Ellen G. White: The Early Years: 1827-1862 (vol. 1)



ARAdvent Review
DFEllen G. White Estate Document File
EGWEllen G. White
EWEarly Writings
GCThe Great Controversy
GCBGeneral Conference Bulletin
GSAMThe Great Second Advent Movement
JNLJohn N. Loughborough
JWJames White
LetterEllen G. White letter
1LSLife Sketches, 1880 ed. (2LS, 1888 ed.; 3LS, 1915 ed.)
MSEllen G. White manuscript
PTPresent Truth
PURPacific Union Recorder
RHReview and Herald
1SGSpiritual Gifts, Vol. I (2SG, etc., for Vols. II-IV)
1SMSelected Messages, book 1 (2SM, etc., for books 2,3)
1SPThe Spirit of Prophecy, vol. 1 (2SP, etc., for vols. 2-4)
STSigns of the Times
1TTestimonies, vol. 1 (2T, etc., for vols. 2-9)
TMTestimonies to Ministers
WCWWilliam C. White
WLFA Word to the “Little Flock”