Rock Creek Park. This is a most beautiful place. I have seldom driven over finer roads. This is the National Park. Here the President takes his rides. The drives are equal to, yes, more than equal to anything I saw in Denmark or Switzerland. On our drive we met the President. He bowed to us as we passed him. 3MR 134.3

Often I have had but a few hours’ sleep at night. I have written early and late, as fast as my hand could move over the paper. While writing, I have had wonderfully clear conceptions of the love and goodness of God. We must never forget that it is our duty to express at all times and in all places our appreciation of the goodness of God. Heaven is our inheritance, and we are to receive the free gift as heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ. In all that we do or say, we are to honor our Lord. We are to be the Lord's messengers, winning souls to Christ.—Letter 357, 1904. (To “Dear Son Edson,” August 8, 1904.) 3MR 134.4

Treasures of Health—I sit here on my couch this morning, very thankful to my heavenly Father for a good night's rest. I slept well until three o'clock, and now after building my fire, I am ready to take up my writing. 3MR 135.1

We have very much to be thankful for. Let our hearts be continually filled with thanksgiving to our heavenly Father and to our Saviour. 3MR 135.2

It is now growing daylight. We are having the first cold weather, but it is not very severe. The days have been very pleasant, and the nights clear, the full moon making them almost as bright as day. We have had a few gentle rains, but up till within a few days, the weather has not been cold. I have taken a ride daily, unless the showers threatened. 3MR 135.3

I hope you will take special care of your eyes, for they are a great treasure. We can lose a limb, but if we have our eyesight, we can still find something with which to employ our time. But to lose the sight is a dreadful loss. 3MR 135.4

The Lord is good to me, very good. He has preserved my health and strength, and even though I am seventy-eight years of age, I can still rise before day, and write for hours before breakfast. My eyes trouble me somewhat if I take cold, but if I am careful, I can do a great deal of work. 3MR 135.5

Mabel, do not devote the precious talent of sight to reading that which you cannot use, and will not benefit you. The life of the soul cannot be sustained unless right food is given it. The mind must be properly fed. 3MR 135.6

My dear child, live on the words that proceed from the lips of Christ. Press forward, and believe that if you ask, you will receive.—Letter 339, 1905. (To “My Dear Granddaughter Mabel,” December 1, 1905.) 3MR 136.1

What Sister White Wrote in Her Diary—From the Diary of 1859. Sabbath, January 1, 1859—The commencement of another year. My husband went down into the water and buried seven with Christ in baptism; two of them were but children. One prayed earnestly in the water to be kept unspotted from the world. May they live a new life unto God.—Manuscript 2, 1859 3MR 136.2

Monday, January 3, 1859—Went to the office... Then took dinner at my sister's.... Paid Widow Cranson $1.00 for making a couple of shirts. Paid Sister Bognes $1.00 for making a coat. She was unwilling to take it, but I felt it duty to hand it to her. She is poor and sickly. May the Lord pity and care for her. Said Jesus, “The poor always ye have with you.” May the Lord rid us of selfishness.... 3MR 136.3

Wednesday, January 5, 1859—Thought of remaining at home to prepare for my journey. At noon James said they needed help at the office. I went down to help them... While [I was] writing, Sister McClemule came in. I must leave to talk with her. Jenny, Mother, and Willie came next. Showed them the press. While [I was] folding, Sister Cornell came in and wished me to go down street to get some things.... Walked down, got the things, returned to Brother Smith's for supper, then home.... Found Father very cheerful at home. 3MR 136.4

Thursday, January 6, 1859—Made a cap and a vest for Edson. At night am very weary. Gave Agnes a half-worn dress for her mother. They are poor. The husband and father is sick. Their crops have failed. They have breadstuff to buy and nothing to buy with. Agnes is their main support. She is only seventeen. There are four children now at home. They must suffer unless the church interest themselves in their behalf. May the Lord have mercy upon the needy.... 3MR 137.1

Otsego, Mich., Sabbath, January 8, 1859—It is the holy Sabbath. May we honor and glorify God today. 3MR 137.2

We went to Otsego, four miles. It was very cold; could hardly keep comfortable. Found the meetinghouse not very warm. All were so cold. Must take time to get warm. 3MR 137.3

Otsego, Sunday, January 9, 1859—It is very cold today. Word has been brought to us that the Baptist meetinghouse has been locked up to keep us out. They do not hold meetings there themselves, neither will they let us enter. 3MR 137.4

We held meetings in Brother Russell's house. The room was filled. A number of new ones were out to hear. 3MR 137.5

