Ellen G. White: The Later Elmshaven Years: 1905-1915 (vol. 6)


Review and Signs Articles

Of course, a part of the overall literary program at Elmshaven in which Ellen White participated was the furnishing of articles almost every week for publication in the Review and Herald and Signs of the Times. The staff was heartened by a letter written by W. C. White from Nashville, Tennessee, reporting that as his travels took him from place to place, “people speak to me regarding the present series of Review articles, and some have expressed great satisfaction because in these articles questions that were seriously troubling them have been clearly answered.”—WCW to CCC, December 1, 1914. 6BIO 413.3

Forty E. G. White articles were published in the Review in 1914. First was a series on Old Testament history, being portions of the book manuscript in preparation, then twelve articles on “Early Counsels on Medical Work,” followed by eighteen on more general topics. White reported that the editor of the Review was calling for more on Old Testament history (Ibid.). Less work had been called for at Elmshaven in keeping the Signs supplied, for the fifty articles appearing in that journal during 1914 were materials selected from The Desire of Ages, The Acts of the Apostles, and The Ministry of Healing. 6BIO 413.4