The Paulson Collection of Ellen G. White Letters


Not Amusements, but Consecrated Work

There are some who feel that if there is prosperity here it will be necessary to get up some amusement. Let us not cherish such thoughts as this. Rather let the people see that you have a mind for usefulness and duty, and that to the saving of the soul. The amusements that consume time, just to gratify self, do not pay. PC 172.1

I have felt so thankful regarding the improvements that I see here. God has prospered you, and He will continue to prosper. And we must give ourselves to the education of those who do not appreciate these things. We must keep it before them in the living light. Regarding the securing of means for the development of the work, you must exercise that living faith that takes hold from above. Some here know what a battle we have had in order to secure harmonious action; and we thank the Lord that when the enemy comes in like a flood, then the Spirit of the Lord lifts up for us a standard against the enemy. PC 172.2

Some will think that by having amusements here we will gain more influence. But what we want is to go steadily forward, with our hands firmly holding the divine promises, believing that Christ will lead and guide and bless, and place a heavenly stamp upon our work. Do not feel that there is not enough in all that we have to do in this place for Christ and heaven, and that you must reach out for some amusement outside of your God-given work. Do not do it; for this will not harmonize with Christ's example. Stand solidly for God. Tell the students, Here we have Riverside and other places. If you want to do a good work, take our publications, and carry them to these places. Hold meetings, and let the people see that you have a living connection with heaven. PC 172.3

If you are a child of God, your prayers, and your work to strengthen and build up will have an influence, and God will bestow His blessing upon you. We need not feel that we must provide amusements to gratify the desires of some who come in here hoping to attract attention to themselves. It would be better that such ones should go elsewhere. We are here to give the last message of warning to a perishing world, and every jot of our influence is to be consecrated to God. It is not His will that frivolous, unsanctified amusements shall be instituted here. We have a heaven to win, a hell to shun; let us work solidly in behalf of ourselves and others for eternal life in the kingdom of God. PC 172.4

At Paradise Valley I told the workers that they must do all in their power to honor and glorify God. God makes the impression upon hearts; it is not we who make it. If we work faithfully to glorify God, He makes the impression upon the people. He will lift up and strengthen every soul that seeks Him in sincerity. He will teach us how to lay hold of His promises, so that His grace shall abound in the soul. PC 173.1

It is our privilege to be co-workers with God. Let no one feel that he must secure the highest place in order that he may do the greatest amount of acceptable service. Do not fear that you will lose patronage unless you enter into some of the world's fashions and amusements. Your eyes must be fixed on the pattern Christ Jesus. Imitate Him, in works, in conversation, in your deportment before the people. If you will follow in the footsteps of Jesus, you will have an everlasting reward. The way is open for you to work in unison with Christ; and He who gave His precious life for you will help and strengthen you, and guide you step by step, if you desire to be led. PC 173.2

Ellen G. White -