Tuesday, January 18, 1859—Brother Lay harnessed his horses to a sleigh and took May [Lay], Edson, and myself over the log way and over the bad going ten miles to the plank road. The road is very bad and rough. John followed us with the horses and wagon. We feel very thankful for the easy conveyance over the bad road. Sister Lay went with her husband for the ride. After we struck the plank, we had a good road all the way to Grand Rapids. I am so weary and lame through riding I cannot move without suffering pain. 3MR 137.6

Wednesday, January 19, 1859—In the afternoon we went to Wright. Brother Cramer the elder took a seat in our carriage to pilot us. He is acquainted with the road. It is a good road. Have no milk for Teresa. She cries. Oh, that we may be as earnest for the bread of life as she is for temporal food. She will not be satisfied. May our earnest cries go up to God for His salvation. About dark arrived at Brother Root's. They welcomed us heartily. It is a good home with plenty of house room.... There was a meeting in the evening. We were too weary to go. 3MR 138.1

Wright, Mich., Friday, January 21, 1859—Sabbath drawing on. Had a lengthy meeting in the afternoon and none in the evening. Many testimonies were given.... I spoke a little; feel deeply my unworthiness. 3MR 138.2

I have felt so homesick on the journey. I fear that I have not been willing to sacrifice the company of my husband and children to do others good.... Have had a weeping time before the Lord. 3MR 138.3

Wright, Mich., Sabbath, January 22, 1859—Went to the meeting with a heavy heart.... There were about three hundred present.... The people of God seem hungry for the bread of life.... Meeting closed at five o'clock. No meeting in the evening.... Oh, that I might come to the feet of Jesus and tell Him all my wants. 3MR 138.4

Wright, Mich., Sunday, January 23, 1859—Meeting commenced at half past eight and the house was well filled.... No time was lost. Two or three arose at once to speak. One sister arose three times and could not speak. Others would arise and she sat down. At length she gave it up.... Our meetings closed this night. 3MR 138.5

Tuesday, January 25, 1859—It looks like a storm.... We rode fourteen miles to Brother Hardy's. Brother Cramer did not give us the right directions, and we went four miles out of our way. Did not arrive at Brother Hardy's until dinner time. It was snowing fast. We were heartily welcomed by the family. A good dinner was soon in readiness for us of which we thankfully partook. This is a colored family but although the house is poor and old, everything is arranged with neatness and exact order. The children are well behaved, intelligent, and interesting. May I yet have a better acquaintance with this dear family. 3MR 139.1

Wednesday, January 26, 1859—Brother Gerald is poor, yet with a warm heart. He welcomed us to his humble house and provided for us as well as he could. 3MR 139.2

It is a beautiful day. We feared we should be obliged to ride in a storm, but we have a very good road and everything seems favorable. We are homeward bound today and expect before night to meet husband and children. At noon took a dry luncheon at an old hotel, while the horses were feeding. Joyfully, we again met our family.... There is no place to be so dearly prized as home. 3MR 139.3

Battle Creek, Thursday, January 27, 1859—Was so thankful and happy to meet my family again and to be in the society of my husband and children I could not sleep. 3MR 139.4

Battle Creek, Tuesday, February 8, 1859—Cut and made some caps for Mother. It may be the last time I shall have the privilege of making caps for her head, but my prayer is that she may wear a crown of glory in the kingdom of heaven. Brother D. has been thrown down and beaten by drunken men. Two men interfered. Brother D. complained of the men. They were shut up last night. They have their trial today. The same men struck my husband three times with a whip. Did not hurt him. The world is growing worse and worse. 3MR 139.5

Battle Creek, Monday, February 28, 1859—Went to Sister Ratel's.... Her babe has on an old torn white dress—the best he has except one that she keeps to put on him when she goes out with him.... The family are all poor. The oldest girl prizes a Bible I gave her, much. She reads out of it to her parents. 3MR 140.1

Battle Creek, Tuesday, March 1, 1859—Walked to the office. Called to see Sister Sarah and mother. Sarah gave me a little dress and two aprons for Sister Ratel's babe.... 3MR 140.2

I rode down to the city and purchased a few things. Bought a little dress for Sister Ratel's babe.... Sent the little articles to Sister Ratel. Mary Loughborough sends her another dress, so she will do very well now. Oh, that all knew the sweetness of giving to the poor.... 3MR 140.3

Battle Creek, Wednesday, March 2, 1859—Sister Kelsey and her son called on us. Sister Kelsey seems sad. She brought wheat to sell, and it is musty. Cannot dispose of it. She needs means to use. We prepared her a warm meal and had her sit down and partake of it before starting for the thirteen-mile ride home. It is chilly weather. I lent her a cloak; feared she would suffer.... She has been a kind friend to us and in time of need has assisted us liberally. 3MR 140.4

