Ellen G. White: The Australian Years: 1891-1900 (vol. 4)


The Locked Bank Door Found Open

It was four o'clock when they returned. Faulkhead suggested they might possibly get a loan from the bank with which the Echo Publishing Company did business. Inasmuch as it was closed, Faulkhead suggested they call on the banker at his home. Daniells did not see much light in that, but what else could they do? It seemed their only hope. The two men started down the street. As they passed the bank, they saw that the door was open enough to allow a man to enter. The two men slipped in and found the banker and his assistant with the contents of the vault spread out on the counters. The bank inspector from London was expected the next day, and they were checking their cash holdings. 4BIO 414.2

“Faulkhead!” the banker exclaimed in startled surprise. “How did you get into this bank?” 4BIO 414.3

“We walked in,” he replied. 4BIO 414.4

“Yes, I know, but how did you get the door open?” queried the trembling banker. “I shut, bolted, locked, and chained that door myself. How did you get it open?” 4BIO 414.5

“We did not touch it, it was open” was all they could say. 4BIO 414.6

Pale, and almost in a state of shock, the banker hurriedly relocked the door. Returning, he asked, “What is it that you want?” 4BIO 414.7

“We want to see you in your private office. We want £300 to meet an obligation in the morning. 4BIO 414.8

“What security can you give?” the banker asked. 4BIO 414.9

“Only our word tonight,” they replied, “but we will give you something more later.” 4BIO 414.10

Faulkhead and Daniells were certain that an angel had opened the bank door. The banker was profoundly impressed, and the two men left the bank carrying “three hundred shining sovereigns.” The next morning Daniells met the woman who was demanding her money, and placed them in her hands. Continuing his reminiscence, Daniells declared: 4BIO 415.1

These experiences, I can assure you, made a deep impression on my mind—that assurance under the tree at Cooranbong, the assurance in Brother Salisbury's room that morning, the open door at the bank, and the money in my hands that evening—and that is why I wrote “Fulfilled” in the margin of my Bible.— Ibid. 4BIO 415.2

Sabbath morning, in the worship service, Daniells could not refrain from telling the experience of finding the bank door open and the deliverance that came. After the service the woman who had called for her £300 asked whether the school could still use the money, and promised to add £75 as a “penalty.” This was a good omen. The tide was turning. 4BIO 415.3