Manuscript Releases, vol. 11 [Nos. 851-920]

MR No. 883—All-Round Christian Education

Distrust of Self Is Essential—In His Word the Lord enumerates the gifts and graces that are indispensable for all who connect with His work. He does not teach us to ignore learning, or to despise education, for when controlled by the love and fear of God, intellectual culture is a blessing; yet this is not presented as the most important qualification for the service of God. Jesus passed by the wise men of His time, the men of education and position, because they were so proud and self-sufficient in their boasted superiority, that they could not sympathize with suffering humanity and become co-laborers with the Man of Nazareth. In their bigotry they scorned to be taught by Christ. 11MR 169.1

The Lord Jesus would have men connected with His work who appreciate that work as sacred; then they can cooperate with God. They will be unobstructed channels through which His grace can flow. The attributes of the character of Christ can be imparted to those only who distrust themselves. The highest scientific education cannot in itself develop a Christlike character. The fruits of true wisdom come from Christ alone.—Manuscript 14, 1896, 1. (“Qualifications Essential for the Work of God,” April 28, 1896.) 11MR 169.2

The Bible to Be Studied—In our school [Avondale College] the Word of God is to be our main study. We are to learn not only to read the Word, but to study it as the book which we must understand in order to be complete in Christ.... 11MR 169.3

The human agent must cooperate with the Divine. Your thoughts will become pure and heavenly as you diligently peruse the lessons of the Old and New Testaments. The Word of inspiration should be your daily food. It alone is the tree of life.—Manuscript 54, 1898, 1, 2. (“Our School,” May 2, 1898.) 11MR 170.1

Lessons From Nature, and the Importance of the Bible in SDA Schools—By a study of natural things, they [Christian teachers] may exemplify spiritual things. The Lord has given the open book of nature in material substances. In the tilling of the soil, proper persons should be appointed to oversee a certain number of students and should work with them. Thus the teachers themselves will be helped to become men who can carry responsibilities as burden-bearers. The Lord Himself gives His presence to this line of education.... 11MR 170.2

Students should not merely be told to do this or do that without being given a lesson that will teach them the principles underlying the things they are required to do. As they put seeds into the ground, teach them the lesson of the germinating principle of seeds, found in the great lesson Book. Teach them the time to sow, the time to plant trees in their season, and when to prune them. Draw lessons from the day and night, the sunshine and clouds, the former and the latter rains, the harvest.... 11MR 170.3

It is essential that the students in our school obtain an education that they can take with them wherever they go, a knowledge that they can use to the glory of God. True higher education gives power, and the students who receive this education are to consecrate all to God, using their knowledge to search the Scriptures, for this is wisdom that will give an influence in His work that nothing else can give. Ignorance is a crime when light and knowledge can be obtained. Sanctified knowledge will give much joy to believers and much light to those who are in the darkness of error. The education of every student should be turned to the best account in doing the work of the Lord intelligently. To every man the Lord has given his work, according to his several ability.... 11MR 170.4

The Lord has been greatly dishonored in our institutions of learning when His Word has been made only a book among books. The very Book that contains infallible wisdom has scarcely been opened as a study book.... 11MR 171.1

Students and teachers are to regard themselves as being in partnership. It will be of no benefit or blessing to the school for any of those who act as teachers to draw themselves apart. Work in Christ's lines. Talk to each other and pray with each other as Christians. Stand under the yoke of Christ. “Learn of Me,” said the great Teacher, “for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For My yoke is easy, and My burden is light” (Matthew 11:29, 30). I am instructed to speak to our teachers, urging them to become elevated, sanctified, ennobled, by heeding the invitation, “Come unto me. Take upon you My yoke of restraint and obedience.”... A study of God's Word will make all students wise unto salvation.—Manuscript 55, 1898, 2-4, 7, 9, 10. (“Union With Christ and With Each Other,” May 4, 1898.) 11MR 171.2

Unselfish Christian Service the Aim of the Highest Education—What are you here for? Is it to obtain an education that will help you to stand by the side of Christ in unselfish service? This is the highest education that you can possibly obtain. The Word of God declares, “Ye are labourers together with God.” (See 1 Corinthians 3:9.) “Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of His good pleasure” (Philippians 2:12, 13).... 11MR 171.3

Christ gives a new character to all who believe. This character, through His infinite sacrifice, is to be the reproduction of His own.... 11MR 172.1

A great work is to be accomplished by personal labor. Much is comprehended in the command, “Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that My house may be filled” (Luke 14:23). There is a work to be done in this line that has not yet been done.... 11MR 172.2

Many more workers ought to be in the field. There should be 100 where now there is only one. Many who have not been ordained or licensed may work in their own neighborhoods and in the regions about them.... 11MR 172.3

The Bible is to be the great textbook of education, for it carries in every page the evidence of its truth. The study of God's Word is to take the place of the study of books that have led minds away from the truth.—Manuscript 139, 1898, 6, 16, 19, 23. (An Appeal for Missions, October 21, 1898.) 11MR 172.4

The Place of the Bible in Education—If the Bible had been made the book of study in the schools, what a different showing there would be in society today. The Word of God must be our lesson book if we would travel heavenward, and in the words spoken by inspiration we are to read our lessons day by day.... 11MR 172.5

