Ellen G. White in Europe 1885-1887

Chapter 24—a Bible-Centered Ministry

Two weeks of public evangelism at Nimes, France

In the two weeks Ellen White spent at Nimes, France, she presented twelve consecutive messages to the little company of believers there and the general public who were invited to attend. Ten of these sermons sketched in longhand are extant today. Some of these were preached in afternoon meetings, others in the evening. Bible in hand, Mrs. White would read her selected text and then elaborate upon the truth of the word. Like an evangelist, she presented a Christ-centered message. The titles of her sermons and the texts from which she preached follow: EGWE 239.1

Sabbath, October 16, “If Thou Wilt Enter Into Life,” Matthew 19:16-20 Sunday, October 17, “Come Unto Me,” Matthew 11:28-30 Monday, October 18, “Walk in the Light,” John 14:21 Wednesday, October 20, “The Ladder to Heaven,” 2 Peter 1:1 Thursday, October 21, “Search the Scriptures,” 2 Peter 1:19-21 Friday, October 22, “The Cross Before the Crown,” Matthew 16:24-27 Sabbath, October 23, “God's Law the Standard of Character,” John 7:14-17. Sunday, October 24, “The Hope Set Before Us,” 1 John 3:1 Sabbath, October 30, “Two Standards,” 1 Corinthians 2:12-14 Sunday, October 31, “Gaining a Fitness for Heaven,” Luke 12:34. EGWE 239.2

While all the addresses were Bible-based, it was in her presentation “Search the Scriptures,” given Thursday afternoon, October 21, that she led her hearers to appreciate and revere the Bible as the word of the living God. “Our text tells us,” she said, “that we have something sure, and that is the Scriptures that are revealed to us, and this is the voice of God that is speaking to us.”—Manuscript 43, 1886. EGWE 240.1

In the pious Protestant home of her childhood, her godly parents, Robert and Eunice Harmon, taught her and the other seven children to have faith in the Holy Scriptures as “the voice of God” speaking to them. There was never any doubt throughout her lifetime about the inspiration of the Word of God, as she later wrote: EGWE 240.2

“In the Word of God the mind finds subject for the deepest thought, the loftiest aspiration. Here we may hold communion with patriarchs and prophets, and listen to the voice of the Eternal as He speaks with men.”—Testimonies for the Church 5:25. EGWE 240.3

It was true of this diminutive woman from the United States as it was of young Timothy “that from a child thou has known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus” (2 Timothy 3:15). EGWE 240.4

While she was endowed with the gift of prophecy, she consistently directed her listeners to the messages of the prophets and apostles of old. This was her practice throughout her lifetime. EGWE 240.5

After presenting her early experiences and many of her early visions in her first book of only 64 pages, she wrote: EGWE 240.6

“I recommend to you, dear reader, the Word of God as the rule of your faith and practice. By that Word we are to be judged. God has, in that Word, promised to give visions in the ‘last day s'; not for a new rule of faith, but for the comfort of His people, and to correct those who err from Bible truth. Thus God dealt with Peter when He was about to send him to preach to the Gentiles (Acts 10).”—Christian Experience and Views, p. 64 (Early Writings, 78). EGWE 240.7