Spalding and Magan Collection


Local Health Foods

Sanitarium, Cal.,

Sept. 27, 1906.

In many places, in different sections of the country, an effort should be made to utilize natural products for healthful foods. A good work along this line may be done at Loma Linda. Our brethren there should make a beginning soon, even if all the arrangements regarding this work can not be definitely decided upon at this time. As our brethren at Loma Linda study how to make the health food work a means of bringing the truth for this time before the minds of unbelievers, the Lord will add his blessing, and will make plain the course they should pursue in the conduct of the business. SpM 391.1

A similar work is to be carried forward in the Southern states. Men and women who embrace the truth in the South will often need to be helped to find employment. Many will find opportunity to engage in evangelistic work; and these should learn, in connection with this work, to teach worldlings how to prepare simple, palatable food. SpM 391.2

Outside the city of Nashville there are advantages that should be utilized in providing wholesome food for the people. SpM 391.3