Let the students in our school study this Book which has been so universally neglected and set aside for books that are not inspired. Let every student be taught to read the Word of God with prayerful, earnest interest, lest he shall fail to be a doer of the Word, and his education in science be a useless knowledge; lest he build his house, not upon the eternal Rock, but upon the sand.... 11MR 172.6

All knowledge gained in this life of probation, which will help us to form characters that will fit us to be companions of the saints in light, is true education. It will bring blessings to ourselves and others in this life and will secure to us the future, immortal life with its imperishable riches. 11MR 173.1

Christ came to our world to restore the moral image of God in man, to elevate and ennoble our mental character, that our pursuits and aims in this life might not be misapplied and lost, and it is of the greatest consequence that every student in our schools obtain that knowledge that will enable him to cooperate with God in the grand work of forming characters after the divine pattern. We may carry with us all the treasure of knowledge that gives us a fitness for the life that measures with the life of God. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Christ came to our world to mold character and give mental power. His teachings were of an entirely practical nature.—Manuscript 67, 1898, 1, 2, 9. (“Search the Scriptures,” June 9, 1898.) 11MR 173.2

The Purpose for the Establishment of Avondale College—The school [Avondale College] was established at a great expense, both of time and labor, to enable students to obtain an all-round education, that they might gain a knowledge of agriculture, a knowledge of the common branches of education, and above all, a knowledge of the Word of God.... 11MR 173.3

Relationships Between Body, Mind, and Spirit—The proportionate taxation of the powers of mind and body will prevent the tendency to impure thoughts and actions. Teachers should understand this. They should teach students that pure thoughts and actions are dependent on the way in which they conduct their studies. Conscientious actions are dependent on conscientious thinking. Exercise in agricultural pursuits and in the various branches of labor is a wonderful safeguard against undue brain taxation. No man, woman, or child who fails to use all the powers God has given him can retain his health. He cannot conscientiously keep the commandments of God. He cannot love God supremely and his neighbor as himself.... 11MR 174.1

Health and a clear conscience will attend those who work faithfully, keeping the glory of God in view. There are many who are mere fragments of men. In Christ is seen the perfection of Christian character. He is our pattern. His life was not a life of indolence or ease. He lived not to please Himself. He was the Son of the infinite God, yet He worked at the carpenter's trade, with His father. As a member of the home firm, He faithfully acted His part in helping to support the family.... 11MR 174.2

Men, women, and children should be educated to labor with their hands. Then the brain will not be overtaxed to the detriment of the whole organism.... 11MR 174.3

Completeness of Christian character is possible. How? “Ye are complete in Him” (Colossians 2:10).—Letter 145, 1897, pp. 3, 6, 9, 10. (To W. C. White, August 15, 1897.) 11MR 174.4

Dangers of Worldly Higher Education—I am intensely in earnest that our people shall realize that the only true education lies in walking humbly with God. The teachings of the Word of God are opposed to the ideas of those who think that our students must receive the mold of an education that is according to human ideas. Some are departing from the faith as a result of receiving from the world what they regard as a “higher education.” The Word of God just as it reads contains the very essence of truth. The highest education is the keeping of the law of God.—Letter 132, 1909, p. 4. (To J. A. Burden, October 11, 1909.) 11MR 174.5

Suitable Sites for Schools in Rural Areas—We are looking for places on which to establish industrial schools. In charge of these schools we shall place carefully chosen teachers who will teach the children and youth to use their capabilities in a way that will make them of use in the Lord's work. I am urging our people to establish our schools away from the congested cities, and to place in these schools faithful, consecrated teachers who will make the Word of God the beginning and end of all the education given.—Letter 143, 1902, p. 3. (To Mrs. Mary Foss, September 12, 1902.) 11MR 175.1

Searching for a Site for Pacific Union College—With some of the brethren, I have looked at several locations. At one place there was a large berry-patch that yielded abundantly, but there was little land that could be cultivated. This was not a place suitable for our school. Our school should be located where the students can receive an education broader than that which the mere study of books will give. They must have such a training as will fit them for acceptable service if they are called to do pioneer work in mission fields, either in America or in foreign countries. There must be land enough to give an experience in the cultivation of the soil and to help largely in making the institution self-supporting.... 11MR 175.2

Consideration of what I saw, and the description given of other parts of the property, [Buena vista, New Sonoma, calif., a property offering many advantages, but without a clear title.] made it plain that here were many most precious advantages. It was away from the strong temptations of city life. There was abundance of land for cultivation, and the water advantages were very valuable. All through the mountains there were little valleys where families might locate and have a few acres of land for a garden or orchard. The many pipes laid over the grounds made it possible to use water freely both for the buildings and for the land. 11MR 176.1

The buildings were to me a very convincing argument in favor of this property. With the buildings already erected we can begin school work without delay, and the students can receive a most valuable education in putting up the other buildings that may be necessary. Besides the main building and the barns, there are two large stone wineries. These can all be used to good advantage.... 11MR 176.2

Here will be a place for our school, where the youth can obtain just the education that is essential. In this school which shall be established we want to demonstrate what the higher education is. We must have the physical and the mental training combined. Our bodies must have exercise. There have been many deaths because of a lack of sufficient exercise to maintain the health.... 11MR 176.3

