Ellen G. White: The Progressive Years: 1862-1876 (vol. 2)


Uriah Smith Confessed Further

In an editorial item headed “Personal,” written just as the Whites left Battle Creek for the West, Uriah Smith wrote in confession: 2BIO 399.7

Many of us will ever look back upon the recent stay of Brother and Sister White with us with unfeigned pleasure. It has been a time when the Lord has signally worked. To see darkness and obstacles vanish from our path, as the mist lifts and silently clears away in the rising sunlight, has been an experience of exceeding joy, and will ever be a matter of grateful remembrance. 2BIO 399.8

The laborers who have attended the meetings now take hold of their duties in the various departments of the cause with such hope and courage, and buoyancy of spirit, and inspiration for their work, as they have never felt before; for union of heart, the only basis of all permanent prosperity and success, has been attained to a degree never before realized.—Ibid., December 23, 1873 2BIO 400.1