Ellen G. White: The Progressive Years: 1862-1876 (vol. 2)


The Six Weeks at Greenville

“January 29, 1867,” wrote Ellen White, “we left Wright, and rode to Greenville, Montcalm County, a distance of forty miles.”—Ibid. She described the trip: 2BIO 166.6

It was the most severely cold day of the winter, and we were glad to find a shelter from the cold and storm at Brother Maynard's. This dear family welcomed us to their hearts and to their home. We remained in this vicinity six weeks, laboring with the churches at Greenville and Orleans, and making Brother Maynard's hospitable home our headquarters.—Ibid. 2BIO 167.1

The activities in the Greenville area were much the same as at Wright. Meetings were frequent, and both James and Ellen engaged in them. She noted the improvement in her husband's health: 2BIO 167.2

His labors were received by the people, and he was a great help to me in the work.... The Lord sustained him in every effort which he put forth. As he ventured, trusting in God, regardless of his feebleness, he gained strength and improved with every effort.—Ibid. 2BIO 167.3

With the prospects of the two laboring together among the people improving, Ellen's feeling of “gratitude was unbounded.” Subjects dealt with in depth were primarily Systematic Benevolence and health reform in its broad aspects. They found the word more readily received there than at Wright, prejudice breaking away as plain truth was spoken (The Review and Herald, February 19, 1867). 2BIO 167.4

They were delighted with Greenville's surroundings. Of this James wrote: 2BIO 167.5

One might suppose that Montcalm County was a very new, log-house country, it being seventy-five miles north of Calhoun County [and Battle Creek]. But this is the most beautiful portion of the State. The farmers are generally independent, many of them rich, with large, splendid houses, large, fertile farms, and beautiful orchards. 2BIO 167.6

One traveling through this country passes a variety of scenery peculiar to Michigan, namely, rolling, oak openings, and plains covered with heavy maple and beech, and lofty pines. Then before he is aware of it, he comes upon a fine farm with buildings equal in size and style to the dwellings in our small cities.—Ibid. 2BIO 167.7

“The sleighing has been excellent for the last two months,” he reported, “and the weather, generally, comparatively mild and fine.”—Ibid. With their team of horses, which were a great blessing, they drove from five to forty miles nearly every day. [Although edson and willie occasionally accompanied their parents, they generally stayed in battle creek or the vicinity, where they could attend school, living with relatives or close friends.] In his report written March 3, James informed the readers of the Review: 2BIO 168.1

Since we left home [Battle Creek] on December 19, ...we have rode with our team one thousand miles, and have walked some each day, in all amounting to one hundred miles. This, with our preaching, writing, baths, and rest hours, has filled up our time.—Ibid., March 12, 1867 2BIO 168.2

Other reports put his health at about one half recovered. He was still frail, but determined to move on by faith, looking forward to a full restoration. He closed his report of their work in the vicinity of Greenville: 2BIO 168.3

We have taken our leave of this people for the present, who express a desire that we should settle among them. And we feel the strongest desire, if the Lord will, to settle with this dear people where our testimony, as is most natural, is prized more than in those places where they are blessed with much ministerial labor, and the labors also of efficient local elders and experienced brethren. 2BIO 168.4

When men come from ten to fifteen miles on foot, and aged and feeble come from three to twelve miles on foot, at this season of the year, depend upon it, they come to hear.—Ibid. 2BIO 168.5