Manuscript Releases, vol. 8 [Nos. 526-663]

Enjoying the Scenery and the Weather

This place where Brother Salisbury has located is rural indeed, and far more pleasant and beautiful than I or any one of us had anticipated. Directly we were viewing the scenery. In front of the house, south, and north, the beautiful blue waters of the Lake delight the eye. The air blowing from the lake is cool and invigorating. I think I shall enjoy my visit here very much. I mean to feel that this is the line of my duty. But it is a circumstance so entirely new with me to go to any place to rest and recuperate that I seem to feel almost conscience-stricken and inquire, Am I in the way of the Lord? I expect to hold myself in readiness to obey the voice of God and do the bidding of the Lord.—Letter 95, 1890, p. 1. (To W. C. White, July 17, 1890.) 8MR 125.1