Ellen White: Woman of Vision


Destruction In The Central City

At the center of the city the earthquake took a heavy toll. Municipal and office buildings, as well as stores and hotels, were destroyed. Few buildings stood. Hundreds of people lost their lives in the collapse of several hotels. WV 498.6

Uncontrolled fires created more overall damage than the earthquake. Block after block succumbed to the flames in the three days following the quake. Since no cooking fires were allowed in buildings not inspected for safety, most cooking in areas where homes stood was done with improvised stoves on the sidewalks or in the parks. Water was treasured as gold. The military pitched tents in the parks to help care for the homeless. Bread lines measured a mile (two kilometers) long. In many cases families were separated; carriages carried signs and people wore placards stating, “I am looking for so and so.” WV 499.1

It was only two weeks later that Ellen White viewed the 15 square miles (39 square kilometers) of rubble and devastation and listened to tales of the bizarre happenings. How similar it was to the scenes of the night at Loma Linda! WV 499.2