The Paulson Collection of Ellen G. White Letters



The following is from a letter addressed “Dear Brethren in the Ministry and the Medical Missionary Work,” written April 10, 1905, File B.-317—’05; PC 11.6

The cloud of divine wrath was gathering over Jerusalem. Christ saw the city beleaguered. He saw it lost. In a voice full of tears He exclaimed, “If thou hadst known, even thou, at least in this thy day, the things which belong unto thy peace! but now they are hid from thine eyes.” PC 11.7

I present this feeble representation of a terrible picture, to those who today are going over the same ground, refusing the messages of the grace of God, rejecting the warnings against a course of wickedness. The ground trodden by the Jewish leaders is being trodden today by those who have made light of the warnings from heaven, with looks, with words, with gesticulations. I have heard the ridicule of the warnings sent them and refused by them, I know that the same spirit that existed in the days of Christ exists today. The blessings that the Saviour longs to bestow He is forced to withhold, because of the contempt manifested by the men who give proof in their lives that they reject all warnings, all entreaties, all efforts for their salvation. They know not the day of their visitation. They despise the evidence of God's working, and history is being repeated. PC 11.8