Manuscript Releases, vol. 16 [Nos. 1186-1235]


St. Helena Sanitarium, California, August 14, 1907

I thank the Lord this morning that I have had more hours in sleep during the past night. I am sure the Lord is my Helper, my front guard and my rereward. Now is our opportunity to be guarded on every side. Satan will come in, if possible, to lead our people, now, in 1907, into strange paths. This was done after we left America for Australia. Then money seemed to come in, and there was no dearth of means, and that hospital was built in Boulder, Colorado. Such scenes were presented to me as the use of means, and the want of men of right capability to use the means. 16MR 132.4

Last night I slept well, and this morning I am very thankful to my heavenly Father that He gave strength yesterday to write out some important matters. 16MR 133.1