Battle Creek, Friday, March 4, 1859—Made two caps for my boys.... Brother John Andrews came to this city last night. We have met today, and he took dinner with us. 3MR 140.5

Battle Creek, Monday, March 7, 1859—It is rainy today. It looks very gloomy without, but if the Sun of righteousness shines in my heart all is well and no outward gloom can make me sad. 3MR 141.1

Tuesday, March 8, 1859—Brother John Andrews leaves today. He came up to visit us in the eve.... I got together a few things for him to take home. Send Angeline a new calico dress, [cost] nine shillings, and a stout pair of calfskin shoes. Father gives the making of the shoes and the making of a pair of boots for Brother John Andrews. I send the little boy a nice little flannel shirt and yarn to knit him a pair of stockings. I send Sister or Mother Andrews a nice large cape, well wadded, for her to wear. I made a bag to put them in of towel cloth. Write three small pages to Sister Mary Chase. In it write recipe obtained from John's. 3MR 141.2

Thursday, March 10, 1859—Walked to the city and back. Was very weary.... In the afternoon Sister Irving came in. She looked sad and appeared to be chilled. Agnes ... cried out, “Ma, tell me how Pa is?” ... Her mother ... told her he was failing slowly.... For ten weeks the daughter has lived with us, and we paid her nine shillings a week. All but one dollar of this she has handed to her mother. Her clothes are poor, yet she does not appropriate any means to her own use. She forgets herself in her self-sacrifice and devotion to her parents.... We aided them some. Paid half toward a pair of boots for a little brother. One dollar. I paid one dollar fifty for a pair of shoes for the mother. Husband gave her one dollar in money. Henry gave her ten cents. Edson ten cents, and little Willie ten. Husband gave her five dollars more to buy a little luxury for the sick one. We ... sent a little handful of dried apples for the sick one's table. 3MR 141.3

Thursday, March 24, 1859—It is a cold blustering day.... The weather is very changeable, but in the new earth there are no chilling winds, no disagreeable changes. The atmosphere is ever right and healthy. 3MR 142.1

Wednesday, March 30, 1859—Set out the raspberry bush. Went ... for strawberry plants. Got some currant bushes.—Manuscript 5, 1859. 3MR 142.2

(Convis, Mich.) Sabbath, April 9, 1859—Rose early and rode about twelve miles to Convis to meet with the saints there. The ride was refreshing.... A little company of Sabbathkeepers were collected in a large schoolhouse.... Meeting held until about two o'clock.... After the meeting closed, a woman came to meeting. Thought it was to be in the afternoon. She had walked a mile. She read the notice in the paper but did not read carefully enough to find out the time of meeting; therefore lost it all. After supper as the hours of holy time were closing, we had a refreshing season of prayer. James talked with the children before bowing to pray. 3MR 142.3

Battle Creek, Monday, April 11, 1859—Spent most of the day making a garden for my children. Feel willing to make home as pleasant for them as I can, that home may be the pleasantest place of any to them. 3MR 142.4

Tuesday, April 26, 1859—Worked hard all day on a dress to wear through the mud. 3MR 142.5

Friday, April 29, 1859—Again we started on journey to Grand Rapids. Roads bad until we gained the plank. Bridge swept away at Berlin. We are obliged to ford the stream; water up to the wagon box. It was hard, dangerous, climbing the bank on the other side of the stream. No accident befell us, which ought to call from our hearts gratitude. 3MR 142.6

Battle Creek, Friday, May 20, 1859—Have cut out Johnny and Willie each a pair of pants from three yards of cloth. Have pieced Willie's considerably. 3MR 143.1

Sunday, June 5, 1859—Went to the tent for meeting.... The tent was well filled.... J. N. Andrews preached in the afternoon upon the Sabbath, or rather the two laws. 3MR 143.2

Monday, June 6, 1859—Attended meeting in the morning.... It was the best meeting of all.... At dinner we had thirty-five. 3MR 143.3

Tuesday, June 7, 1859—We were all much worn out.—Manuscript 6, 1895 3MR 143.4

Monday, July 4, 1859—Wrote nearly all day—important matter. 3MR 143.5

Friday, July 8, 1859—We had much to do today. Dried half a bushel of cherries. 3MR 143.6

Friday, July 22, 1859—My brother that I have not seen for twenty years came from Illinois with his wife to visit us. 3MR 143.7

Roosevelt, N.Y., Sabbath, August27, 1859—They have a neat little meeting-house. It was filled and crowded and many could not get in at all. In the afternoon they were obliged to give it up to the women and infirm and aged men. They drew up the wagons to the windows and the men filled them full.—Manuscript 7, 1859. 3MR 143.8

