Ellen G. White: The Later Elmshaven Years: 1905-1915 (vol. 6)

Study of the Context Important

Concerning this whole matter, W. C. White, after spending a day or two studying it through carefully, on June 1, 1910, wrote to Edson, taking the position that the context of the statement must be considered. 6BIO 254.2

It is evident that the vision of September 23, 1850, as published in Early Writings, 74-76, new edition, under the title “The Gathering Time,” was given to correct the prevalent error of time setting, and to check the fanatical doctrines being taught regarding the return of the Jews to Jerusalem. 6BIO 254.3

The statement concerning the “daily” of Daniel 8:9-14,as published in Early Writings, appeared first in Present Truth, Vol. I, No. 11, dated Paris, Maine, November, 1850. During the same month and in the same place, there was published the first number of Second Advent Review and Sabbath Herald, which has continued as the church paper of Seventh-day Adventists ever since. In this first number appears an article by Elder Joseph Bates on “The Laodicean Church,” in which he writes at considerable length on the confused state of various bodies of Advent believers, in contrast with the unity that the commandment-keeping Adventists were endeavoring to maintain. 6BIO 254.4

On the point of confusion of many bodies of Adventists, at that period in their history, over the question of prophetic “time,” he declares: 6BIO 254.5

“For six successive years, viz: from the fall of 1844 to the spring and fall of 1850, the most of these leading members have been aiding and assisting each other in changing the chronology, i.e., the world's history, to prove that they were on the true position. What have they gained? Answer, nothing but disappointment and confusion. This, too, in direct opposition to their standard work—Advent Shield. It has not proved to be their shield, that is clear. Six times did we say, yes more. Some have moved the time for the termination of the 2300 days, from fall to spring, for six years in succession, and thus they have almost finished a circle (if seven years would make one), instead of gaining one inch the right way.” 6BIO 254.6

One month later [December, 1850], in [Second Advent] Review and [Sabbath] Herald, Vol. I, No. 2, Elder James White wrote as follows: 6BIO 255.1