Ellen G. White: The Australian Years: 1891-1900 (vol. 4)


The Meetings Extended Another Week

The camp meeting was scheduled to close on Monday, October 24. Ellen White was the speaker again on Sunday afternoon. She was weary and somewhat distracted, but she met her appointment, speaking to an audience of one thousand. She relates her unique experience: 4BIO 368.1

On the last Sunday of the meetings the Lord gave me a great victory. I was much exhausted.... I seemed to have no strength at all, but at 3:00 P.M. I went on the platform. I had a portion of Scripture to speak upon, but I could not remember what I meant to bring before the people. I stood up, and another portion of Scripture came into my mind. I had been a little hoarse, but I felt that the angel of the Lord was by my side, for my voice was clear and full and distinct. 4BIO 368.2

Some who had given up their seats to strangers, and had gone into their tents, said that they heard every word from the beginning to the close. I spoke for one hour and a half upon the subject of temperance. After I returned to my home [room], I had no fears that I had not done as well as I ought. I felt that it was not Ellen G. White who had spoken, but that the Lord had spoken through the frail instrument. I felt my soul softened and subdued by the power of God. My heart was full of peace and joy in the Lord.—Manuscript 153, 1898. 4BIO 368.3

Some of the crowd had attended meetings on the previous Sunday and had come again bringing friends. She gave an interesting word picture: 4BIO 368.4

Many we recognized as those who had attended the evening meetings; but there were hundreds who had come to the meeting for the first time. According to appointment, our meeting was to close the following day, but it was evident that the work of the meeting was not finished. It was too busy a time for consultation, for every worker on the grounds was busy visiting, entertaining the interested and the curious, distributing reading matter, and holding short Bible readings with those who questioned about the doctrines taught at the meeting.—The Review and Herald, April 4, 1899. 4BIO 368.5

As had been the case several times in connection with this camp meeting, the Lord on Sunday night gave Ellen White special light. She wrote of it in her report in the April 4, 1899, Review. 4BIO 369.1

It was represented to me that the cloud still rested over the tabernacle. The cloud had not yet lifted, and the tents must not be taken down. This was our time to seek the Lord earnestly for wisdom and strength, and to labor with all our powers to give the warning message to the people. The people were under conviction, and this camp meeting remained a necessity. 4BIO 369.2

I was not able to speak at the early meeting, but sent word that according to light given to me, there ought to be nothing done unnecessarily to give the impression to the people that the meeting had closed. 4BIO 369.3

Earlier in the week as the interest was observed, the decision had been reached to leave the large tent standing for a week or two for continued meetings, but plans to take down the family tents were now dropped. Meetings were appointed for the evening and each morning, and the campers invited to stay on. Many could not, but some did. Monday night, the public congregation took a strong vote to have the meetings continued. About a dozen workers of varied experience and gifts remained to follow up the interest. Concluding her report of the Brisbane camp meeting, Ellen White could say: 4BIO 369.4

This, which we had looked forward to as a very small meeting, has proved to be one of the most interesting and profitable camp meetings held in Australia.—Ibid., March 28, 1899. 4BIO 369.5

After the Brisbane meeting, Ellen White accompanied by Sara McEnterfer and W. C. White went on north another four hundred miles to Rockhampton, where she spoke four times. 4BIO 369.6