Ellen G. White: The Progressive Years: 1862-1876 (vol. 2)


Thoughts on Revelation

At this time they received from the express office fifty copies of Uriah Smith's Thoughts on Revelation, just published in Battle Creek. Of this precious addition to the literature of the church James wrote: 2BIO 187.4

These thoughts are not the fruit of one brain.... William Miller saw much. Others since have seen more. And as this open book contains more which bears directly upon the present truth than any other book of the Bible, its clearest light is reserved for believers in the time of the third message.—Ibid., July 16, 1867 2BIO 187.5

This book grew out of a series of Review articles started by James White in 1862 as he sat in Smith's Sabbath school class in Battle Creek. By their choice the class was studying Revelation. At about midway, as White was called away, the work of writing was picked up by Smith. In the July article that mentioned the Smith book, the Review readers were informed: 2BIO 187.6

Mrs. White's health is excellent, and I am still making up lost time in sleeping, which is relieving my head. With my present labor, mental and physical, in the heat of midsummer, and the loss of teeth and of blood when they were extracted, I think I fully hold my own. With God's blessing I hope to gain faster in the future. The field of usefulness is open before us and we hope to have strength to stand side by side in the good work.—Ibid. 2BIO 187.7