Ellen White: Woman of Vision


Good News From America

Mail, both going and coming, was an important part of the program of Ellen White and those who were with her in New Zealand. WV 348.4

Sunday, April 23, 1893, she arose early—at half past three—to prepare the mail bound for Melbourne, expecting it to leave on Monday. WV 348.5

That same Sunday, in came a large stack of letters. There was a long letter from O. A. Olsen, president of the General Conference, giving a full summary of the General Conference session and reporting on the confession of a number of prominent men who had taken a wrong position at the 1888 General Conference session. WV 348.6

Another letter was from Leroy Nicola, a prominent pastor in Iowa. It was the Nicola letter that brought her special rejoicing. It was “a most thorough confession of the part he acted in Minneapolis.” WV 348.7