Ellen White: Woman of Vision


The Crisis At Battle Creek

Four months after the school at Healdsburg had opened, the college at Battle Creek closed. During the summer of 1882, while Ellen was immersed in writing and publication problems at Healdsburg, she was not unaware of the situation in Battle Creek. WV 219.4

As early as December of the previous year she had presented this warning before conference delegates and leading workers in the Review and Herald office, sanitarium, and college: WV 219.5

There is danger that our college will be turned away from its original design. God's purpose has been made known, that our people should have an opportunity to study the sciences and at the same time to learn the requirements of His word.... But for one or two years past there has been an effort to mold our school after other colleges.... WV 219.6

I was shown that it is Satan's purpose to prevent the attainment of the very object for which the college was established. Hindered by his devices, its managers reason after the manner of the world and copy its plans and imitate its customs. But in thus doing, they will not meet the mind of the Spirit of God (Testimonies for the Church, 5:21-23). WV 219.7