Monday, October 10, 1859—Was obliged to shut myself up to write.... The house is full of company, but had no time to visit. 3MR 144.1

Tuesday, October 11, 1859—Brother Howard waited for us to pack and then took us to his house. It was climb, climb the mountain. They have a very pleasant place on the top of the mountain. 3MR 144.2

Buck's Bridge, New York, Wednesday, October 19, 1859—It is cold and stormy.... All together we started for the little meetinghouse at Buck's Bridge.... The house is well filled.... I had freedom talking of faith, showing the difference between faith and feeling. After the meeting closed, we returned home and sewed some. 3MR 144.3

Friday, October 21, 1859—We rose at about four a.m. It was cold and snowy. We took a luncheon and started out in a storm for Madrid depot. Waited one hour for cars.... We journeyed about twenty-five miles and the engine pump broke down, and we were obliged to wait two hours before starting again. By this delay we failed to make connection at Watertown and were obliged to wait in the depot eight hours. This was a great disappointment to us, for we should be out over the Sabbath; but others were also disappointed..... 3MR 144.4

Sabbath commenced. We tried to call our thoughts from the things around us to sacred things. We took the cars at about eight and rode twenty-five miles, and within two miles of the depot Brother Belue met us on the cars. They have been worried about us, fearing we could not come. He stepped on the cars, rode out two miles, and then found us and went back again. There was Brother Miles waiting for us to take us to his house. 3MR 144.5

Tuesday, November 15, 1859—We rose early and took our breakfast. Had a season of prayer and then started on our weary journey.... About noon tarried to rest the horses. Then took a little luncheon, and in one hour were on our way again to Monterey. The plank road is very rough, but for ten miles the road is very bad. Log ways, mud holes, and yet on we go, singing, “The way may be rough, but it cannot be long,” etc. As we came up to Brother G. Lay's he stopped us and urged us to go in. We complied with his request and tarried with him overnight. 3MR 145.1

Wednesday, November 16, 1859—We rose weary, lame, and sick. The journey was too much for us. Yet we wrote much of the day, and there we met my father, whom we have not seen for three months. 3MR 145.2

Monterey, Mich., Sabbath, November 19, 1859—Brother Loughborough preached. A large congregation assembled at the Monterey meetinghouse. The house was full.... Brother White preached in the P.M. on the work and success of the three messages. He was clear and free in his discourse. The Lord gave me liberty in speaking.... 3MR 145.3

Monterey, Sunday, November 20, 1859—It is pleasant today, and there was a large gathering at the meetinghouse. They could not all get into the house.—Manuscript 8, 1859. 3MR 145.4

Working in the Churches in 1862—November 7 my husband and self left Battle Creek for Monterey.... We ventured in a cold snowstorm.... In the middle of the day it grew warmer. We selected a spot by the roadside in the woods as our hotel and fed the horses and took our lunch. 3MR 145.5

We arrived at Brother Day's—fifty miles—a little after sundown. We were very weary, with sore throat and aching lungs. I tried to pray the next morning but thought I should have to stop for coughing, but, praise the Lord, He gave me help when I most needed it.... I was greatly blessed of God and felt no more trouble with weak lungs on the journey.... 3MR 146.1

The meetings held in Monterey for the children were, I think, the best ... of any which we attended.... All began to seek the Lord and to inquire, What shall I do to be saved? All those who wanted to be Christians were invited to occupy the front seats, which by request, had been vacated. Here was a cross for the young. We knew if they could take this first step they would gain strength to take the next.... 3MR 146.2

One after another came forward until nearly the whole Sabbath School who were old enough to know what sin was, had filled the vacant seats.... We felt like taking these dear children in the arms of our faith and laying them at the feet of Jesus.... We knew that the Lord was working for us to bring these dear children into His fold.... 3MR 146.3

These children wished to be baptized. They each arose and with tears and sobs gave their broken testimony that they wished to be Christians and overcome the temptations of the enemy and at last stand upon Mount Zion. I believe angels of God bore these short, broken testimonies to heaven and that they were recorded in the book of God's remembrance.... 3MR 146.4

Tuesday ten young females assembled at the water to receive the ordinance of baptism.... 3MR 146.5

One dear child we deeply sympathized with.... She decided that she must be baptized. She came with her young companions to the water but her difficulty returned. She could not look upon the water or see any of her young friends baptized. All had been baptized but her, and she could not be prevailed upon to go into the water. We felt that Satan was opposed to the good work and wished to hinder it, and that she must go forward.... 3MR 146.6

