Spalding and Magan Collection


Light to Shine Forth

Light will shine upon the workers in Nashville. From this center of light will shine forth in the ministry of the Word, in the publication of books large and small. We have as yet merely touched the Southern Field with the tips of our fingers. “The earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea.” The same Voice that at the beginning said, “Let there be light,” in these last days declares that a knowledge of God's Word shall not be confined merely to a few places. SpM 290.2

The laborers who have the missionary spirit will go forth as heralds of the morning. Christ, Heaven's Conqueror, is in the midst of you. From the experiences you are now passing through in the South, all may learn lessons. Truth and righteousness live, and will continue to shine amidst the darkness of this degenerate age. SpM 290.3

My brethren in Nashville, when any attempt is made to divert your minds from the work that the Lord has appointed you to do, let your voices ring out in accents clear and distinct. With unmistakable determination say: “I am doing a great work, and can not come down. Why should this work cease, as it would if I were to leave it and come down to you?” Never, never although surrounded by those who desire to quench the last spark of life that God is keeping alive, should you consent to such proposal. SpM 290.4

Those whom the truth makes free are free indeed. We are not to be under bondage to any man or confederacy of men. We need the guidance of the Holy Spirit. We have followed man's wisdom long enough. And we can avoid the consequences of following this wisdom, if we choose to follow the Lord now, just now. We need a wisdom greater than the wisdom of man to strengthen the things that remain, that are ready to die. SpM 290.5