Ellen G. White: The Progressive Years: 1862-1876 (vol. 2)


Wild Rumors Concerning Ellen White

The committee also looked into some of the reports instigated to defame Ellen White, such as her giving birth to two children before she was married. On this point, several who were acquainted with her since 1844 furnished an affidavit: 2BIO 284.3

Whereas, evil-disposed persons have spread abroad the statement that Sister White was the mother of one or more children before she became a wife, this is to certify that we have been intimately acquainted with her since the fall of 1844; that is, from the seventeenth year of her age; and that we declare this statement a most wanton and malicious falsehood, having no foundation in truth, and having no excuse whatever for its existence. We have the utmost confidence in the integrity, virtue, and purity of character, of Sister E. G. White. 2BIO 284.4

J. N. Andrews

A. S. Andrews

H. N. Smith

Ibid., 144, 145.

Non-Adventist acquaintances in Portland, Maine, gave most positive statements regarding Ellen and her family. The pamphlet was circulated widely and did an effective work. 2BIO 284.5