Ellen White: Woman of Vision


The Move To Battle Creek

At age 34 James White was putting all his life, health, and strength into the publishing of the Review. By early February 1855 he found himself in a desperate situation in regard to the Review office. Not only was he the proprietor, financial agent, and editor, he also was burdened with financial troubles. He was working 14 to 18 hours a day. He and Ellen needed to be free of the care of a large publishing house family who had been working for little more than their room and board in the White home. WV 64.8

He realized the need for a change. “Without capital, and without health,” he said, “we cannot much longer bear the burden” (Ibid., February 20, 1855). WV 64.9

Opportunity came in May for a hastily planned trip to Michigan where the brethren in Battle Creek were generally awake to the needs of the cause and eager to establish the Review office in that place. WV 64.10

The “conference” met in a private house, for as yet the Sabbathkeeping Adventists had no house of worship in Battle Creek. Here he had opportunity to discuss the future of the Review and the Review office. WV 65.1