Ellen White: Woman of Vision


Two More Camp Meetings Planned For 1868

So successful was the Wright camp meeting that before it closed, plans were laid for two more—at Clyde, Illinois, September 23 to 30, for the Wisconsin Conference; and at Pilot Grove, Iowa, October 2 to 7, for Iowa. The Whites and Andrews were at both. Attendance was rather limited. WV 146.7

At these meetings James White and his brethren worked in close common interest, and mutual confidence was restored. The Battle Creek brethren urged the Whites to return and settle in the city, that the work of the cause might be carried on more efficiently and that they might have the pleasure of closer association. This was tempting, and as they journeyed from Wright to the camp meeting in Clyde, Illinois, they stopped in Battle Creek, selected a building lot, and got plans under way for putting up a house. Also they announced through a note on the back page of the Review, signed by both James and Ellen White, that after the two camp meetings they would attend the annual conferences in Ohio and New York. En route to these meetings they stopped again in Battle Creek. It is clear from the following report in the Review that James White was quickly becoming much involved with Battle Creek interests. WV 147.1

Returning from the West, we reached Battle Creek October 13, and spent one week with Brother Andrews in matters of importance relative to the Health Institute, the Publishing Association, the Battle Creek School, religious meetings, besides our own personal interests in book matters, house building, and fitting up winter clothing. It was a busy week. WV 147.2

The Health Institute is prospering. God's blessing is there. The church is still settling into the work. And the prospect is very encouraging for the establishment of a good school at Battle Creek, where not only the sciences may be taught, but the principles and spirit of the religion of Jesus may be impressed upon the children and youth who may attend it.... We left Battle Creek in company with Brother Andrews, the twenty-first, for the New York State Conference (Ibid., November 17, 1868). WV 147.3