I put the robe upon her and urged her to go into the water. She hesitated. We looked up in faith to God. My husband on one side and myself upon the other and her father entreating her, we tried to encourage her along, yet her peculiar dread of water caused her to shrink. We persuaded her to move to the edge of the water and have her hands and head wet. She complied.... Her head and hands were wet, and then she moved forward while the administrator several times repeated these words, “In the name of the Lord, move forward.” Calmly she went into the water and was buried in the likeness of Christ's death. Calmly she came up out of the water.... We all rejoiced that we did not consent to let the child go.... The next morning she came to the house of Brother Day where we tarried.... She expressed her joy that we did not leave her to her fears.... We rejoiced with her that she had obtained so precious a victory. 3MR 147.1

The next day ... five young men ... expressed their desire to be baptized. It was an interesting sight to see these young men, all about the same age and size, as they stood side by side professing their faith in Christ.... 3MR 147.2

After the baptism we prepared to go five miles over a bad road. I rode in much fear, for it was very dark and we could not see how to shun the mudholes, and we came near being overturned. The meeting was profitable in the little church in Allegan.... 3MR 147.3

We traveled over rough and muddy roads, and while I chose to walk two or three miles over rough logways, I felt grateful to God for the health and strength He had given me since I had left my home. Our meetings in Wright were blessed of God.... 3MR 148.1

Our meetings continued Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. On the afternoon of Wednesday eleven were baptized. Nine of them were the youth.... 3MR 148.2

We traveled Thursday afternoon over crossroads, mud, sloughs, and logways. Again I went on foot a portion of the way because the roads were so bad. We traveled all day Friday to get to Greenville. Arrived there before sundown.... In Orleans we made our home at Brother King's.... We were made glad to see Brother King's three children take the cross and express their determination to be Christians.... 3MR 148.3

Early next morning we parted with our dear friends and journeyed homeward. The Lord brought us and our children to our own home [in Battle Creek] in safety after two days’ travel.—Manuscript 9, 1862 3MR 148.4

From the Diary of 1868. Buck's Bridge, N.Y., Wednesday, January 1, 1868—We... rode upon a rough road through pastures and over a body of water on our way to take the cars at St. Albans.... We were in season for the cars that were due at six A.M. In the cars we suffered with heat. Arrived at Brother Hilliard's at one o'clock P.M. We were very weary, yet consented to meet with the few believers in this place. 3MR 148.5

Rochester, N.Y., Thursday, January 9, 1868—Rode into Rochester.... Went on board the cars to rest in the sleeping car. 3MR 148.6

Friday, January 10, 1868—Awoke in the morning on board the sleeping car. Found the train behind time about two hours. It had been a keen, cold, night and the train had to move very slowly for safety of passengers. Took our breakfast about eight o'clock. Changed from sleeping car to one ahead. The sleeping car was pronounced unsafe. We were delayed two hours on the track by a broken-down car ahead. Missed connection at Detroit. Waited there two hours. Had a weary ride until midnight.... Found friend with team waiting for us. 3MR 149.1

Friday, January 24, 1868—Prepared to go to Wright. We found it very unpleasant traveling. A cold wind was blowing directly in our faces. At noon stopped at Lappinville. Found ourselves in mean quarters; there was a woman with a pipe in her mouth, and a young man smoking a cigar. He said ... he had learned the habit and could not give it up now although he knew it was hurtful.... We ate our plain hygienic food with good relish, but were treated with incivility by the inmates of the house. They showed themselves strangers to true politeness. 3MR 149.2

We found no good hay for the horses, no oats, no water.... They charged us fifty cents for sitting before their fire and being annoyed with the scent of tobacco. I was glad to go out again in the air. 3MR 149.3

Monday, January 27, 1868—Arose at four o'clock. Left the comfortable home of Brother Root about five o'clock.... Rode five miles to Brother Buck's. Ate our breakfast with them. Brother Buck gave each of us a five-dollar bill. We thank him for his liberal gift.... Made no further stop until we passed through Greenville. Received our mail and passed on to our home. Found no help. Prepared our own dinner. We felt glad to find Willie not sick. We left him with bad cold. Brother Corliss had taken good care of everything, and we prize him much. 3MR 149.4

(Greenville,) Tuesday, January 28, 1868—Brother Corliss helped me prepare breakfast. Everything we touched was frozen. All things in our cellar were frozen. We prepared frozen turnips and potatoes. After prayers Brother Corliss went into the woods ... to get wood.... I baked eight pans of gems, swept rooms, washed dishes, helped Willie put snow in boiler, which requires many tubsful. We have no well water or cistern.... Got dinner for Willie and me. Just as we got through my husband and Brother Andrews drove up. Had had no dinner. I started cooking again. Soon got them something to eat. Nearly all day has thus been spent—not a line written. I feel sad about this. Am exceedingly weary.—Manuscript 12, 1868 3MR 150.1

