Manuscript Releases, vol. 18 [Nos. 1301-1359]

MR No. 1324—Speaking Appointments At Camby, Michigan; Transaction Involving Property

(Written July 13, 1891, from Petoskey, Michigan, to W. C. White.)

Last Sabbath and Sunday I spent in Camby about thirty miles from here. Brother Huitt has been having meetings for about five weeks, and two members of the Methodist Church have become fully persuaded to keep the Sabbath, and other members of the same church are nearly decided. 18MR 153.1

Brother and Sister Matthews are worthy people who are about my age. They have children who are deeply convicted. 18MR 153.2

I spoke Sabbath afternoon with much freedom. Sunday afternoon the schoolhouse was crowded with intelligent men and women who listened with the deepest interest. I spoke thirty-five minutes Sunday evening to a houseful, and the prejudice that has existed is all gone. 18MR 153.3

Canright's books have been circulated freely, and there has been much talk; falsehood has been flourishing freely. Methodists and Baptists have worked earnestly, warned and threatened their people not to go and hear the Adventists, that it was at the peril of their souls if they should go and hear them. But they came from six to ten miles and manifested great interest. 18MR 153.4

I am glad I went. The trip did me good and I am feeling much better since I returned. Found your letter had been received, on my return, and have been to the same attorney and send you back deed signed, and all that is required. 18MR 153.5

The lawyer refused to take anything except the twenty-five cents he paid for certificate. I will not write all I would like to write. The question you ask in reference to giving Miller possession, I do not now recollect what I had in mind. As nothing has been said to him about possession, I will not now say anything. Let him handle the matter as he chooses. I have no intentions that I know of; I have made no suggestions to Miller since the last agreement which was that I would give him $1300 (?) difference in trade.—Letter 84, 1891. 18MR 153.6

Ellen G. White Estate

Washington, D. C.,

December 17, 1987.

Entire Letter.