Ellen G. White: The Early Years: 1827-1862 (vol. 1)


Vision of the Open and Shut Door

On March 24, 1849, a vision of an open and a shut door was given to Ellen White. This is referred to by some of the early church workers as a repetition of the vision at Exeter, Maine, in mid-February, 1845. Many of the same points are dealt with. She saw Jesus transfer His ministry from the holy place in the heavenly sanctuary to the Most Holy Place, closing one door and opening another. As Ellen White wrote of this vision to Leonard and Elvira Hastings, she referred to the fact that there were those at Paris, Maine, who had given up the “shut door.” In other words, they had abandoned their confidence in the fulfillment of prophecy on October 22, 1844. Reference has been made to this in chapter 10. 1BIO 262.2

She wrote of what was revealed to her in this vision: 1BIO 262.3

I saw the commandments of God and shut door could not be separated. I saw the time for the commandments of God to shine out to His people was when the door was opening in the inner apartment of the heavenly sanctuary in 1844. Then Jesus rose up and shut the door in the outer apartment and opened the door in the inner apartment and passed into the Most Holy Place, and the faith of Israel now reaches within the second veil where Jesus now stands by the ark.

I saw that Jesus had shut the door in the holy place and no man can open it, and that He had opened the door in the Most Holy Place and no man can shut it; and that since Jesus had opened the door in the Most Holy Place the commandments have been shining out and God has been testing His people on the holy Sabbath.—Letter 5, 1849. 1BIO 262.4

The account of the vision continues. As given in the letter, it parallels very closely the account given in Early Writings, 42-45, in the chapter “The Open and the Shut Door.” Attention should be given to the closing paragraph: 1BIO 263.1

I saw that the mysterious signs and wonders and false reformations would increase and spread. The reformations that were shown me were not reformations from error to truth. My accompanying angel bade me look for the travail of soul for sinners as used to be. I looked, but could not see it; for the time for their salvation is past.—Ibid., 45. 1BIO 263.2

The pattern is developing. Truths are opening up. Standing out are the Sabbath and the understanding of the sanctuary in heaven. Inseparably linked with this is confidence in the fulfillment of prophecy concerning October 22, 1844. Referring to the passage quoted above, Ellen White wrote in 1854: 1BIO 263.3

The “false reformations” referred to on page 27 are yet to be more fully seen. This view relates more particularly to those who have heard and rejected the light of the Advent doctrine. They are given over to strong delusions. Such will not have “the travail of soul for sinners” as formerly. Having rejected the Advent, and being given over to the delusions of Satan, “the time for their salvation is past.” This does not, however, relate to those who have not heard and have not rejected the doctrine of the Second Advent.—Supplement to the Christian Experience and Views of Ellen G. White, 4. (see also Early Writings, 45). 1BIO 263.4