We desire our school to be in a retired place. But there is a work to be done for the community in which we may be located. There are cities and towns all around that can be worked by the teachers and students. And we hope this summer to hold a good camp meeting right on this property, and to arouse an interest among the people of Sonoma to hear more of the truth for this time.—Manuscript 9, 1909, 1-4. (“The Buena Vista Property,” February 6, 1909.) 11MR 176.4

All-round Education to Be Provided—We are trying to provide means by which the students in our school may obtain an all-round education by learning to use brain, bone, and muscle equally. This is God's design. As students seek to obtain this education, they become familiar with different lines of physical work, as well as different lines of study.... 11MR 177.1

We cannot be in Christ's service, we cannot wear His yoke and bear His burdens, unless we learn in His school how to love one another as He has loved us. When this precious attribute is cherished, self dies, and Christ lives in the soul.—Manuscript 84, 1898, 2, 4. (“Notes During Week of Prayer, No. 4,” July 3, 1898.) 11MR 177.2

Nature to Be a Lesson Book—The educational advantages of our school [Avondale College] are to be of a distinct order. This school farm is God's lesson book. Those who till the soil and plant and cultivate the orchard are to make the application of nature's lessons, and bring these lessons learned into their actual spiritual experience. Let every individual bear in mind that “whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” The man who day by day sows objectionable seeds, in words, in deportment, in spirit, is conforming himself to the same character, and this is determining the future harvest he will reap.—Manuscript 116, 1898, 2, 3. (“Two Great Principles of the Law,” September 16, 1898.) 11MR 177.3

Lessons to Be Learned From Agricultural Process—As they cultivate the soil, the students are to learn spiritual lessons. The plow must break up the fallow ground. It must lie under the rays of the sun and the purifying air. Then the seed, to all appearance dead, is to be dropped into the prepared soil. Trees are to be planted, seeds for vegetables sown. And after man has acted his part, God's miracle-working power gives life and vitality to the things placed in the soil. In this agricultural process, there are lessons to be learned. Man is not to do slothful work. He is to act the part appointed him by God. His industry is essential if he would have a harvest.—Manuscript 71, 1898, 2. (“Come Up to the Help of the Lord,” June 14, 1898.) 11MR 177.4

Giving God's Word a Subordinate Position—We have a deep and earnest desire to see all the members of the churches transformed, physically, mentally and morally. They see men, society, and the world, all in disorder, thinking only of remodeling the fabric. Greater skill, later methods, better facilities, they think will set all things in proper order. Apparently they receive and believe the living Oracles, but they only give the Word of God an inferior position in the great framework of so-called philosophy. It is a secondary consideration with them. That which could stand first is made subordinate to human inventions.—Manuscript 58, 1898, 9. (“The Mistake of a Low Fee for Tuition,” April 17, 1898.) 11MR 178.1

Unity in Diversity—The Lord endows His workers with power. By the influence of this power they are fitted to be wise directors and teachers, each doing his appointed work. Then the truth goes forth as a lamp that burneth. But God does not design that the teachers of truth shall each be strong on one point. There is to be unity in diversity. Every one is to be earnest in endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bonds of peace. One man's thought is not to control, but minds are to be united under the great Head, as the branches are united to the vine. Believers in the Saviour who gave His life for them, they are to work together in harmony. There will be no friction, for they will realize that they are called to the belief and knowledge of the truth as it is in Jesus. Those who are partakers of the divine nature will be one in spirit with Christ. “For he that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit” (1 Corinthians 6:17).... 11MR 178.2

Yielding to a desire for diversity has placed the church where God cannot glorify His name through His people. The question is asked, “Why are not the sick among us healed?” It is because of the lack of unity, and love that exists in the church. [Ellen White elsewhere writes at length concerning prayer for the healing of the sick and sets forth several reasons why we should not look to this as the only method to pursue. See Medical Ministry, 13-16; egw biography, Vol. 5, pp. 385-388] Perfection of character means perfection in unity. “That they all may be one,” Christ said, “as Thou, Father, art in Me, and I in Thee” (John 17:21). What possibilities are before us. Shall not our faith grasp them?—Manuscript 158, 1898, 6, 7, 9. (“The Gift of the Holy Spirit,” December 7, 1898.) 11MR 179.1

The Quality of Students to Be Trained for the Ministry—In our schools we want to educate workers, for God wants workers. There are many who think that if there is a man who cannot make a success at anything else he would make a minister, but we do not want such men. We want men who can think, plan, and devise. Do you think a minister who is employed in visiting needs no ability and tact? If there was ever a place where there should be thinking and acting done, it is in the upbuilding of the kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, we want useful persons, and those who have made a success in other things. 11MR 179.2

Physical Labor—When you send your children to school, don't tell them you don't want them to do any manual labor. The physical labor is just what they need. [Tell them] that they will not only develop the mind, but that they will have physical power as well as mental, that they will not have a one-sided education.... 11MR 179.3

