Ellen G. White: The Progressive Years: 1862-1876 (vol. 2)


Chapter 11—(1866) Rebellion in Iowa

Spurred by the light given in the vision of December 25, and encouraged by the upturn in James White's struggle with ill health that followed the Sabbath of fasting and prayer during the General Conference session, Ellen White determined to test the benefits of travel. The monthly meeting scheduled for June 2 and 3 at Monterey, where they had many friends, seemed to provide an appropriate opportunity to venture out. Wednesday, May 30, accompanied by Dr. Lay, James and Ellen made the two-day trip in their carriage. The weather was favorable, and James stood the trip well. Writing of the experience, he stated, “Were glad to meet Brethren Bates and Waggoner, and a large attendance of the brethren from the region round about.”—The Review and Herald, June 19, 1866. Joseph Bates reported that following Waggoner's Sabbath morning sermon: 2BIO 145.1

Brother White followed, giving a brief statement of his recent severe affliction, and what the Lord had done and was doing for him in answer to prayer, and closed with an affectionate address to the congregation, especially the youth.—Ibid. 2BIO 145.2

On Sabbath afternoon Ellen White gave her testimony on health reform. There was a full schedule of meetings Sunday, and in these, health reform figured prominently. The Whites remained over until the second Sabbath, when James White took the morning service. He closed his report of the trip to Monterey with these words: 2BIO 145.3

We reached home, after having been absent nearly two weeks, June 11. We traveled with our team about 250 miles. In point of health, we sleep better, enjoy our food better, a better condition of the stomach and bowels is established, and we are gaining slowly in weight. Of our sufferings in the past none but God has known; but we trust they are mostly in the past. Brethren, pray for us. To know that we have the prayers of those who pray in faith is our highest earthly joy.—Ibid. 2BIO 145.4

Beyond this, the records are quite silent. The appendix statement in the 1888 edition of Life Sketches informs us that “the journey [to Monterey] proving beneficial to the invalid, many similar excursions were made during the summer.”—22LS 354. 2BIO 146.1