Manuscript Releases, vol. 1 [Nos. 19-96]

We now Discern only Shadow of Important Truth

All who have misconceived opinions and principles because they have entertained them, hold them fast as too precious to yield in order to obtain the most precious knowledge of the true bearing of the Word of God upon all the movements of their daily life. These will lose much which they might have obtained, and that loss will prevent them from advancing in the light which God has given them opportunities to obtain. They have not mental or spiritual appetite to eat and digest; therefore the second advance steps could not be made in following the Lamb whithersoever He goeth. 1MR 41.1

The more closely and studiously we search for the truth as for hidden treasure,—for there are bright and important truths of which we now only discern the shadows,—the more surely shall we advance in the light as He is in the light. We shall discern the brightness and value of truth to be as precious jewels. The voice of God is heard, but we may be so far away from Him, that we can only hear the echo. There are words of instruction coming from God day by day, and in an hour that we know not He may give words to His chosen messengers for us which we lose for want of discernment and appreciation. Then we go stumbling along in the uncertainty of night, and know not at what we stumble. There is a brightening glory for us as we advance, but which we shall never see unless we do advance. We may catch a few sparks, but that is all. The brightness of the heavenly glory we do not see. Letter 147, 1897, pp. 6, 7. (To James Edson White, September 12, 1897.) 1MR 41.2