Culinary Arts—There should be in our colleges domestic duties. Good cooking is in demand everywhere, but people have come to regard the act of cooking as something to be looked down upon. And can we marvel at it when we see how the servant girl is treated? When my children would not talk to my cook and associate with her, I would take them and say, Now children I want to talk with you a little. I appreciate my seamstress and I appreciate my copyist, but I appreciate my cook above everyone else of the helpers in my family, because the cook, if educated to her business, knows how to prepare good cooked food for the stomach; therefore, my cook stands higher than my seamstress or copyist. And if there is any preference to be given it is to my cook.... 11MR 180.1

I am glad that in South Lancaster School there has been manual labor brought in, and we ought to prize this as the very highest method.—Manuscript 19, 1887, 5-7. (“Practical Education,” August 18, 1887.) 11MR 180.2

Physical and Mental Training to Be Combined—The education to be gained in the felling of trees, the tilling of the soil, and the erection of buildings, as well as the studies of the classroom, is what our youth should seek to obtain. Tentmaking also should be taught. Buildings should be erected, and masonry should be learned. Farther on, a printing press should be connected with the school, that an education may be given to students in this line of work. 11MR 180.3

There are many things which lady students may also engage in, such as cooking, dressmaking, and gardening. Plants and flowers should be cultivated, strawberries should be planted. Thus the lady students may be called out-of-doors to gain healthful exercise, and to be educated in useful labor. Bookbinding also, and a variety of trades, should be taken up. These will not only give exercise to brain, bone, and muscle, but they will also give knowledge of great value. The greatest curse of our world today is idleness. The students coming to our schools have had an abundance of amusement, which serves merely to please and gratify self. They are now to be given a different kind of education, that they may go forth from the school prepared for any service.... 11MR 180.4

Medical-Missionary Work and Business Training—It is also very essential that students understand the principles of medical-missionary work, for wherever students may be called, they need a knowledge of the science of how to treat the sick. This will give them a welcome anywhere, because there is suffering of every kind in every part of the world. 11MR 181.1

It is an important matter that students be given an education that will fit them for successful business life. In many schools the education given is one-sided. In our schools the common branches should be fully and thoroughly taught.—Manuscript 172, 1898, 3-5. (“Character and Work of Avondale School.”) 11MR 181.2

Madison School an Example of Combining Physical Labor With Book Study—The Lord has given to the Southern field object lessons of different kinds. The education being given to the students at Madison, which trains the youth to build, to cultivate the land, and to care for cattle and poultry, will be of great advantage to them in the future. There is no better way of keeping the body in health than to follow the plan of training that the Madison school is carrying out. This is the same kind of work as we were instructed to do when we purchased the land for our school in Australia. The students had their hours for study and their hours for work on the land. They were taught to fell trees, to plant orchards, to cultivate the soil, and to erect buildings, and this training was a blessing to all who engaged in it. 11MR 181.3

The Lord in His providence has brought about the establishment of the Madison school through the efforts of Brethren [E. A.] Sutherland and [P. T.] Magan, and a few faithful associates. Their labors have been performed under no ordinary circumstances. These men had an experience at Berrien Springs which was a severe one, but the Lord brought them safely through it and made it a means of blessing to them. They felt that they must go to the South and labor for this needy field. They went out not knowing whither they were going, and the Lord guided them to Madison, a beautiful place of 400 acres. For a time the way for the establishment of the work seemed hedged up. The Lord led His servants through a trying experience, but He saw the end from the beginning. When some of their brethren expostulated and labored to discourage them, the Lord encouraged. And the results of the efforts put forth at that place we can see; The Lord's blessing has rested upon their efforts. 11MR 182.1

The work that the laborers have accomplished at Madison has done more to give a correct knowledge of what an all-round education means than any other school that has been established by Seventh-day Adventists in America. The Lord has given these teachers in the South an education that is of highest value, and it is a training that God would be pleased to have all our youth receive. 11MR 182.2

The close confinement of students to mental work has cost the life of many precious youth. The Madison school, in its system of education, is showing that mental and physical powers, brain and muscle, must be equally taxed. The example that it has given in this respect is one that it would be well for all who engage in school work to emulate. If the physical and mental powers were equally taxed, there would be in our world far less of corruption of mind and far less feebleness of health.—Letter 168, 1908, pp. 3, 4. (To J. E. White and wife, May 26, 1908.) 11MR 182.3

The Establishment of Avondale College—Well, the school [Avondale College] has made an excellent beginning. The students are learning how to plant trees, strawberries, etc.; how they must keep every sprangle and fiber of the roots uncramped to give them a chance to grow. Is not this a most precious lesson as to how to treat the human mind, and the body as well, not to cramp any of the organs of the body, but give them ample room to do their work? The mind must be called out, its energies taxed. 11MR 183.1

We want men and women who can be energized by the Spirit of God to do a complete work under the Spirit's guidance. But these minds must be cultivated, employed to do thorough work, not lazy and dwarfed by inaction. Just so men and women and children are wanted who will work the land, and use their tact and skill, not with a feeling that they are menials, but that they are doing just such noble work as God gave to Adam and Eve in Eden, who love to see the miracles wrought by the Divine Husbandman. The human agent plants the seed and God waters it, and causes His sun to shine upon it, and up springs the tiny blade. Here is the lesson God gives to us concerning the resurrection of the body and the renewing of the heart. We are to learn of spiritual things from the development of the earthly.... 11MR 183.2

