Australasian Union Conference Record

December 1, 1900

The Sydney Sanitarium


Dear Brethren in Australia, AUCR December 1, 1900, par. 1

I address a letter to you this morning. I have an earnest desire that the work in Australia shall move solidly, and that in the erection of a Sanitarium every one who has ability and who is consecrated to God shall reveal the fact by doing all in his power. Time has passed into eternity that should have been improved by our people. If hindrances had not been placed in the way, the Sanitarium would have been erected long ago, and would now be doing its work. Now, though only a portion of the means has come in, we venture to go forward with this work. The plan of the building drawn up by Brother M. G. Kellogg has been accepted, and the time has come for us to arise and build. All who can should now feel it a privilege not only to do something, but to do all that they can for our Sanitarium. Let every believer in Australia act a part in the erection of this building so long delayed for want of means. AUCR December 1, 1900, par. 2

Let no one at this time say, “We will hold our means in reserve that we may do what will need to be done in our own vicinity.” You may not be prepared to erect buildings, be they ever so humble, while we in this locality are prepared to arise and build. Indeed, we must do this. The owners of the present Sanitarium building have kindly extended our time of occupation to accommodate our real necessities; but the building must soon be vacated, and we must have a place in which to carry on the work now in progress. Then let each without delay first make their donations, and then loan their money without requiring interest. Let the mind and purpose of God be seen in the faith and good works, the self-denial and self-sacrifice of God's believing people. AUCR December 1, 1900, par. 3

The present time is presenting opportunities for doing God service. Let nothing stand in your way. Make use of the present to do liberally. God calls upon each to do his best in giving donations; for unless this is done the profits which should be spent in providing facilities and putting the institution into running order, will be consumed in the payment of interest money. Then will not my brethren to whom these words shall come make their donations as large as possible, that there may be no delay? There are some who cannot give sums of money. These can make their donations in time, by working extra hours. And let them work these hours faithfully as in the sight of all the heavenly universe. Others can help the cause by reducing their price of labour; and thus each day small sums will be sent in by the different workmen. Brethren, let us practise self-denial at this special time, which calls for all, old and young, to help. There must be no failure to meet the demand, that the building may advance. Let those who engage in the work remember that they are to render to God their powers each day. Lay your business before God, and have faith to believe that He will create openings. God will accept your willing service. AUCR December 1, 1900, par. 4

My brethren, the Lord has need of your co-operation now. Do not disappoint Him, but be forward in bringing your gifts and offerings. There are many channels through which help may come. Prayer, special prayer is needed, and living faith must be revealed. God will strengthen the workers far beyond their expectations. God, the living God, is the source of our power. He is the source of all our facilities and blessings. He wants you now to set His own goods flowing into His service. AUCR December 1, 1900, par. 5

God wants us to bring our lives into closer relationship to Him, who owns all we possess, and who sustains us by His power. All we have is Christ's. By our reception of the truth we are linked to God in Jesus Christ—linked up with God to meet our opportunities with the very life principles which make this union a possibility, the principles of self-denial and self-sacrifice. Men and women who believe the truth are to awake and face their responsibilities, and show themselves willing and ready to co-operate with God. The money and houses and lands which He has given them in trust, they can trade upon and bring into active service. There is a work to be done in the world in the blessing of humanity by giving them an opportunity to prepare for the future eternal life. Each day bears with it responsibilities. Each day brings its opportunities, and these must be discerned by the workmen and made use of without delay. Personal agencies are required to make men laborers together with God to exalt the power of truth in a world of darkness and ignorance and sin. Then let us put forth consecrated efforts, feeling that we are working under the influence of heavenly agencies. AUCR December 1, 1900, par. 6

As you labor to erect this building, keep before the mind, by pleasant and instructive words, the responsibility laid upon you to use your God-given talents, that you may obtain a full reward when the Master shall reckon with His servants. Let this be an educating school which shall advance every laborer in a knowledge of how to work unselfishly, in a fuller understanding of the blessings of the principles by which the work is done. By faithful, cheerful, self-denying service, increase the talents that have been entrusted to you. Then in all your future life experience you will work with increased knowledge and skill. AUCR December 1, 1900, par. 7

There are lessons to be learned in regard to business tact. When men live close to God they will see the need of working in just the right lines. They will bring the reality of spiritual things into their work and into the church. In every religious and temporal transaction man may make his influence felt in the right direction. A great deal of energy of character is expended in worldly business transactions. This energy of character put to use in God's cause, advances the worker. Its influence tells for all time to the very best account. Energized by the belief that they are co-operating with unseen agencies, men will put every moment to use; and there will be no waste as far as spiritual results are concerned. AUCR December 1, 1900, par. 8

