Ellen G. White: The Progressive Years: 1862-1876 (vol. 2)


The Searching Messages of Testimony No. 18

Solemn indeed were the messages set forth in Testimony No. 18. One chapter filled seventy-one pages and was reprinted in Testimonies for the Church, 2:439-489. It was titled “An Appeal to the Church,” and was a stirring message. It discussed a number of matters relating to the spiritual condition of many. Then Ellen White introduced the case of Nathan Fuller, a minister in New York State who had become involved in a licentious course with some of the female members in his congregation. At a recent General Conference session Fuller had been a delegate from his conference (The Review and Herald, May 28, 1867). He was one of the four main speakers at the Wright camp meeting. But he had failed to keep himself clear of moral corruption. Ellen wrote: 2BIO 287.1

Elder Fuller has been warned. The warnings given to others condemned him. The sins reproved in others reproved him and gave him sufficient light to see how God regarded crimes of such a character as he was committing, yet he would not turn from his evil course. He continued to pursue his fearful, impious work, corrupting the bodies and souls of his flock. Satan had strengthened the lustful passions which this man did not subdue, and engaged them in his cause to lead souls to death. 2BIO 287.2

While he professed to keep the law of God, he was, in a most wanton manner, violating its plain precepts. He has given himself up to the gratification of sensual pleasure. He has sold himself to work wickedness. What will be the wages of such a man? The indignation and wrath of God will punish him for sin. The vengeance of God will be aroused against all those whose lustful passions have been concealed under a ministerial cloak.—Testimonies for the Church, 2:454. 2BIO 287.3

In the setting of this outstanding case of moral corruption Ellen White sounded warnings against the indulgence of all lustful passions. Shortly after the publication of these counsels a volume of 272 pages, compiled and edited by James White and titled A Solemn Appeal Relative to Solitary Vice, and Abuses and Excesses of the Marriage Relation, came from the presses of the Review. Included in it was a reprint of Ellen White pamphlet Appeal to Mothers, published in 1864, and presentations from medical men (The Review and Herald, February 15, 1870). 2BIO 287.4