Ellen White: Woman of Vision


The Health Food Work

It took quite a struggle to get the health food work in Australia on its feet. While the delegates and visitors in July 1899 were spending three weeks at Cooranbong attending the Australasian Union Conference session, they could observe the steps being taken to convert the sawmill structure into an efficient food factory. WV 343.9

The 1897 session of the Australasian Union Conference was held in connection with the Stanmore camp meeting. Ellen White attended but few of the meetings, but the groundwork was laid there for the manufacture of health foods in Australia. While in the United States, W. C. White, at the request of the union conference committee, had made quite a thorough investigation in Battle Creek of what might be done in health food manufacture in Australia. WV 344.1

On July 2, 1897, he had addressed a communication to the executive committee of the Australasian Union Conference reporting on his findings regarding the arrangements that could be made with the Kelloggs. In this letter he stated: WV 344.2

Believing that the granose [wheat flakes] was a very valuable health food, that it would find a large sale in the colonies, and that it would aid us greatly in building up the market for a fine line of health foods, I had several conversations regarding its manufacture, during which I learned that the doctor [Kellogg] had expended more than £1,000 [$4,800] in experimenting with the manufacture of granose and developing the method of making it, and that his plan for permitting those in foreign countries to make the product was to lease them the mill and charge them a small royalty on all that they made.... I concluded to accept the terms and have ordered a granose mill which will be forwarded with some other machinery to Sydney to be held in bond there until we shall decide where it shall be put in operation (11a WCW, pp. 63, 64). WV 344.3

Two days later he reported in a letter to the Australasian Union Conference executive committee that he had secured the services of Mr. Halsey, who was skilled in the manufacture of the Battle Creek health foods, to come to Australia and lead out in making the new products. White also sent samples of the foods for the members of the board to taste, so they would be better prepared to make decisions on his return (Ibid p. 80). So, following the union session in Sydney, and after spending just a few days at home, White was off to Melbourne, where he would give full reports to the appropriate committees, and actions could be taken in pioneering this new line of work in Australia. WV 344.4

As the church leaders worked in Melbourne, there emerged a “Report of the Committee on Health Foods” consisting of 13 points, among them: WV 344.5

That we proceed at once to establish a health-food factory in Melbourne....That immediate steps be taken to make and place upon the market Granola, and Caramel Cereal, and that these be followed by Granose Biscuits, and a general line of healthful biscuits, and other foods, as quickly as possible (Ibid., p. 358). WV 344.6

The Adventist-sponsored manufacture and distribution of health foods in Australia was on its way. WV 345.1