(Alma) Sunday, February 9, 1868—My husband spoke.... The children made so much noise my brain is tired.... I spoke at one for nearly two hours upon temperance. Brother Andrews spoke in the evening. 3MR 150.2

Monday, February 17, 1868—They told me it was expected that I should address the people in the evening.... I had told Brother Andrews that he would have to speak, but he was afraid the people would be disappointed. I arose in great weakness, spoke from these words, “What shall it profit a man, if he gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?” (Mark 8:36, 37).... The people seemed to receive the word.... 3MR 150.3

Afterwards I learned that Brother Andrews had selected this text to speak from if he addressed the people. We said not a word to one another, yet our minds were led in the same direction. 3MR 150.4

Thursday, February 20, 1868—Packed our things to start on our journey to Vassar. Had a meeting in the morning.... Fifteen were buried with Christ in baptism. We rejoiced at the sight. 3MR 151.1

[Vassar, Mich.,] Sunday, February 23, 1868—My husband spoke in the morning.... I did not attend meeting. Wrote a part of the time and cooked gems and pudding for dinner. When the people returned they were overjoyed to hear the subject on Sabbath made so plain. They all said they never heard the like before.... 3MR 151.2

I spoke in afternoon.... I had great freedom. There was a crowded house. Monday, February 24, 1868—Had a meeting through the day. Brother Andrews went ten miles to Watrousville to attend a funeral.... 3MR 151.3

One poor woman came to hear me speak, but was too late. Had been out of health and dared not venture out in the cold. I tried to comfort her the best I could. Several wanted me to encourage them; told me their troubles.... I did not know what to do. Oh, how glad I was to get a little rest and peace! It is so difficult to remain calm with everything going on—some talking all at one time. 3MR 151.4

[St. Charles, Mich.,] Tuesday, Feb 25, 1868—It was a very pleasant day for traveling.... Arrived at Brother Griggs's about two o'clock. Took dinner between two and three. Was hungry; enjoyed the food. Wrote fifteen pages of testimony for church at Washington, New Hampshire. 3MR 151.5

Wednesday, February 26, 1868—Arose early.... Wrote fifteen pages, enclosed in an envelope and sent to the office; for Washington, forty-four pages. 3MR 151.6

Put on my cloak and hat and walked a short distance to Brother Guilford's. Found people gathered together in two rooms. I spoke to them about one hour from these words, “Well done, good and faithful servant.” All seemed interested.... Took dinner and about two we stepped into the sleigh and were on our way back to Tuscola.—Manuscript 13, 1868 3MR 152.1

Tuscola, Mich., Sunday, March 1, 1868—Spoke in the afternoon: “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart.” The house was full. There was no ventilation. The stove smoked. I had strength amid it all to speak for one hour and a half. The best attention was given. We were afterwards told I spoke from the same text the minister spoke from in the morning, but handled it very differently. My husband spoke about ten minutes. 3MR 152.2

Monday, March 2, 1868—We arose between four and five o'clock. Ate breakfast before six and were on our way before seven to St. Charles. The wind increased, blowing the snow into the road until we could see no track. We knew we were in danger of freezing, and after we had gone five miles we turned back. In doing so we faced the wind and must have frozen if we had not used blankets to cover us and take our seats in the bottom of the sleigh, our backs to the wind. It seemed a long time before we were again under ... shelter.... Rested all the forenoon. In the afternoon wrote ten pages.... 3MR 152.3

Tuesday, March 3, 1868—We shall leave Brother Spooner's today.... It is bitterly cold. Water froze solid in our bedrooms. We expect to suffer; wrap up as best we may.... 3MR 152.4

The people at St. Charles expected us to hold meetings with them.... Here was the question—What is duty? We feel so anxious to do all the good we can. We are worn, yet are willing to continue to labor on if God will give strength.... 3MR 153.1

This is the most severe of all—people begging for meetings.... 3MR 153.2

Greenville, Sabbath, March 7, 1868—[It] has rained all through the night. It will be impossible for people to attend meetings today. This is the first Sabbath we have had without laboring, speaking to the people for eight months.... The snow is fast disappearing. Water stands in the road. There is a large deep pond where it was never known to be before. Teams come up to the water, look dubious, and finally cross. A road is made through our dooryard to avoid the body of water. It continues to rain, rain. I wrote eighteen pages of important testimony.... It is so dark we can see with difficulty. We attended prayers. Read several pages in a pocket Bible.... Home is the place for us during this storm. Wind is rising. 3MR 153.3