All heaven approves of active, well-spent energy. All our powers and talents are God's gifts, and they are to be consecrated to Him understandingly. Then men will exert an influence with their God-given tact and skill. God is honored by them. It is these faithful workers, who do all things with an eye single to the glory of God, who will take the leading part in the best and highest interests of Christ's kingdom. The day of final reckoning will reveal that thousands more, by improving their God-given talents, might have increased their knowledge in temporal and religious lines. AUCR December 1, 1900, par. 9

This use of our talents applies to all phases of the work, from the leading workers to those who are under their orders. Those who feel that they have but little influence may increase this gift, by applying to their own daily conduct the rule, “Not slothful in business, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord.” Apply this rule in your work for the Sanitarium. Use every jot of influence you have. Then you will have great satisfaction as you apply the rule to spiritual things. Trade diligently on that which you have, and you will increase your facilities and influence. Having well laid out your entrusted little, your desire and holy determination to increase by imparting will increase. AUCR December 1, 1900, par. 10

Every man and woman may become a worker of sharp discernment, conscious of the possession of sacred gifts. Yet we must be guarded lest we place the good work accomplished to the credit of our own smartness and capability, and lose sight of the words of Christ, “Without me ye can do nothing.” It is the privilege of all to rejoice in God for the influence they possess, and to give God thanks for the increased bestowment of the gift. Let songs of joy ascend because of the accomplishment of the work. And angels of God will be present to administer that peace and grace and love and energy that should characterize the work. AUCR December 1, 1900, par. 11

Let the churches awaken, and take a solemn view of the opportunities now presented before them, and exert a decided influence for God. They are to use their facilities for the glory of God. “Sell that ye have, and give alms,” God says. “Lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven.” Has not the time come for those who have houses and lands to sell and give alms? Will they not do this? That land which is benefiting no one, dispose of it, and help to create an institution which will stand as a memorial for God. Sanctified ambition is called for. Let the means now bound up in houses and lands do the work for which God has given it. Let every person who has named the name of Christ avoid the first thread of selfishness in the use of their talents; for God has given these talents for the working of His vineyard. AUCR December 1, 1900, par. 12

Be careful lest you spoil the figure of the web. Avoid every unworthy or even questionable method of trading upon the Lord's goods. There is a platform where all can work unselfishly,—a platform so wide that none need hinder his fellow-worker. Then beware lest you tear down the work which your brother is doing that you may appropriate credit to yourself. God calls for undivided hearts, for generous, noble, elevated principles that will stand the test and proving of God. AUCR December 1, 1900, par. 13

Look at these matters seriously, my brethren, and inquire, am I doing my whole duty in the work of advancing the cause of God? or have I bound up my talents in a napkin, and thus hid the treasure which the Lord would have me put to use in saving souls? Let there be no slothful servants. Let all wake up to do something, and to do it now, and the blessing of the Lord will surely follow. AUCR December 1, 1900, par. 14

There are those among us who have a surplus of means, but they think they need it to sustain themselves. Let matters be arranged that these persons shall have interest on their money as long as they shall live, and let them donate the principal to the cause and work of God. Thus they will return to the Lord that which is His own. Carefulness should be manifested in this respect. Christians should not be negligent to place in the Lord's treasury the means which should carry forward His work while time shall last. His entrusted goods should reach the highest accumulation, for the kingdom of God is to be extended, and the interests of His kingdom increased by a wise disposition of His means to make known the unsearchable riches of Christ. AUCR December 1, 1900, par. 15

Again, there is work to be done by those who have money in banks. These should place their money in the trust of God's servants, and the money should be loaned without interest to carry forward the work of God in the world. The last great message, the gospel of mercy, is to press its way to every nation and kindred and tongue and people. Let the stewards of means wake up, and put into circulation the means that is now doing no good in the cause of God. Advance work must be done in the vineyard of the Lord. Opportunities are constantly arising for opening the work in new fields and carrying forward aggressive warfare in places where there are souls to be saved while probation lasts, in places where men and women will be influenced to come to a knowledge of the truth. Let all who believe the truth for this time work out their own salvation with fear and trembling; “for it is God which worketh in you, to will and to do of His good pleasure.” There is no time to be lost. AUCR December 1, 1900, par. 16

I plead for this object of our interest,—the Sanitarium. Send in your offerings without delay. We do not want a heavy debt on our institution. With a Christlike spirit, in earnest, courteous terms, ask those who have means to give to the cause of God in this emergency. Deny self. Take up your cross, and follow Jesus. Let your work of self-denial bear witness to the influence of the truth in human hearts. You who have donations to make, make them now. Read the eighth and ninth chapters of second Corinthians, and follow the example of the Macedonian church. Loan your money, and make a donation of the interest, and you will receive a blessing. AUCR December 1, 1900, par. 17

May Christ awaken in your hearts a response to this appeal. May the grace of God come into every heart, and prepare you to do the work that needs to be done. AUCR December 1, 1900, par. 18

Mrs. E. G. White

Summer Hill, N. S. W.

August 29, 1900.