Ellen G. White: The Progressive Years: 1862-1876 (vol. 2)


The Camp Meeting at Wright, Michigan

When plans for an annual camp meeting were seriously considered in mid-July, the first thought was that there was not enough time to arrange for such a meeting that year. But then the leaders felt it could be done if they worked quickly. On the back page of the August 11 Review, under the heading “General Camp Meeting,” readers were informed: 2BIO 246.2

It is now decided to hold a general camp meeting in the town of Wright, Ottawa County, Michigan, August 26-31. 2BIO 246.3

Other notices and instructions followed quickly. Because of the closeness of time, the meeting was deferred a week, to open Tuesday, September 1, and run to Monday, September 7. On the editorial page in the Review of August 18, the General Conference Committee informed prospective comers: 2BIO 246.4

This meeting has not been appointed for the purpose of spending a few days in recreation and vanity. Nor has it been appointed as a novelty, for the purpose of calling out the idle and the curious who might not otherwise be reached. Nor do we by this means merely seek to gather a large concourse of people, that we may thereby make a display of our strength. We have a very different object in view. 2BIO 246.5

We desire to call out as many of our brethren, both preachers and people, as we can, and also as many of our unconverted fellowmen as we may be able to interest in this meeting, that we may do them good. We want all who shall come to this meeting to come for the purpose of seeking God. We want our brethren to come for the purpose of seeking a new conversion. We want our preachers to set them in this an example worthy of imitation. 2BIO 246.6

We desire also to see many of our fellowmen who have no interest in Christ, or at least no knowledge of the present truth, converted to the Lord, and rejoicing in the light of His truth.—The Review and Herald, August 18, 1868. 2BIO 247.1

Directions were given on how to reach the campground, on the farm of E. H. Root, with the promise that “a beautiful grove will be prepared with seats for three thousand persons.” Two sixty-foot round tents would be pitched on the grounds, one of them new, and the hope was expressed that there would be many small living tents. James and Ellen White would have theirs, and the Review of August 18 carried instruction on the construction at home of simple tents to serve families and churches. 2BIO 247.2