The spiritual lessons to be learned are of no mean order. The seeds of truth sown in the soil of the heart will not all be lost, but will spring up, first the blade, then the ear, then the full corn in the ear. God said in the beginning, “Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit.” God created the seed as He did the earth, by the divine word. We are to exercise our reasoning power in the cultivation of the earth, and to have faith in the word of God that has created the fruit of the earth for the service of man. 11MR 184.1

The cultivation of our land requires the exercise of all the brain power and tact we possess. The unworked lands around us testify to the indolence of men. We hope to arouse to action the dormant senses. We hope to see intelligent farmers, who will be rewarded for their earnest labor. The hand and head must cooperate, bringing new and sensible plans into operation in the cultivation of the soil. We have here seen the giant trees felled and uprooted, we have seen the ploughshare pressed into the earth, turning deep furrows for the planting of trees and the sowing of the seed. The students are learning what ploughing means, and that the hoe and the shovel and the rake and the harrow are all implements of honorable and profitable industry. Mistakes will often be made, but every error lies close beside truth. Wisdom will be learned by failures, and the energy that will make a beginning gives hope of success in the end.... 11MR 184.2

For both children and men, labor combined with mental taxation will give the right kind of all-round education. The cultivation of the mind will bring tact and fresh incentive to the cultivation of the soil. 11MR 184.3

The more intelligent a man becomes, the more religious influence should be radiating from him. And the Lord would have us treat the earth as a precious treasure, lent us in trust.—Letter 47a, 1895, pp. 5-8. (To J. H. Kellogg, August 27, 1895.) 11MR 184.4

Purchase of Sunnyside—The plat of land I am to purchase [Sunnyside, Cooranbong, Australia] costs me $1,350. I have forty acres and it was supposed I would have twenty; but I want to embrace as much as forty acres, for some must be left as woodland and a portion for grazing and cultivation. Sometimes I think forty is scarcely sufficient. The purchase of this land is really a necessity for the school, and everything seems to be struggling to advance. Why we are here is that we shall have a suitable place to have the children who attend school receive all the benefits of a healthful, beautiful location, and our influence will be a help to many souls if we continue in the love of God.... 11MR 185.1

You will be interested to learn that the industrial department is working successfully. Study and labor combined is working wonderful changes in the physical, mental, and moral [nature of the students]. Students are improving in every way.—Letter 88a, 1895, pp. 3, 9. (To J. E. White, April 4, 1895.) 11MR 185.2

The Land Is to Be Our Lesson Book—Plans were laid to build cottages on the school campus [Avondale College]. I was glad I was here at the time that this subject was brought up, for I had something to say. I told them that the grounds were not to be occupied by buildings. The land is to be our lesson book. After being cleared, it is to be cultivated. Orange, lemon, peach, apricot, nectarine, plum, and apple trees are to occupy the land, with vegetable gardens, flower gardens, and ornamental trees. Thus this place is to be brought as near as possible to the presentation that passed before me several times, as the symbol of what our school and premises should be. Dwelling houses, fenced allotments for families were not to be near our school buildings. This place must by the appointment of God be a representation of what school premises should be—a delight to the eyes. 11MR 185.3

The open book of nature is to be the student's study. Schools should be established away from the cities. I have more invested in this land than any other person. I am carrying students through school, paying their expenses that they may get a start. This gives me an influence with teachers and learners. The land was laid out in lots. Houses were to be built, as in a village. But I tell them that buildings are not to be crowded upon the land around the school buildings. This is God's farm, and it is sacred ground. Here the students are to learn the lesson, “Ye are God's husbandry; ye are God's building.” The work that is done in the land is to be done in a particular, thorough, wise manner. From the cultivation of the soil and the planting of seed, lessons in spiritual lines may be learned. 11MR 186.1

All kinds of industrial employment are to be found for the student. The students are constantly to learn how to use brain, bone, and muscle, taxing all harmoniously and equally.—Letter 84, 1898, pp. 8, 9. (To J. H. Kellogg, October 5, 1898.) 11MR 186.2

Schools in the Last Days—“I [the Lord] will instruct the ignorant, and anoint with heavenly eyesalve the eyes of many who are now in spiritual blindness. I will raise up agents who will carry out My will to prepare a people to stand before Me in the time of the end. In many places that ought to have been provided before with sanitariums and schools, I will establish My institutions, and these institutions will become educational centers for the training of workers.”... 11MR 186.3

When opportunity offers, our people should purchase properties away from the cities, on which are buildings already erected and fruit orchards already in bearing. Land is a valuable possession. Connected with our sanitariums there should be lands, small portions of which can be used for the homes of the helpers and others who are receiving a training in medical-missionary lines.—Manuscript 109, 1902, 7, 8. (“The Favor of God of More Value Than Worldly Honor,” August 11, 1902.) 11MR 187.1

Blueprint for SDA Health-Care Institutions—Our sanitariums are established as institutions where patients and helpers may serve God. We desire to encourage as many as possible to act their part individually in living healthfully. We desire to encourage the sick to discard the use of drugs, and to substitute the simple remedies provided by God, as they are found in water, in pure air, in exercise, and in general hygiene.... 11MR 187.2

