Ellen White: Woman of Vision


A Review Of What Was Done To The Book

With the new printing of The Great Controversy now on the market it was important to take particular note of exactly what was done in preparing the copy for resetting the type for the 1911 edition. W. C. White was in charge of the work at Elmshaven; he was the principal spokesman during the period of work on the book, and quite naturally was the one to make explanations that might be called for. WV 530.1

On July 24, 1911, a few days after receiving a copy of the new book, he wrote a letter addressed to “Publishing House Managers,” which he repeated the next day in a letter to “Our General Missionary Agents” (publishing department leaders). This he later included in a statement read to the General Conference Committee in its Autumn Council held in Washington, D.C. These W. C. White letters of explanation, quoted from in this chapter, carried Ellen White's written approval. Because of limitations in space, only excerpts can be included in this chapter. The reader is urged to pursue them in full in Appendix A of Selected Messages, book 3. WV 530.2

After mentioning that the new book runs page for page, he introduced the principal features: WV 530.3

The most noticeable change in the new edition is the improvement in the illustrations. Each of the forty-two chapters, together with the preface, introduction, contents, and list of illustrations, has a beautiful pictorial heading; and ten new full-page illustrations have been introduced, to take the place of those which were least attractive. WV 530.4

The thirteen appendix notes of the old edition, occupying thirteen pages, have been replaced by thirty-one notes occupying twelve pages. These are nearly all reference notes, intended to help the studious reader in finding historical proofs of the statements made in the book.... WV 530.5

In the body of the book, the most noticeable improvement is the introduction of historical references. In the old edition, over 700 biblical references were given, but in only a few instances were there any historical references to the authorities quoted or referred to. In the new edition the reader will find more than 400 references to eighty-eight authors and authorities (WCW Letter, July 24, 1911 [see also Ibid., 3:434]). WV 530.6