Ellen White: Woman of Vision

James White Joins In Calling For Gospel Order

Through December James White joined Ellen White's voice through four Review editorials. Under the same title, “Gospel Order,” he came to grips with the matter in a practical way. In the first editorial he pointed out the confusion that exists when gospel order is overlooked. The result is “perfect Babylon.” Was having a creed the answer? “What is the real condition of the churches with all their creeds to aid them?” WV 74.9

He then presented his basic position: WV 74.10

We go for order and strict discipline in the church of Christ. And while we reject all human creeds, or platforms, which have failed to effect the order set forth in the gospel, we take the Bible, the perfect rule of faith and practice, given by inspiration of God. This shall be our platform on which to stand, our creed and discipline (The Review and Herald, December 13, 1853). WV 74.11

In the second editorial James White made it clear that he saw a large task ahead in arriving at and preserving “gospel order in the church,” but he declared that it “must be and will be accomplished.” WV 74.12

In the third editorial he dealt with the “calling, qualifications, and the duties of a gospel minister.” He asserted that “the united action of the church relative to those who take the watchcare of the flock would have a powerful influence to unite the church in love” (Ibid., December 20, 1853). WV 75.1

The fourth editorial brought out the responsibilities of the individual church members in giving support in both prayers and finances. WV 75.2

The series closed with the words of the apostle Paul in Romans 12:1-18, setting forth God's ideal for His people. Ellen and James White had sown the seed—it would take time to mature. What was written tended to restrain a tendency to disunion in the ranks of the believers. Another factor, something not enjoyed by the other churches, was the guiding and restraining influence of the visions, which the believers accepted as having authority. The interplay of Bible instruction and the Spirit of Prophecy messages come into full view as church organization was consummated a few years later. WV 75.3

While Ellen White had written and published at some length on the need of order in managing the work of the church (see Early Writings, 97-104), and while James White had kept his need before the believers in addresses and Review articles, the church was slow to move. What had been presented in general terms was well received, but when it came to translating this into something constructive there was resistance and opposition. James White's brief articles in February aroused not a few from complacency, and now a great deal was being said. WV 75.4

J. N. Loughborough, working with White in Michigan, was the first to respond. His words were in the affirmative, but on the defensive: WV 75.5

Says one, if you organize so as to hold property by law, you will be a part of Babylon. No; I understand there is quite a difference between our being in a position that we can protect our property by law and using the law to protect and enforce our religious views. If it is wrong to protect church property, why is it not wrong for individuals to hold any property legally? (The Review and Herald, March 8, 1860). WV 75.6