Ellen G. White: The Australian Years: 1891-1900 (vol. 4)

“Our School Must Be a Model School”

Coming from a school board meeting on April 28, W. C. White wrote to a fellow worker, W. M. Crothers, in New Zealand: 4BIO 353.4

This morning we had a long board meeting, and Mother read us some very important instruction. From what she has said to us from time to time, we conclude that the present school term is a very important time, and that it is our duty to do everything in our power to give this school the right mold.—11a WCW, pp. 642, 643. 4BIO 353.5

In September, Ellen White declared: “Our school must be a model school for others who shall establish schools in Australia; every movement we make must tell.”—Manuscript 186, 1898. 4BIO 353.6

On this point Ellen White spoke again in a letter dated October 5. Writing of the orchards and grounds surrounding the school, she stated: 4BIO 353.7

The land is to be our lesson book. After being cleared, it is to be cultivated. Orange, lemon, peach, apricot, nectarine, plum, and apple trees are to occupy the land, with vegetable gardens, flower gardens, and ornamental trees. Thus this place is to be brought as near as possible to the presentation that passed before me several times, as the symbol of what our school and premises should be.—Letter 84, 1898. 4BIO 354.1

That the attendance for this term of school passed the one hundred mark, with the young people “hearing, learning, and practicing as if they desired to occupy a right position in the home and school firm,” brought satisfaction to the leaders (Manuscript 76, 1898). 4BIO 354.2