Our sanitariums are to be centers of education. Those who come to them are to be given an opportunity to learn how to overcome disease, and how to preserve the health. They may learn how to use the simple agencies that God has provided for their recovery, and become more intelligent in regard to the laws of life.... 11MR 187.3

Jesus Christ is the Great Healer, but He desires that by living in conformity with His laws, we may cooperate with Him in the recovery and the maintenance of health. Combined with the work of healing, there must be an imparting of knowledge of how to resist temptations. Those who come to our sanitariums should be aroused to a sense of their own responsibility to work in harmony with the God of truth.... 11MR 187.4

God would have us turn away from the fashions and the foolishness of this world. He would have us be a blessing to the community in which we live. Every Christian should be a means of disseminating the light of God's Word. God has given us minds, that we may understand, and it is our duty and our privilege to live in harmony with Him and with the laws that He has established.—Manuscript 115, 1907, 1-3. (“Why We Have Sanitariums,” October 20, 1907.) 11MR 188.1

Why Sanitariums Are Established—We may preserve our health if we will use good common sense. That is why we have established sanitariums in so many places, that a proper education might be given.—Manuscript 43, 1908, 11. (“Lessons From the Fifty-eighth of Isaiah,” March 14, 1908.) 11MR 188.2

The Purpose and Objectives for the Establishment of Loma Linda—Loma Linda is to be not only a sanitarium, but an educational center. A school is to be established here for the training of gospel medical missionary evangelists. Much is involved in this work, and it is very essential that a right beginning be made. The Lord has a special work to be done in this field. He instructed me to call on Elder and Mrs. [S. N.] Haskell to help us in getting properly started a work similar to that which they had carried on at Avondale [College]. Laborers of experience have consented to unite with the forces at Loma Linda to develop the school that must be carried on there. As they go forward in faith, the Lord will go before them, preparing the way. 11MR 188.3

In regard to the school, I would say, Make it especially strong in the education of nurses and physicians. In medical-missionary schools, many workers are to be qualified with the ability of physicians to labor as medical-missionary evangelists. This training, the Lord has specified, is in harmony with the principles underlying true higher education. We hear a great deal about the higher education. The highest education is to follow in the footsteps of Christ, patterning after the example He gave when He was in the world. We cannot gain an education higher than this; for this class of training will make men laborers together with God.... 11MR 188.4

In the work of the school, maintain simplicity. No argument is so powerful as is success founded on simplicity. You may attain success in the education of students as medical missionaries without a medical school that can qualify physicians to compete with the physicians of the world. Let the students be given a practical education. The less dependent you are upon worldly methods of education, the better it will be for the students. Special instruction should be given in the art of treating the sick without the use of poisonous drugs and in harmony with the light that God has given. In the treatment of the sick, poisonous drugs need not be used. Students should come forth from the school without having sacrificed the principles of health reform or their love for God and righteousness.... 11MR 189.1

It is well that our training schools for Christian workers should be established near our health institutions, that the students may be educated in the principles of healthful living. Institutions that send forth workers who are able to give a reason for their faith, and who have a faith that works by love and purifies the soul, are of great value. I have clear instruction that, wherever it is possible, schools should be established near our sanitariums, that each institution may be a help and strength to the other. He who created man has an interest in those who suffer. He has directed in the establishment of our sanitariums and in the building up of our schools close to our sanitariums that they may become efficient mediums in training men and women for the work of ministering to suffering humanity.... 11MR 189.2

If we had faithfully followed from the first the instruction regarding city work, means would have come in for us to establish in these places schools and small sanitariums where we could treat the sick and preach the gospel and educate the people in Bible truth. We would have had means to sustain all the enterprises for missionary work that we could carry forward.—Manuscript 39, 1909, 2, 3, 6, 7. (“The Loma Linda College of Medical Evangelists,” June 1, 1909.) 11MR 190.1

We are not in this school work to make money; we are here to give the youth a well-balanced education. To this end they must educate their muscles as well as their minds for service. The physical powers should be brought into exercise that the brain powers may not be overtaxed. We want this school to stand forth as an example in every way; these buildings should be perfect in their equipment.—Manuscript 31, 1909, 4, 5. (“Industrial Cooperation,” April 17, 1909.) 11MR 190.2

The Work of the Madison School—Much acceptable work has been done in Madison. The Lord says to you, “Go forward.” Your school is to be an example of how Bible study, general education, physical education, and sanitarium work may be combined in many smaller schools that shall be established in simplicity in many places in the Southern States. 11MR 190.3

My brethren in responsible places, mourn not over the work that is being done at Madison to train workers to go forth into the highways and the hedges. It is the will of God that this work should be done. Let us cease to criticize the servants of God engaged in this work, and humble our own hearts before the Lord. Let us strengthen this company of educators to continue the good work in which they are engaged, and labor to encourage others to do a similar work. Then the light of truth will be carried in a simple and effective way, and a great work will be accomplished for the Master in a short time.... 11MR 190.4

Educate the children to do missionary work, and to bring their offerings to God. Let us awake to a sense of the spiritual character of the work in which we profess to be engaged.... 11MR 191.1