Monday, March 9, 1868—The water is very high. Our fences are taken down for the people to pass through our yard to avoid the deep water. The snow is fast going. Wrote twenty pages. 3MR 153.4

Tuesday, March 10, 1868—Water very deep. The fields and roads look like a large lake. Got a bag of apples at Brother King's.... Found very bad going, dragging through fields to avoid deep water. 3MR 153.5

Monday, March 23, 1868—After dinner Sister Strong, James, and self took a long walk through the woods. It was pleasant, although I became very weary. After we returned I lay down a short time, then wrote quite a number of pages upon talking of others’ faults.... We see such an amount of writing before us. 3MR 153.6

Tuesday, March 31, 1868—I wrote quite steadily; prepared matter for printer. I went out in the afternoon for a change and Sister Strong, Louisa, and myself picked up stones and helped to fill up the old cellar. I am exceedingly weary at night.—Manuscript 14, 1868. 3MR 154.1

Thursday, April 2, 1868—Cut out Willie a coat from a pair of father's old pants. 3MR 154.2

Sunday, April 5, 1868—Brother Fargo took dinner with us, also Brother and Sister Noyce. Our table is always full. I would not have it otherwise. 3MR 154.3

Tuesday, April 14, 1868—Again cried unto God for strength, which I so much need. After breakfast rode to Greenville. Purchased a hat for Sonia—a very neat hat. Paid one dollar.... We are having now quite a large family. If we only enjoy the blessing of God all will go well. 3MR 154.4

Monday, April 20, 1868—We had plowing done. Made beds to put my flowers sent from Battle Creek. Sowed peas of a nice quality. I was busy indoors and out all day, and was tired all the time. 3MR 154.5

Friday, April 24, 1868—We prepared to commence our journey to Wright. It is a cold, raw day; looks like rain. We got along very well until we took a wrong road. Went five miles out of the way over a very bad road. We found a convenient spot, stopped our team and prepared to take our dinner. While James was unharnessing the team I was building a fire. Had a large roaring fire in a short time. We were somewhat chilled, but we became warm in a short time. We enjoyed our dinner. It commenced to rain before we had again started on our journey, yet we got along very well. A few minutes after the sun had set we were too weary to sit in our chairs, and hastened to bed. Met Brother Kellogg at Brother Root's gate. 3MR 154.6

Wright, Mich., Thursday, April 30, 1868—Arose at four o'clock, and prepared for our journey to Monterey.... We took our dinner in the carriage. The roads were rough, the day was raw and cold. Our wagon broke going over the rough log ways.... [I] did not speak as carefully and as cheerfully as I ought. Confessed this before leaving the carriage.—Manuscript 15, 1868 3MR 155.1

Monterey, Wednesday, May 6, 1868—My husband purchased me a side saddle and bridle from Martin Giles for twelve dollars; very cheap. After we returned to Monterey we rode out together horseback. For the first time I did very well.... Attended meeting in evening.—Manuscript 16, 1868 3MR 155.2

Adventure in the Rockies, 1872. Wednesday, July 17, 1872—We stepped on board the train for our long route to Denver.... In the afternoon we.... prepared to view the country we were passing through. We saw no buffalo herds nigh, but about two hundred dead buffalo lying upon the plains. They had been killed by the hunters—some for their hides, others merely for their hind quarters, to dry to sell. We saw a dead antelope near the track. We saw several antelopes at some distance, also a large herd of buffalo. We saw many houses built underground, where families lived. Many of these men lived by hunting. The land seemed poor, and we traveled for fifteen or twenty miles without seeing a house. We saw herds of cattle numbering thousands, with several men on horseback herding the cattle. We saw many settlements of prairie dogs scudding about the track and off on the prairie. 3MR 155.3

(Denver, Colorado,) Thursday, July 18, 1872—Thursday morning we awoke in the sleeping cars and looked out of the car window upon snow-capped mountains. Such a scene I had never looked upon before—snow lying upon the top of the mountains, bordered with green. The train bore us to Denver. We stepped off the train about eight o'clock. It was a singular affair for us, to travel hundreds of miles over a barren desert and then find a populous city which could be called the Chicago of Colorado.... We were cordially welcomed by our nieces. We felt at home. 3MR 156.1

Wednesday, July 24, 1872—We were anxious to go to the mountains.... We hastened to the cars, which left at eleven o'clock. We got on board a freight train.... Ridges and splashes of snow lay upon the top of the mountains.... 3MR 156.2

