Ellen G. White in Europe 1885-1887


Sister White's Esteem for Conradi

Her contacts with the European leader through the years were occasional. However, she was well acquainted with his work and esteemed him as a church leader. For example, while preaching at the General Conference session in 1901, which Conradi attended, she mentioned him by name publicly and directed a message to him from the desk. Here are her very words: EGWE 292.1

“Brother Conradi has carried a very heavy burden of work in Europe. Brother Conradi, God wants you to have laborers to stand with you, and He wants you to give them all the encouragement you can. He wants the work you are doing to go with strength and with power. EGWE 292.2

“You have been doing the work of several men. God has greatly blessed your labors. The angels of God have done this work, not Brother Conradi. He has opened doors for the angels, and they have entered. And if you will all open doors for the angels and give God an opportunity to work, let me tell you that He will set in operation that which will carry forward the work with a strength you do not dream of.”—The General Conference Bulletin, April 22, 1901, p. 398. EGWE 292.3

For a time he set a new course for his future life. To what great heights he might have risen had he persisted and endured! But somewhere along the way he drifted back and, exercising a typical independence, returned to his former perilous position. In time he came to believe and advocate views we have referred to that struck at the very heart of the third angel's message. EGWE 292.4