It is a sin for one who knows the truth of God to fold his hands and leave his work for another to do. It is a sin for any to criticize and find fault with those who in their manner of working do not exactly meet their mind. Let none blame or censure the men who have labored at Madison. In the place of complaining at your brother's work, take up your own neglected work. Instead of picking flaws in your brother's character, search your own heart, confess your sins, and act honestly with God. Let there be condemnation of self for the work that lies undone all about you. Instead of placing impediments in the way of those who are trying to accomplish something in the South, let your eyes be opened to see that time is passing, and that there is much for you to do.... 11MR 191.2

Brethren [E. A.] Sutherland and [P. T.] Magan should be encouraged to solicit means for the support of their work. It is the privilege of these brethren to receive gifts from any of our people whom the Lord impresses to help. They should have means—God's means—with which to work. The Madison enterprise has been crippled in the past, but now it must go forward. If this work had been regarded in the right light, and had been given the help it needed, we should long ere this have had a prosperous work at Madison. Our people are to be encouraged to give of their means to this work which is preparing students in a sensible and creditable way to go forth into neglected fields to proclaim the soon coming of Christ. 11MR 191.3

The Lord directed Brethren Sutherland and Magan, as men of sound principles, to establish a work in the South. They have devised and planned and sacrificed in order to carry forward the work there on right lines, but the work has been greatly delayed. The Lord guided in the selection of the farm at Madison, and He desires that it be managed on right lines, that others, learning from the workers there, might take up a similar work, and conduct it in like manner. Brethren Sutherland and Magan are chosen of God and faithful, and the Lord of heaven says of them, I have a special work for these men to do at Madison, a work of educating and training young men and women for mission fields. The Spirit of the Lord will be with His workers if they will walk humbly with Him. He has not bound about and restricted the labors of these self-denying, self-sacrificing men.... 11MR 192.1

The school at Madison not only educates in a knowledge of the Scriptures, but it gives a practical training that fits the student to go forth as a self-supporting missionary to the field to which he is called. In his student days he is taught how to build simply and substantially, how to cultivate the land, and to care for the stock. To this is added the knowledge of how to treat the sick and care for the injured. This training for medical-missionary work is one of the grandest objects for which any school can be established. There are many suffering from disease and injury, who, when relieved of pain, will be prepared to listen to the truth. Our Saviour was a mighty Healer. In His name there may be many miracles wrought in the South and in other fields through the instrumentality of the trained medical missionary. Therefore it is essential that there shall be a sanitarium connected with the Madison school. The educational work at the school and the sanitarium can go forward hand in hand. The instruction given at the school will benefit the patients, and the instruction given to the sanitarium patients will be a blessing to the school. 11MR 192.2

The class of education given at the Madison School is such as will be accounted a treasure of great value by those who take up missionary work in foreign fields. My brethren, let no hindrance be placed in the way of men and women who are seeking to gain such an education as those at the Madison School are receiving. If many more in other schools were receiving a similar training, we as a people would become a spectacle to the world, to angels, and to men. The message would quickly be carried to every country, and souls now in darkness would be brought to the light.... 11MR 193.1

Those who have received an all-round education will have a great advantage wherever they are. The Lord reveals divine wisdom in thus leading His people to the training of all their faculties and capabilities for the work of disseminating truth.—Letter 32, 1908, pp. 4-10. (To Brethren in Positions of Responsibility, January 6, 1908.) 11MR 193.2

The Meaning of an All-sided Education—The grace of God takes men as they are and works as an educator, using every principle on which an all-sided education depends. The steady influence of the grace of God trains the soul after Christ's methods, and every fierce passion, every defective trait of character is worked upon by the molding influence of the Spirit of Christ, until new motive power becomes filled with the Holy Spirit of God, after the likeness of the divine similitude. 11MR 193.3

Never forget that thoughts work out actions. Repeated actions form habits, and habits form character.... The Bible is to be the rule of life. It is marvelous in the eyes of the universe of heaven that men who teach the Word do not always practice the truth. Few realize what it means to be complete in Christ Jesus, the revealed will of God. His Word is not dishonored by being brought into practical life to form habits which will develop character.—Letter 85, 1896, p. 4. (To O. A. Olsen, March 16, 1896.) 11MR 194.1

Physical Exercise Needed—It is essential that every minister of the gospel should take physical exercise, and that every teacher and every student in our schools should cultivate their physical strength and live in such a way that disease shall not fasten upon them, so that the impression will go out that education is incompatible with good health.—Manuscript 60, 1894, 6. (“Beneficent Action a Proof of Sincere Love,” cir. 1894.) 11MR 194.2

Cooperation Between Schools and Sanitariums—The question has been asked if it would be well to establish our college [Pacific Union College] so near to the St. Helena Sanitarium. Recently I have written much regarding the advantages of our schools being established close to our health institutions, that the older students may have the benefits of the united instruction in the work of ministry and the care of the sick. Our schools should be near our sanitariums, but not so close as to interfere with their work. If the instruction that has been given regarding this matter is followed, the students will reap great advantages.... 11MR 194.3

Then, too, for their own welfare the students should have wise instruction regarding the principles of healthful living. This should be considered an important part of their education, even though they never expect to go out as missionaries. In the primary school the children should be taught to form habits that will keep them in health. All should have an intelligent knowledge of how to preserve health, for thus much suffering may be avoided. These are some of the reasons why our schools should be located in easy access of our sanitariums. Students are to be taught how to keep in health, and free from the ills that are prevalent, but which, by the exercise of care and wisdom, may be avoided. 11MR 195.1

