Manuscript Releases, vol. 6 [Nos. 347-418]

Foot Washing

Dear Sister, I have much that I might write you, but have so much to write to different individuals. But I will give you a sketch of the vision I had at our last conference. At our last conference I was shown in vision the backwardness of some in our meetings. Some held back because they had nothing new to say and must repeat the same story. I saw that pride was at the bottom of this. That God and angels witnessed the testimonies that were borne and God was well pleased and glorified by the testimonies of all His humble children. I saw that God and His angels admired simplicity and humility.... Washing feet and the Lord's supper should be more frequently practiced among us. Jesus set us the example and told us to do as He had done to us.—Letter 9, 1853, pp. 1, 2. (To Sister Kellogg, December 5, 1853.) [Written before the quarterly plan was adopted.] 6MR 22.2

The apostles, used as His representatives, would make a decided impression upon all minds. Being humble men would not diminish their influence, but increase it. The minds of their hearers would be carried from the men to the Majesty of heaven, who, though unseen, was still working. The teaching of the apostles, the special doctrines taught, their words of trust, would assure all that it was not by their own power that they did their works, but that they were continuing the same line carried forward by the Lord Jesus when He was with them. Humbling themselves, the apostles would declare that the man the Jews had crucified was the Prince of life, the Son of the living God, and that in His name, they did the works He had done.—Manuscript 41, 1896, 6, 7. (“Words of Comfort,” undated.) 6MR 23.1

If we would work as Christ worked, we must have the mind of Christ. He cannot cooperate with those whose lives reveal variance, strife, and bitterness. Those who cherish these attributes are not susceptible to the influence of the Holy Spirit. The divine Comforter strives with them, but they close the door of their hearts to its gracious pleadings, desiring to be left alone in their foolish, selfish perversity. They find a satisfaction, a kind of rest without pardon, without wearing Christ's yoke and learning His meekness and lowliness. But let adversity come, and they find that they are leaning on a broken reed. These mistakes and delusions are to be corrected. A most solemn work, full of responsibility and accountability, is to be done. There is no peace, saith God, to the wicked. 6MR 23.2

Difference and dissension will be seen among those who are not chosen by the Lord, but let it not spring up and bear fruit among those who profess to be representing Christ. There is no work more sacred for Christians than to maintain peace among themselves. Then they present to the world the unity that Christ prayed might exist, and bear witness that God sent Christ into the world to redeem the world.—Manuscript 43, 1897, 5, 6. (“Ministry,” undated.) 6MR 24.1

It was at the last Passover that the disciples were to hold with their Lord that these words were spoken. Very soon Christ was to offer Himself as a sacrifice for the world. At this time, in the last hours that the disciples would have with their Master, Satan made a determined effort to arouse contention among them. Sorrow filled Christ's heart as He saw them yielding to the spirit of strife, and disputing as to who should be greatest. Had they been in a right frame of mind, they would have received great blessing. But they came to the supper with hearts filled with selfishness, and with tempers heated by contention. 6MR 24.2

Christ heard their whisperings, and saw their flushed faces. Without a word, he laid aside His outer garment, and girding Himself with a towel, as if He had been a servant, proceeded to wash the feet of His disciples. His action opened their eyes. They were too astonished and too ashamed to speak. Bitter shame and humiliation filled their hearts. They saw themselves in altogether a new light. As long as life lasted they would remember this experience.—Manuscript 115, 1902, 1, 2. (“The Danger of Self-Sufficiency,” typed September 7, 1902.) 6MR 24.3