Manuscript Releases, vol. 1 [Nos. 19-96]


No Exorbitant Wages

The Christian physician has no right to follow the custom of the world, to shape his action to obtain the patronage or praise of the ungodly. He should not accept exorbitant wages for his professional services, for the reward is awaiting the faithful and true. He has no more right to minister to others requiring a large remuneration than has the minister of the gospel a right to set his labors at a high money value, but only in accordance with consistency and mercy and the value of his work.... 1MR 93.1

Those who think much of their remuneration for their services, reveal the fact that they have not laid the foundation for their spiritual life on the sure Rock, or they have lost the spirit of the truth, and have forgotten that they are purged from the old leaven with the priceless blood of the Son of God. They have become so devoid of spiritual discernment that they place the sacred and the common on the same level. The Lord is not honored in their hearts, and the principles of the religion of Christ are not woven in the character. They go through a cold, formal service that they call religion; but Christ is not formed within, the hope of glory.... 1MR 93.2