Some of the meetings held in the sanitariums for the instruction of the patients, may be made occasions of valuable instruction to the students. Many benefits will accrue by our sanitariums and schools being closely related. Both should blend, each helping the other as far as it is possible. 11MR 195.2

I have written in regard to the Madison School, that this should be the plan of the work there, the educational work to blend with the medical. The interest of each institution in the other will prove a great blessing to each, a blessing which it is not possible to define clearly.... 11MR 195.3

Let parents understand that the training of their children is an important work in the saving of souls. In country places abundant useful exercise will be found in doing those things that need to be done, and which will give physical health by developing nerve and muscle. Out of the cities is my message for the education of our children.—Manuscript 85, 1908, 1-3. (“Cooperation Between Schools and Sanitariums,” June 30, 1908.) 11MR 195.4

Establishment of Avondale College—We have located our school in Cooranbong that we may educate and discipline and train the youth to seek the Lord. There must be a work done to discipline the youth for a higher sphere of service.... 11MR 196.1

Benefits of Exercise—Thousands are sick and dying around us who might get well and live if they would, but their imagination holds them. They fear that they will be made worse if they labor, when this is just the change they need to make them well. Without this, they can never improve. They should exercise the power of the will, rise above their aches and debility, engage in useful employment, and forget that they have aching backs, sides, lungs, and heads. Neglecting to exercise the entire body, or a portion of it, will bring on morbid conditions. Inaction of any of the organs of the body will be followed by a decrease in the size and strength of the muscles, and will cause the blood to flow sluggishly through the blood vessels. Many think they are unable to perform their own domestic duties and so depend upon others. Sometimes it is exceedingly inconvenient for them to obtain the help they need. They frequently expend double the strength required to perform the task in planning and searching for someone to do the work for them. If they would only bring their mind to do these little acts and family duties themselves, they would be blessed and strengthened in it.... 11MR 196.2

One of the first laws the Creator has established in our being is that of action. Every organ has its appointed work, upon the performance of which its development and strength depend. The normal action of all the organs gives strength and vigor, while the tendency of disuse is toward decay and death.... 11MR 196.3

By the cheerful performance of domestic and other duties, idle daughters of wealth might become useful and happy members of society. For many, such labor is a more effective and profitable “movement cure” than the best invention of the physicians. 11MR 197.1

Parents should early awaken in their children an interest in the study of physiology, and should teach them what are and what are not correct physical habits. This knowledge is invaluable to the young. They need to understand their own bodies. An education in the things that concern life and health is more important to them than a knowledge of the sciences usually taught in the schools, and should be as early obtained. But there are few of them who have any definite knowledge of the human organism or of the mysteries of life. 11MR 197.2

Very often parents themselves are ignorant of the living machinery, with the relation and dependence of all its complicated parts. They do not understand the influence of the body upon the mind, or the mind upon the body, and they do not see the need of teaching these things to their children. They venture to assume the sacred family relationship, and to undertake to form the character and habits of their children, when they are ignorant in regard to both the physical and the moral education their offspring should receive, and many seem to be scarcely less indifferent in the matter than are the dumb animals.... 11MR 197.3

There is so close a relation between the mind and the body that it is not possible to secure the health of the one without giving special care to the other.—Manuscript 44, 1900, 2, 10-13, 20. (“Jots and Tittles,” copied July 24, 1900.) 11MR 197.4

Sound Constitutions Needed—No one can submerge his identity in another. He must know himself, and give himself a favorable chance to come forth with an unbroken constitution, with a clear mind, with well-balanced nerves, and a good digestion. With these, he will be fitted to do the work he has qualified himself to do. If he disqualifies himself by imprudence, by eating hurriedly, because he has little time to spend, he is unfitting himself for ever doing sound, wholesome work. 11MR 198.1

This matter is worthy of consideration. We should keep the words of Christ ever before us. “Ye are not your own; ye are bought with a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God's” (See 1 Corinthians 6:20). The first and highest and most acceptable missionary work that the student can do is to obey God in all he undertakes, in every action of the wonderful machinery God devised in the formation of man. He is not to treat himself indifferently. He is to know himself and work with an intelligent knowledge of what he can do, and do safely, and what he should avoid in eating and in working. A disordered stomach means a disordered mind.... 11MR 198.2

Give yourself proper time to sleep. They who sleep give nature time to build up and repair the weary waste of the organs. [1 Corinthians 3:9-11, 16, 17 quoted.]—Letter 116, 1898, pp. 1, 2. (“Students to Understand Themselves,” no date.) 11MR 198.3

Knowledge of God Essential—Worldly education cannot make a symmetrical, perfect man. It must be combined with the wisdom that cometh from above. An intelligent knowledge of God and of Jesus Christ, whom He hath sent, is the essential knowledge, for “this is life eternal, that they might know Thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom Thou hast sent” (John 17:3).—Letter 19, 1895, p. 4. (To S. N. Haskell, November 6, 1895.) 11MR 198.4

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Washington, D. C.,

October 6, 1981.