(Walling's Mills, Colorado,) Sabbath, July 27, 1872—We arose this beautiful morning with some sense of the goodness and mercy of God to us. This is our first Sabbath among the mountains. James, Sister Hall, and myself took a blanket and walked out to the shelter of the fragrant evergreens, rolled up a stone for seats, and I read a portion of my manuscript to my husband. In the afternoon.... we read about sixty pages of Great Controversy, or Spiritual Gifts.... We closed the Sabbath of the Lord with prayer. 3MR 156.3

(Walling's Mills,) Sunday, July 28, 1872—Mary, James, Willie, and I walked one mile to see the gigantic rock towering up hundreds of feet. Willie climbed to the top of it. We with less strength and sprightliness were content to remain below. Returning home, Willie mounted a rock and spoke to us. 3MR 156.4

(Walling's Mills,) Monday, July 29, 1872—We enjoy this mountain air very much. My husband and myself walked out in the grove and had ... prayer. Spent considerable of the day in writing.... We knelt among the trees and prayed for heavenly guidance. 3MR 157.1

(Walling's Mills,) Tuesday, July 30, 1872—This morning we designed to go to Central City, about twelve miles. We purposed to take dinner on the way by the roadside. As we were preparing to start, the horses were found missing. Yesterday eve two hundred Indians passed through. Five horses of Mr. Walling's were missing; also his cow. It was thought the Indians might have stolen the horses. Mr. Walling threw off his coat, armed himself with two revolvers and a bowie knife, and in company with one of his men started on horseback to find the horses. We were disappointed in not eating our dinner by the roadside. We enjoyed our simple meal, however, very well. About two o'clock Mr. Walling came back, having found his horses and cow. He had no occasion to use his firearms, for which we were thankful. 3MR 157.2

(Colorado,) Thursday, August 8, 1872—We had prayers in our tent then wrote until about eleven o'clock.... A company who were going over the snowy range to the Park came for milk.... All of them looked feeble.... We gave away some books. There seems to be great eagerness to get books in this rocky, mountainous country. 3MR 157.3

(Colorado,) Sabbath, August 17, 1872—Attended meeting in afternoon and evening. My husband spoke in afternoon. I spoke in the evening. These meetings were cheering and strengthening to the little few in these mountains. 3MR 157.4

(Colorado,) Sunday, Aug., 18, 1872—It is a beautiful morning.... We walked out to view the scenery around us. Before us were high mountains.... Miners’ huts were built upon the high mountains, upon the sides of the mountains, and in the gulches.... Mr. Bental gave me many specimens of ore. 3MR 158.1

(Colorado,) Monday, Aug., 19, 1872—It is a beautiful morning. We took breakfast with our nephew and niece, Mr. and Mrs. Fair. Had a short season of prayer and then walked about one mile and a quarter to Sister Bental's. She welcomed us heartily. We have been writing, preparing copy for [The Health] Reformer. Wrote Edson about eight pages. Sister Stocker brought me specimens. In returning home the horses balked, and we were obliged to walk miles. 3MR 158.2

(Colorado,) September 3, 1872—We left Walling's Mills about noon, mounted on our ponies. Mr. Walling took his wagon along to carry the baggage. We rode ten miles the first day.... A storm threatened us. We decided to halt at a deserted hovel. We went in and found two bedsteads, a table, a large fireplace. We were scarcely sheltered and saddles and baggage inside when it began to rain in torrents, soon followed by hail as large as bullets. The horses, nine in number, shivered and shrunk, but we could do no better with them. We prepared beds for us and had quite a comfortable night. We felt grateful that ... we found a comfortable retreat.—Manuscript 4, 1872 3MR 158.3

Wednesday, September 4, 1872—I endured the horseback riding well, and ... could have my pony lope nicely. But alas! as I was in the best of spirits, enjoying the scenery very much, my pack behind me became unloosed and dangled against the horse's heels.... I was between two companies—three of our company ahead and five behind me. 3MR 159.1

I saw the situation of things, slipped my feet from the stirrup, and was just ready to slip from the saddle to the ground and in one moment should have been safe. But the pony was frightened and threw me over his back. I struck my back and my head. I knew I was badly hurt, but felt assured no bones were broken. I could scarcely breathe or talk for some time but finally improved a little.... I was placed upon a bed in the wagon and rode thus a few miles, till we came to the mountain, then mounted my pony. Weak and full of pain, I rode up mountains as steep as the roof of a house, over rocky hills and big boulders that seemed impossible to pass. We camped at night, and bathed. I wore a wet bandage, and although in considerable pain, I rested well on the ground in camp and the next morning was upon my saddle again.—Letter 14, 1872. (To “Dear Children, Edson and Emma.”) 3MR 159.2